Thief of Shadows (Maiden Lane #4)(74)

“Is that your mother?” One of the boys who looked about Christopher’s age leaned over and whispered the question hoarsely.

Christopher darted a cautious look at Isabel. “No.”

“D’you got a mother?” the boy asked.

“Yes,” Christopher asked. “Don’t you?”

“Nope,” the boy said. “Don’t none of us do. That’s why we live here in the home.”

“Oh.” Christopher thought about that for a moment, then picked up the bun and took a bite. “I don’t have a father.”

The boy nodded sagely. “Neither do I. D’you want to see a mouse?”

Christopher looked interested. “Yes, please.”

“Henry Putman,” Winter said without looking up.

“Yes, sir?” The boy who’d been talking to Christopher looked over innocently.

“I do trust that the mouse is outside the home?”

Henry Putman wrinkled his brow.

Winter sighed. “Perhaps after tea you and Christopher can take it outside.”

“Yes, sir.” Henry Putman nodded vigorously and gulped his tea. “Joseph Chance can help us, too. He’s the one who saved it from Soot.”

A third little boy nodded vigorously over his bun.

Five minutes later, Isabel watched as Christopher trotted off with his newfound friends. The rest of the children trooped out as well. Apparently this was the designated hour for outside exercise. “You’re so good with them.”

“It’s not that hard,” he said. “One only has to treat them with respect and listen.”

“Easy for you, perhaps,” she said. “I always seem to be worrying about what I’ve said to him—or what I haven’t said.”

He nodded. “I suspect that all mothers worry about how they raise their children.”

She frowned. “I’m not his mother.”

“Of course not,” he murmured. “Yet you brought him here today. The last I saw you with Christopher, you were ordering him from the room. What changed?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “Perhaps some of your saintliness rubbed off on me.”

He looked at her, one brow raised.

She sighed. “Or perhaps I got tired of hurting both of us by pushing him away.”

He smiled, sudden and warm, and she wondered for a moment if he would ever laugh in front of her. “In any case, I’m very glad you brought him.”

She shrugged uncomfortably, glancing about the classroom. Besides the long table and benches, there really wasn’t anything else in the room. The marble floor was bare, and a lone bookshelf held a stack of slates and one book—from its size probably the Bible.

She looked back at him. “This room is very spartan. Surely there are funds now to decorate the home.”

Winter raised his eyebrows as if surprised at the comment. “In what way would you change things?”

“It’s hardly up to me…” She trailed off and shook her head. “A carpet, for one. The floor will be very cold in winter. A few framed prints or even paintings for the children to look at. Curtains on the windows…” She trailed off again because he was smiling at her. “Why do you look at me like that?”

“I only admire the way you know how to make a building a home.”

She snorted. “It’s not that hard.”

They were alone in the classroom now and he pulled her suddenly toward him, kissing her hard and fast. He raised his head again while she was still gasping. “Will you make my home a home, Isabel?”

She nodded, uncharacteristically mute, for he looked so satisfied. With dread she wondered if his words meant something more.

ISABEL DIDN’T KNOW whether to expect him that night. Winter had made no sign—aside from that single searing kiss in the children’s classroom—that he wanted to see her again.

Wanted to bed her again.

But she found herself in her library late that night after everyone else in the household had gone to sleep. She wandered around the shelves, trailing her fingers over leather and fabric spines, picking up a book now and again, only to set it down a moment later. Bah! She was as pathetic as any debutante yearning for a glimpse of a potential beau’s carriage behind her mother’s sitting room curtains.

When at last she heard the whispered slide of her library door opening, she couldn’t even feign nonchalance. She whirled to see him and then her heart thrilled.

He was wearing the Ghost’s disguise.

“Do you want to hang?” she scolded as she crossed to him. “Is it some impulse to martyr yourself for the inhabitants of St. Giles? Is it not enough that you give yourself night and day for them—now you must give your very life?”

“I have no wish for martyrdom,” he said mildly as he watched her fling his hat and leather mask to the floor and untie his cloak.

“You have a very odd way of showing it.” She scowled at the buttons on his tunic—it was that or weep. “If they catch you, they’ll hang you as soon as possible, and there won’t be a last-minute rescue as there was for Mickey O’Connor. There isn’t anyone to rescue you.”

“Isabel.” He caught her trembling hands, holding them firm even when she tried to pull away. “Hush. No one is going to capture me.”

Elizabeth Hoyt's Books