The Pairing (The Proposition #3)(86)
Breathless, she pulled away to gaze up at him. “Does this mean you like the lingerie?”
“Oh hell yes, I do. I think we’re going to have to go back and get you some more.”
She laughed. “More shopping? You won’t hear me say no to that.”
Bending over, Pesh brought his arm under her knees and then lifted her up. She felt so light in his arms as he walked her over to the bed and gently deposited her on the mattress. As he loomed over her, her heartbeat sped up in anticipation the sensual delicacies she was about to experience.
Tugging on the straps of the bodice, he bared her br**sts. His mouth hovered over her nipple, breathing warm air onto the cool tip. It puckered under his attention before his tongue darted out and flicked it. “Mmm,” she murmured, her fingers tightening in his hair. Making slow circles around her nipple, Pesh continued his teasing assault. Arching her back, she gripped the strands of his hair tighter, willing him to take her nipple in his whole mouth. Finally, he obliged her, sucking the hardened peak into his mouth. While he gave oral attention to one breast, his hand palmed and stroked the other. As the heat and moisture built in her core, Megan began sawing her legs back and forth. The friction eased her a little, but she wanted Pesh’s fingers, tongue, and dick there more than anything.
Over the fabric of her bodice, he kissed down her stomach. Just as he reached the juncture between her legs, he bypassed it and began kissing and licking the exposed skin on her upper thighs. She groaned in protest.
He gazed up at her with a teasing smile. “Did you want me to kiss you somewhere else?”
Raising her hips, she replied, “You know where I want you—where I want all of you.”
“Patience, my love.”
“Oh really?” she muttered. With one quick movement, she was out from underneath him in a flash. Surprise filled his face as she flipped him over onto his back and straddled him once again. Raking her fingernails down his chest, she stopped just at the waistband of his boxers. As his breath hitched, her hands went to his thighs, scraping a trail up the exposed skin to his dick. His h*ps bucked up, causing her to smile. “Oh, did you want me to touch you somewhere else?”
With a growl, he gripped her by the ass and forced her onto her knees. He slid down the mattress to where her core was right at his mouth. His tongue flicked out, sliding along the thin scrap of her panties. She gasped as he flattened his tongue and rubbed it over her clit. Even through the fabric, it lit her on fire. As he added more pressure, she began to rock her h*ps against his face. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the feel of tongue. When he pulled away, she whimpered. His lips came to kiss along her thighs again.
Just as Pesh’s teeth dug into one of the bows on her stockings, Megan’s ringtone for Mason blared out over her frustrated breaths. Pesh protested the interruption with a grunt, but immediately let the stocking fall from his mouth.
“I’m sorry. It’s his bedtime call. I have to take it,” Megan said, as she sat up in the bed.
“It’s all right, my love. I’m the one with patience, not you,” he replied, with a smile.
She rolled her eyes at him as she grabbed the phone off the nightstand and answered it. “Hey baby,” she said, trying to catch her breath.
“Hi Mommy. Miss you.”
Her heart warmed hearing his tiny voice while an ache filled her chest. “Oh, I miss you too, sweet boy. Are you being good for Grammy?”
“Uh-huh. Pway with Noah today.”
“Did you? Did you have fun?”
“Uh-huh. But Caowine cwies.”
Megan laughed at his summation of the latest Fitzgerald family member. “I bet she does. She’s a little baby, and they do like to cry. You cried a lot when you were that age.”
“Where Daddy?”
Glancing at Pesh, Megan smiled. “He’s right here. You want to talk to him?”
Megan handed the phone to Pesh. His face lit up as he said, “Hey buddy, how are you?”
As Mason rattled along to Pesh, Megan couldn’t help thinking of how happy Mason had been on her wedding day. He had played his part as ring bearer wonderfully. Everyone commented on how handsome he was in small tux and how much he looked like her. He was so excited to have a daddy and to be part of a real family. He didn’t even seem to mind that they were moving away from his grandparents into Pesh’s house. Of course, Pesh had sweetened the moving angst by having a black Lab puppy, just like Beau, waiting for Mason in his new room. He had squealed so loud that Megan thought her ear drums were going to burst.
“Oh, so Beau Two pee-peed on Grammy’s rug, huh?” Pesh asked, throwing Megan an “oh shit” look. While they were away, Angie was in charge of both Mason and the puppy, who Mason had aptly named Beau Two after his first love, Beau. Megan could imagine her mother was fit to be tied with her rugs being christened by puppy piss.
“Okay, you better go to bed now. Mommy and I miss you very, very much. We’re bringing you lots of presents home.” At Mason’s reply, tears shimmered in Pesh’s eyes. “I love you, too, buddy,” he replied, in a choked voice. “Say goodnight to Mommy,” he replied, thrusting the phone at Megan.
A sheepish expression came over Pesh’s face as he ground the moisture from his eyes with his fists. Megan took the phone. “Night, night, Mommy!” Mason called.