That Holiday Feeling (Virgin River #8)(88)

“What the hell…?”

“It’s a woman,” Nate said. He was shaking his head and laughing at himself. “I gotta get back to a woman.”

Jerry clamped a hand on his shoulder. “Okay, let me guess, you got drunk on the plane…”

“Why didn’t you just bring her?” Cindy asked.

“She couldn’t come,” Nate said. “She had all kinds of family stuff going on and she couldn’t miss it. She’s real close to her family—great family, too. So I said I’d stay home, but she said no to that. She said I should have my vacation. She insisted. And I let her.”

“All right, bud, keep your head here. Give her a call, tell her you’re miserable without her and you’ll be home soon. Hell, get a flight out in two or three days if you still feel the same way.”

“I have to go,” Nate said. “I don’t want to be sitting in a bar with you losers if they find a flight for me.” He took another swallow of his drink. He stared at it. “Really, this was a good idea. So was the trip. Anyone game to try this next year? I shouldn’t have any complications next year—that I can think of.”

“Nathaniel, if she’s the right one, she’s not going anyplace,” Jerry attempted.

He grinned. “That’s the best part. She’s not going anyplace. But you have no idea how much Christmas means to Annie. She’s like the Christmas fairy.” He chuckled. “Listen, I don’t expect you to get this, but as much as I was looking forward to spending a few days with you guys, it hit me on the plane—I’m going to feel alone without her. I’m going to be with the best friends I’ve ever had, and I’m not going to have much fun, because she’s not with me.” He shook his head. “I know where I’m supposed to be right now, and I better get there.”

“Nathaniel, this will pass,” Ron said. “How long have you known this woman?”

“Oh, jeez—about three weeks. About three of the best weeks of my life. When you find the right one, you don’t fly away and leave her wondering how you feel. See, Jerry, in case you ever find some brain-damaged female willing to throw her lot in with you, you’ll want to remember this—you better not let her out of your sight and you better not leave her without telling her you love her. Got that?”

Jerry looked confused. “Isn’t that why they invented florists? Don’t you just dial up a big, expensive batch of flowers and—”

“Nathaniel, that is so sweet,” Tina said. “I had no idea you were so sweet. Didn’t we date once? Were you ever that sweet to me?”

With a laugh, Nate put down his drink, grabbed her, hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He gave his old pal Cindy a hug. He punched Jerry in the arm and gave Ron’s hand a quick shake. “I’ll be in touch. Have a good time on the beach. Thanks for the drink. Tell Bob and Tom I’m sorry I missed them. Merry Christmas.” And he turned and strode away.

After closing the shop on the twenty-third, Annie had gotten right out to Nate’s house to take care of the puppies. She’d gone back after dinner at the farm to make sure they were fixed for the night and then she’d stayed a while, enjoying her stab at Christmas decorations. Virginia had been good enough to check on the puppies on the morning of the twenty-fourth, as she had to look after the horses anyway.

Annie had purchased five decorated hat boxes at the craft store, and on Christmas Eve she took one little pup—a female, Vixen—to work with her for Pam. Pam’s mom would keep the puppy safe and warm until Christmas morning. They closed the shop at noon and Annie headed back to Nate’s before going to the farm.

There was a long-standing tradition on Christmas Eve at the farm—Hank covered a hay wagon with fresh hay, hooked up Annie’s horses and took the kids for a hayride while the women finished dinner. The winter sun was setting early, so they would have their hayride before dinner. The snow had begun to fall, so the wagon would have to stick to the farm roads. Seven kids, their dads and grandpa set out, singing and laughing.

And in the kitchen, the traditional prime rib was being prepared. In years past, it was their own beef, but now they had to buy it. From the kitchen window, Annie watched the hay wagon pull away from the house. Telling herself not to be moody, she briefly fantasized about sending Nate out with the kids and her dad and brothers. Well, there were years ahead for that.

Rose came up behind her and slipped her arms around Annie’s waist. “You can go with them if you want to,” she murmured. “There is more than enough help in the kitchen. Too much, if you ask me!”

Annie laughed at her mom. “I’m staying in,” she said. “After dinner I have puppies to deliver on behalf of Santa. We’re down to three boys. I think after Christmas, when things are quieter at work, I’ll advertise. And I’ll call the shelters to see if anyone they consider good potential parents are looking for a puppy.”

Rose used a finger to run Annie’s hair behind her ear. “Are you a little down this year?” she asked quietly.

“I’m fine,” she said, shaking her head.

“It’s okay to miss him, especially over the holidays,” Rose said. “I like Nathaniel. He seems like a good boy.”

Boy, Annie thought, amused. She couldn’t tell her mother that he was all man. More man than she’d experienced in her adult life. And she hoped he pestered her as much when he came home as before he left. “Let’s get everything on the table, Mom. They’ll be back and freezing before we know it.”

Robyn Carr's Books