Trusting You (Second Chances #2)(24)

Before reaching the table, my phone vibrated in my purse. Daniel was tapping his leg under the table so I knew it was going to be him. I pulled out my phone and read the text.

Daniel: We need to talk. DON’T tell him who I am.

Gritting my teeth, I glared at him and reluctantly nodded. What am I doing? I should’ve just told Brett to begin with, but now I was curious to know why Daniel wanted me to keep quiet. However, if I didn’t tell Brett soon he was going to be very upset with me. Oh, the mess I always get myself in to.

“Mr. O’Briene, it is good to see you,” Brett greeted, extending his hand.

Daniel stood and accepted Brett’s outstretched hand while staring at me just a little too long. To Brett, he said, “Good evening, Mr. Walker, I’m so glad you two could join us, and please call me Daniel.” He turned and reluctantly looked down at his date after sheepishly looking my way. He cleared his throat before saying, “And this is my date for the evening, Ashley Wells.” She smiled at us both and took my hand in greeting.

Daniel continued, “I thought it would be a little more enjoyable here instead of sitting in a stuffy office discussing business matters.”

Chuckling, Brett agreed, “Yeah, I see enough of mine as it is.” Gazing over at me, Brett put his arm around my waist and glanced over at Daniel to make our introductions. “And this here with me is my date, Melissa Ashford.”

Daniel’s smile faded slightly when he held out his hand to shake mine. Inwardly, I groaned and held out my hand, clasping it with his. His touch was warm and just a little too personal with his thumb grazing over my skin. “It’s very nice to meet you, Melissa,” he acknowledged a little too affectionately.

“Likewise,” I replied blandly, trying to loosen my hand. He let me go, but not before Brett noticed the somewhat uncomfortable exchange.

After the awkward introductions, we all sat down and ordered a few drinks. Daniel’s date kept talking to me, but what she was saying went in one ear and out the other. I tried to imagine that I wasn’t sitting across from the scum of the earth, but every time he looked at me I could feel his gaze searing through my skin. How dare he say he wanted me back and then go out with other women?

I hadn’t seen him in a while but his hair was still bleach blond from being out in the sun all the time and his brown eyes were still dark and brooding. They used to be sexy and sweet when I knew him in college, but it was amazing how greed and money could affect one’s life.

Downing a couple of glasses of my favorite wine, I tried to zone out as best I could. I was shocked that Daniel didn’t want to come out and say he knew me, or better yet say that I was his, but I could tell he had something else in mind. Only when he mentioned building on his family’s land out in California did I perk up and pay attention.

“Excuse me? What did you say?” I asked, furrowing my brow. “Where did you say you wanted to build?”

Brett and Daniel both laughed, but Daniel’s chuckle was a little hesitant. Narrowing his eyes in warning, he said, “My project will be on my family’s estate out by their vineyards. I have plans to build out there.”

How the hell did he get that land?

It was all supposed to go to his sister when his parents died, which meant that if he had the land now then something must’ve happened to his mother. Oh, no! Tears built behind my eyes, but I knew I couldn’t let them fall. Please don’t let his mother be dead.

As far as his family went, I really liked his sister and his mother. They were actually really nice women, and his mother had spent more time with me while Daniel and I had been together than my own mother. I loved her. How could I not have known if she passed away? Surely, someone would’ve told me.

Swallowing hard, I asked, “So do you still have family that live out there?”

He looked away for a second and then back to me. He knew what I was asking. “Only my sister lives out there now.” He hesitated for a moment and said, “My mother just passed away a couple of weeks ago.”

Brett stiffened beside me at the mention of the death of Daniel’s mother. I could only imagine the thoughts of his own mother passing away coursing through his mind. His lip tilted into a frown and he sighed. “I’m really sorry for your loss. I lost mine as well many years ago,” he explained. The same haunted expression I’d seen in his pictures passed across his face, but he recovered quickly. I squeezed his hand under the table to let him know I was there for him, even though he had no clue I already knew about his mother.

Daniel nodded at Brett. When he glanced at me, I murmured wholeheartedly, “I’m so sorry about your mother.”

She was a wonderful woman and I knew without a doubt that she wouldn’t leave her precious land to the likes of her son. His sister was supposed to inherit the land when their mother passed. She had some really good ideas for when she was going to take over the business side of the vineyards.

I knew the vineyards and his family’s land like the back of my hand. Daniel and I spent a lot of time out there, and while he was busy doing the things he liked to do, I was busy traipsing out in the vineyards and exploring the wide open fields in wonder.

What was he up to now? I wondered.

I tried my best to hold back the sarcasm and accusation when I asked, “So how did you come to acquiring the land. Did your sister inherit some as well?”

L. P. Dover & Meliss's Books