The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5)(124)

‘Who cares?’ Jason asked.

Piper laughed quietly. ‘Who are you?’

He turned, his glasses pale bronze in starlight. ‘Jason Grace. Pleased to meet you.’

He kissed her, and … okay, they had kissed before. But this was different. Piper felt like a toaster. All her coils heated to red-hot. Any more warmth and she’d start smelling like burnt toast.

Jason pulled away enough to look in her eyes. ‘That night at the Wilderness School, our first kiss under the stars …’

‘The memory,’ Piper said. ‘The one that never happened.’

‘Well … now it’s real.’ He made the ward-against-evil symbol, the same one he’d used to dispel his mother’s ghost, and pushed at the sky. ‘From this point on, we’re writing our own story, with a fresh start. And we just had our first kiss.’

‘I’m afraid to tell you this after just one kiss,’ Piper said. ‘But gods of Olympus, I love you.’

‘Love you too, Pipes.’

She didn’t want to ruin the moment, but she couldn’t stop thinking of Leo and how he would never have a fresh start.

Jason must have sensed her feelings.

‘Hey,’ he said. ‘Leo is okay.’

‘How can you believe that? He didn’t get the cure. Nico said he died.’

‘You once woke up a dragon with just your voice,’ Jason reminded her. ‘You believed the dragon should be alive, right?’

‘Yes, but –’

‘We have to believe in Leo. There is no way he would die so easily. He’s a tough guy.’

‘Right.’ Piper tried to steady her heart. ‘So we believe. Leo has to be alive.’

‘You remember the time in Detroit, when he flattened Ma Gasket with a car engine?’

‘Or those dwarfs in Bologna. Leo took them down with a homemade smoke grenade made from toothpaste.’

‘Commander Tool Belt,’ Jason said.

‘Bad Boy Supreme,’ Piper said.

‘Chef Leo the Tofu Taco Expert.’

They laughed and told stories about Leo Valdez, their best friend. They stayed on the roof until dawn broke, and Piper started to believe they could have a fresh start. It might even be possible to tell a new story in which Leo was still out there. Somewhere …




He knew that with absolute certainty. He just didn’t understand why it hurt so much. He felt like every cell in his body had exploded. Now his consciousness was trapped inside a charred crispy husk of demigod roadkill. The nausea was worse than any carsickness he’d ever had. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t see or hear. He could only feel pain.

He started to panic, thinking maybe this was his eternal punishment.

Then somebody put jumper cables on his brain and restarted his life.

He gasped and sat up.

The first thing he felt was the wind in his face, then the searing pain in his right arm. He was still on Festus’s back, still in the air. His eyes started to work again, and he noticed the large hypodermic needle retracting from his forearm. The empty injector buzzed, whirred and retreated into a panel on Festus’s neck.

‘Thanks, buddy.’ Leo groaned. ‘Man, being dead sucked. But that physician’s cure? That stuff is worse.’

Festus clicked and clattered in Morse code.

‘No, man, I’m not serious,’ Leo said. ‘I’m glad to be alive. And, yeah, I love you too. You did awesome.’

A metallic purr ran the length of the dragon’s body.

First things first: Leo scanned the dragon for signs of damage. Festus’s wings were working properly, though his left medius membrane was shot full of holes. His neck plating was partially fused, melted from the explosion, but the dragon didn’t seem to be in danger of crashing immediately.

Leo tried to remember what had happened. He was pretty sure he had defeated Gaia, but he had no idea how his friends were doing back at Camp Half-Blood. Hopefully Jason and Piper had got clear of the blast. Leo had a weird memory of a missile hurtling towards him and screaming like a little girl … what the heck had that been about?

Once he landed, he’d have to check Festus’s underbelly. The most serious damage would probably be in that area, where the dragon had courageously grappled with Gaia while they blowtorched the sludge out of her. There was no telling how long Festus had been aloft. He’d need to set down soon.

Which raised the question: where were they?

Below was a solid white blanket of clouds. The sun shone directly overhead in a brilliant blue sky. So it was about noon … but of which day? How long had Leo been dead?

He opened the access panel in Festus’s neck. The astrolabe was humming away, the crystal pulsing like a neon heart. Leo checked his compass and GPS, and a grin spread across his face.

‘Festus, good news!’ he shouted. ‘Our navigation readings are completely messed up!’

Festus said, Creak?

‘Yeah! Descend! Get us below these clouds and maybe –’

The dragon plummeted so fast that the breath was sucked out of Leo’s lungs.

They broke through the blanket of white and there, below them, was a single green island in a vast blue sea.

Leo whooped so loudly they probably heard him in China. ‘YEAH! WHO DIED? WHO CAME BACK? WHO’S YOUR FREAKIN’ SUPERSIZED McSHIZZLE NOW, BABY? WOOOOOOOO!’

Rick Riordan's Books