Take a Chance (Chance #1)(60)
“I need to get back to Rush. You two have fun,” Blaire said, then looked directly at me and smiled before going back to Rush, who was still watching her.
“There’s Tripp. I didn’t know he was in town,” Grant said, staring at a tall guy with short hair and a tattoo visible above his collar. He didn’t look as if he was happy to be here. And he also seemed to be worried about Bethy. He was completely focused on her.
“Let’s talk to Woods and Della, then I can get away with talking to just a few other people before we escape this place and I get you alone,” Grant said, pressing his hand to the small of my back and leading me toward the tall, tanned man who commanded the room with authority. I already knew who Woods was, but even if I hadn’t, I would know he owned the place.
I noticed the woman on his arm. Her blue eyes stood out from a headful of long, dark curls. A soft smile touched her face as she stared up at Woods as if he had all the answers in the world.
Woods’s gaze found Grant and he glanced at me then back to Grant. An amused smile touched his face, and I realized Woods knew something. “Grant, looks like your choice in dates has improved,” Woods said.
“Yeah. It takes some of us longer than others,” Grant replied as his thumb made small circles on my back where his hand rested.
The dark-haired woman let go of Woods and stepped forward to hold out her hand. “Hello, I’m Della. I’ve heard so much about you from Blaire. It’s nice to meet you.”
She was sincere, and I instantly liked her. “It’s nice to meet you, too,” I replied.
“I’m happy to see Grant is making wiser choices,” Della said, grinning.
Apparently Nan was disliked by everyone.
Grant chuckled at her comment and I relaxed. I was worried he was going to take offense at everyone’s bringing it up. “How long do I need to stay at this thing?” Grant asked.
The professional all-business demeanor in Woods’s expression faltered a moment as he let his gaze travel over the room. “Give it at least thirty minutes—maybe an hour. Be sure to watch the video. I think it’ll be the hardest part of the night. It’ll mean a lot to Jace’s parents for you to be here for that. People also need to see your face, since you’re a board member. Then take off. Wish I could,” he said in a low voice.
In that moment he reminded me of Grant and Rush. He didn’t seem so powerful and serious. Della smiled at me. “I wish we could get out of here early, too.”
“If you want to leave early, I’ll find a way,” Woods replied.
Della stared up at him and smiled brightly. “No. We stay. You can’t leave early.”
Woods leaned down to her ear. “I do what you want to do.”
Della pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I want to stay.”
Della just laughed and looked back at me. “I have to keep him in line.”
“Glad someone does,” Grant replied.
Woods’s easy smile turned into a frown as he focused on something behind us. Grant and I turned at the same time. Rush was walking toward us with a look on his face I didn’t understand.
Grant’s hand dropped from my back, and he walked toward Rush before he could get to us. I wasn’t sure if I should follow him or wait here.
“Something’s wrong,” Woods said before stepping by me and walking toward them.
I glanced back at Della, who was watching them, concerned. She wasn’t following Woods so I stayed with her.
Rush shook his head and looked over at me, then nodded his head for me to join them. Confused, I walked over. Rush reached out and grabbed my arm.
“I need you to stay with Blaire and Nate. Grant needs to come with me. Can you do that?”
I tried to nod but I just stood there, confused even more.
“It’s Nan. But I need him for this. And you have to trust him,” Rush said.
Nan? We just saw Nan. She was coming here. “Okay” was all I could say. They didn’t look as if they wanted to answer any questions. Grant looked angry and Rush was tense.
“I can’t leave with you guys, but if it’s what she says, then let me know. I’ll handle it,” Woods said, then turned and headed back to Della.
Rush motioned for Blaire and pulled her into his arms, talking to her in hushed whispers. She nodded and glanced over at me with a worried frown. “If you think that’s necessary” was her only response.
“I can’t ignore it. I have to check,” Rush told Blaire, who didn’t seem too sure that she agreed with him.
She kept her back stiff and nodded. Rush looked torn. What in the world was going on?
“If you want to come, then come with me. Don’t do this to me,” Rush said, closing in on Blaire and pulling her close.
She finally seemed to surrender and nodded. “Okay,” she said. Rush pressed a hard kiss to her mouth that had her melting further into him.
Everyone seemed to know what was going on but me. Woods’s head was lowered as he talked to Della. He was telling her. Rush was telling Blaire, but then there was me. No one was telling me. Grant wasn’t even looking at me. His body seemed coiled tight, and I realized I had trusted in him a little too soon.
Iwas doing this for him. He was my brother. At the top of all things that mattered was the fact that Rush was my brother. But, motherf*cker, the look on Harlow’s face when she heard Nan’s name was going to screw shit up. I could see it, and I had to choose. I’d chosen Rush. He was family.