The Leopard Prince (Princes #2)(32)

The man turned, and Harry’s thoughts scattered. For a moment he couldn’t think at all.

The man’s shoulders were broader than Thomas’s, his hair a shade lighter, curling around his ears. His face was broad and handsome, laugh lines framed his sensual lips, and his eyes had heavy lids. It couldn’t be.

The man approached and vaulted the stone wall easily. As he got nearer, his green eyes glowed like phosphorus. Harry felt Lady Georgina come alongside him. He realized absently that he’d forgotten to help her from the gig.

“Harry,” he heard her say, “you never told me you had a brother.”

Chapter Eight

It had always been her downfall: failing to think sufficiently before speaking. This was brought home to George rather emphatically when both men swung to look at her in shock. How was she to know it was some sort of dark secret? She’d never seen eyes as green as Harry’s, and yet here they were, the same green eyes, staring at her from another man’s face. True, the other man was taller, and his features were of a different cast. But who, looking at their eyes, could draw any other conclusion than that they were brothers? She really couldn’t be blamed.

“Harry?” The stranger started forward. “Harry?”

“This is Bennet Granville, my lady.” Harry had recovered quicker than the other man and was now expressionless. “Granville, Lady Georgina Maitland.”

“My lady.” Mr. Granville bowed correctly. “It’s an honor to meet you.”

She curtsied and muttered the proper words by rote.

“And Harry.” For a moment, emotion flashed behind Mr. Granville’s emerald eyes; then he controlled himself. “It’s… been a while.”

George nearly snorted. In another year or so, he’d be as adept as Harry at hiding his thoughts. “How long, exactly?”

“What?” Mr. Granville seemed startled.

“Eighteen years.” Harry turned and glanced at the sheep, obviously avoiding the subject. “Poisoned?”

Mr. Granville blinked, but caught on quickly enough. “I’m afraid so. Would you like to take a look?” He turned and scrambled back over the wall.

Oh, for goodness sake! George rolled her eyes heaven-ward. Apparently both men were going to ignore her faux pas and the fact that they hadn’t seen each other for eighteen years.

“My lady?” Harry was holding out his hand, presumably to help her over the wall.

“Yes, all right. I’m coming.”

He looked at her oddly. When she placed her hand in his, instead of merely grasping it, he pulled her closer and then lifted her to sit on the wall. George suppressed a squeal. His thumbs were just under her breasts, and her nipples were suddenly sensitive. He gave her a warning look.

What was he about? She felt herself flush.

He vaulted the wall and walked to Mr. Granville. George, left to her own devices, swung her legs over and jumped down on the pasture side of the wall. The men were looking at a pile of wilted weeds.

“These aren’t very old.” Harry toed a sodden stem. “Probably placed here during the night. Hemlock again.”

“Again?” Mr. Granville, squatting next to the plants, looked up at him.

“Yes. It’s been going on for weeks now. Weren’t you told?”

“I’ve just arrived from London. I haven’t even been to Granville House yet. Who is doing this?”

“Your father thinks it’s me.”

“You? Why would he—?” Mr. Granville cut himself off, then laughed softly. “He’s finally paying for his sins.”

“Do you think?”

What was going on? George looked from one man to the other, trying to decipher the undercurrents.

Mr. Granville nodded. “I’ll talk to him. See if I can get his mind off you and onto whoever’s really doing this.”

“Will he listen to you?” Harry’s lips twisted cynically.

“Maybe.” The two men exchanged a look. Despite their differing heights and features, their expressions were strikingly similar. They radiated grimness.

“Do try to get your father to listen, Mr. Granville,” George said. “He’s already threatened to arrest Harry.”

Harry scowled at George, but Mr. Granville grinned charmingly. “I shall do my best, my lady, for Harry.”

George realized she had been calling Mr. Pye, quite improperly, by his given name. Oh, pish. She tilted her nose into the air and felt a raindrop hit it.

Mr. Granville bowed again. “It’s a pleasure to have met you, Lady Georgina. I hope that we can meet again under more amenable circumstances.”

Harry moved closer to George’s side, placing a hand at the small of her back. She had the feeling he was scowling at Mr. Granville now.

She smiled all the brighter at her neighbor. “Indeed.”

“It’s good to see you, Harry,” Mr. Granville said.

Harry merely nodded.

The young man hesitated, then turned swiftly and leapt the wall. He mounted and wheeled his horse in a half circle to wave good-bye before cantering away.

“Show-off,” Harry muttered.

George blew out a breath and turned on him. “Is that all you’ve got to say after seeing your brother for the first time in eighteen years?”

He arched his eyebrows at her, silent.

Elizabeth Hoyt's Books