The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles #1)(55)

She looked mystified. “I...I don’t know what you mean. Perhaps the candlelight was playing tricks on your eyes.”

Awkward silence. Either she was lying to me, or I was going crazy, or...I didn’t know what. I realized I hadn’t told her about my vision of Amos and Set, but I felt that I’d already pushed her as far as I could for one night.

“Okay,” I said. “Good night.”

I made my way back to the dorm, but I didn’t get to sleep again for a long time.

Fast-forward to Luxor. Maybe now you understand why I didn’t want to leave Zia behind, and why I didn’t believe Zia would actually hurt us.

On the other hand, I knew she wasn’t lying about Desjardins. That guy wouldn’t think twice about turning us into escargots. And the fact that Set had spoken French in my dream—“Bon soir, Amos.” Was that just a coincidence...or was something a lot worse going on?

Anyway, when Sadie tugged on my arm, I followed.

We ran out of the temple and headed for the obelisk. But naturally, it wasn’t that simple. We’re the Kane family. Nothing is ever that simple.

Just as we reached the obelisk, I heard the slish-ing sound of a magic portal. About a hundred yards down the path, a bald magician in white robes stepped out of a whirling sand vortex.

“Hurry,” I told Sadie. I grabbed the staff-rod from my bag and threw it to her. “Since I cut yours in half. I’ll stick with the sword.”

“But I don’t know what I’m doing!” she protested, searching the obelisk’s base as if she hoped to find a secret switch.

The magician regained his balance and spit the sand out of his mouth. Then he spotted us. “Stop!”

“Yeah,” I muttered. “That’s gonna happen.”

“Paris.” Sadie turned to me. “You said the other obelisk is in Paris, right?”

“Right. Um, not to rush you, but...”

The magician raised his staff and started chanting.

I fumbled for the hilt of my sword. My legs felt like they were turning to butter. I wondered if I could pull off that hawk warrior thing again. That had been cool, but it had also been just a duel. And the test at the chasm bridge, when I’d deflected those daggers—that hadn’t seemed like me. Every time I’d drawn this sword so far, I’d had help: Zia had been there, or Bast. I’d never felt completely alone. This time, it was just me. I was crazy to think I could hold off a full-fledged magician. I was no warrior. Everything I knew about swords came from reading books—the history of Alexander the Great, The Three Musketeers—as if that could help! With Sadie occupied at the obelisk, I was on my own.

No you’re not, said a voice inside me.

Great, I thought. I’m on my own and going crazy.

At the far end of the avenue, the magician called out: “Serve the House of Life!”

But I got the feeling he wasn’t talking to me.

The air between us began to shimmer. Waves of heat flowed from the double lines of sphinxes, making them look as if they were moving. Then I realized they were moving. Each one cracked down the middle, and ghostly apparitions appeared from the stone like locusts breaking out of their shells. Not all of them were in good shape. The spirit creatures from broken statues had missing heads or feet. Some limped along on only three legs. But at least a dozen attack sphinxes were in perfect condition, and they all came toward us—each one the size of a Doberman, made of milky white smoke and hot vapor. So much for the sphinxes being on our side.

“Soon!” I warned Sadie.

“Paris!” she called, and raised her staff and wand. “I want to go there now. Two tickets. First-class would be nice!”

The sphinxes advanced. The nearest one launched itself toward me, and with sheer luck I managed to slice it in half. The monster evaporated into smoke, but it let out a blast of heat so intense I thought my face was going to melt right off.

Two more sphinx ghosts loped toward me. A dozen more were only a few steps behind. I could feel my pulse pounding in my neck.

Suddenly the ground shook. The sky darkened, and Sadie yelled, “Yes!”

The obelisk glowed with purple light, humming with power. Sadie touched the stone and yelped. She was sucked inside and disappeared.

“Sadie!” I yelled.

In my moment of distraction, two of the sphinxes slammed into me, knocking me to the ground. My sword skittered away. My rib cage went crack! and my chest erupted in pain. The heat coming off the creatures was unbearable—it was like being crushed under a hot oven.

I stretched out my fingers toward the obelisk. Just a few inches too far. I could hear the other sphinxes coming, the magician chanting, “Hold him! Hold him!”

With my last bit of strength, I lurched toward the obelisk, every nerve in my body screaming with pain. My fingertips touched the base, and the world went black.

Suddenly I was lying on cold, wet stone. I was in the middle of a huge public plaza. Rain was pouring down, and the chilly air told me I was no longer in Egypt. Sadie was somewhere close by, yelling in alarm.

The bad news: I’d brought the two sphinxes with me. One jumped off me and bounded after Sadie. The other was still on my chest, glaring down at me, its back steaming in the rain, its smoky white eyes inches from my face.

I tried to remember the Egyptian word for fire. Maybe if I could set the monster ablaze...but my mind was too full of panic. I heard an explosion off to my right, in the direction Sadie had run. I hoped she’d gotten away, but I couldn’t be sure.

Rick Riordan's Books