Trusting You (Second Chances #2)(49)

I shook my head. “Thank goodness for that. I’d be keeping Victoria’s Secret in business if you kept it up.”

Lifting me up under my legs, he carried me into the bathroom, which smelled like roses and lavender. I took a deep breath in and sighed. The moment I saw the bathtub my mouth dropped open in awe. It was huge! It looked like four average sized adults could fit in it. What made it even better was that Brett had lit a dozen or so candles around the tub, making the room give off a sensual and romantic glow.

“Thank you for this,” I whispered. “It’s beautiful.”

Brett kissed me, holding me tight in his arms, before kneeling over the tub and setting me into the bubbly, hot water. Closing my eyes, I moaned as the water engulfed my body and instantly relaxed my muscles. When Brett made no headway to get in, I asked, “Why are you not getting in with me? There’s more than enough room.”

“All in good time, baby. But first I want you to feel completely relaxed.” He came up behind me and tilted my chin back so I’d have to look up at him. “Are you ready?”

“Ready for what?” I breathed.

Kneeling down by the tub, his warm hands closed over my shoulders and he worked his fingers into my skin, massaging, kneading the knots that had built up over the past few days. Brett’s fingers along with the jets in the tub were heaven to my tensed up muscles.

I moaned and my head fell back against the side of the tub, completely liquid under Brett’s touch. Slowly, his hands left my shoulders and down to my breasts, cupping them gently. He tugged on my nipples and rolled them around with his fingers, making me moan and arch into his touch.

“Do you like that?” he whispered gruffly in my ear, trailing his tongue along my neck.

“Mm-hmm …” I mumbled languidly. “Don’t stop.”

With one hand massaging my breast, he slid the other one down my stomach and into the water. I gasped when he thrust one large finger inside me, teasing me … feeling me. “Please get in here with me,” I begged.

He chuckled by my ear and released his finger from my sex. Climbing into the hot water with me, he pulled me onto his lap but didn’t yet enter me. Wrapping his arms around my back, he brought me closer and surrounded one of my nipples with his mouth, licking it with his tongue. My sex twitched as his hardness pressed against my opening, pulsating as I moved my hips along his cock. I delved my hand down into the water, feeling his erection jump at my touch, and took him in my hands firmly. My hands glided up and down his length as he groaned and sucked harder on my breasts.

Only when my pace picked up did Brett growl and remove my hand from around him. “Not like this, firecracker. I want your first orgasm to be with me inside you tonight.”

“My first?” I asked incredulously.

Smirking, he lifted his head from my breasts and licked my lips before sliding his tongue inside. “Yes, baby, your first. The first of many tonight.”

Lifting my hips with his strong hands, he glided me gently over his straining arousal. Inch by glorious inch I slowly slid down him, my sex clenching with each second, until I had him fully inside me. Brett hissed as I slowly rocked my hips along his length. Water sloshed along the sides of the tub and out onto the floor, but we didn’t care. All that mattered was us being with each other … making love.

“I’m so close, Brett,” I muttered, picking up my pace.

Crushing me to him, his grip on my hips tightened as he thrust upwards and back as hard as he could. He growled low as he took my lips in a searing kiss and held me captive, his teeth biting into my lip. My orgasm was coming quick and I could feel his cock hardening and pulsating inside me, letting me know he was close as well.

My insides quivered and clenched as my body exploded along with Brett’s as he released his warm seed inside of me. Breathing hard and satiated, I sagged in Brett’s arms and held him tight while a wave of tears burned behind my eyes. Everything was so right in his arms, but until things got settled with Daniel there was no way I would ever be able to relax.

I needed Daniel out of my life for good.


The next morning we met Mason down at the café and ate breakfast before heading to Sonoma Valley where Claire lived. I was taking a gamble going out there to see her, because if she was supportive of Daniel he would for sure find out about my lying to him, and hence, I would see his wrath. However, the feeling in my gut was telling me I had to see her. I had to trust my instincts even if it caused a shit ton of problems when I got back home.

When we arrived at the main estate where I assumed Claire still lived, I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Mason and Brett stayed in the car while I tried to listen for movement inside. Nothing … it was quiet. I looked back at the guys and shrugged. I waited a few more minutes, and when it was clearly apparent that she wasn’t there I marched right back to the black Honda Ridgeline which served as our rental car.

Sighing, I climbed up into the truck and buckled my seat belt. “She’s not there. I guess she’s still in London.”

Mason spoke up from the back seat. “What are we going to do if she doesn’t come back while we’re here? Do you think she’s ignoring your phone calls?”

“No, she wouldn’t do that. We were really close when Daniel and I were married. I’d talked to her a few times after the divorce, but she was busy trying to finish up college and I had started teaching. Time just wasn’t on our side.”

L. P. Dover & Meliss's Books