Sweet Dreams (Colorado Mountain #2)(168)

“But Krys –” Bubba began.

“Krys knows what’s good for her, she’ll scrape somethin’ off too,” Tate returned.

We all knew what that meant, Bubba, Jim-Billy and me. Bubba’s back went up and his face got tight. I looked at Jim-Billy, he felt my gaze and he looked at me, his eyes wide.

It was then Krystal joined our group.

“What’s goin’ on?” she asked, instantly feeling the bad vibe.

Everyone looked her way.

“Tate wants us to buy him out,” Bubba answered and Krystal’s gaze shot to Tate.

“What?” she whispered.

“We’ll get the accountant to look at the books, decide what’s fair,” Tate answered and I watched Krystal’s face pale.

At that, I thought it was time to intervene so I said softly, “Captain –”

Tate spoke over me to Krystal. “Lauren’s givin’ notice. Got work, Jonas and Laurie, don’t need to be on the road half the time, in the bar the other half and havin’ to deal with paperwork. Lauren’s gonna take care of that for me and the half of my life I free from the bar, I spend with my family.”

Krystal’s eyes then shot to me and I saw instantly her guard was down. There was pain in her face, and betrayal.

“Krys –” I whispered.

She tore her gaze from me and looked back at Tate. “We had a good summer but part a’ that is because Laurie’s here. The boys love her. She goes, they ain’t gonna come in and hang with Twyla.”

“Not my problem,” Tate stated.

“Captain –” I tried again.

“I lose Laurie, I lose the drinks she sells, I buy you out, I’ll be hurtin’,” Krystal pointed out.

“Again, not my problem,” Tate reiterated.

“Tate, honey –” I tried yet again.

“I don’t believe this shit,” Bubba muttered and Tate’s gaze sliced to him.

“You don’t?” he asked curtly. “How? Christ almighty, Bubba, I told you once, I told you a thousand times, you don’t pull your shit together, I’m gone. Now I’m done tellin’ you. I’m gone.”

“I know shit’s whacked around here and heard about Neet and Jonas, Tate. I shoulda sorted my shit out and it was a crap thing to do, leavin’ while you all were in the middle a’ that but, bud, that’s done. Krys and I talked and –” Bubba explained.

Tate interrupted him. “Heard this before, don’t believe it anymore.”

“But, Tate, swear to God –”

“Don’t believe it.”

“But –” Bubba pushed it.

“He’s gone,” Krystal whispered and everyone looked at her to see her gaze pinned to Bubba.

“What?” Tate asked and slowly her head turned toward him.

“Bubba, he’s gone,” Krystal said.

“What?” Bubba shouted, coming off his stool but Krystal didn’t tear her eyes from Tate.

“Would you help me buy him out?” Krystal asked and my belly stopped burning but I felt my heart start beating wildly.

“What’re you talkin’ ‘bout, woman?” Bubba demanded to know.

Krystal ignored Bubba. “Whatever you want, Tate, I’ll sort the bar, I’ll make the deal you need, but Bubba’s gone.”

Bubba started rounding Jim-Billy and me to get to Krystal but Tate also ignored him and spoke to Krystal.

“We buy him out, you find another bartender, we make Lauren a manager and she gets a pay hike. She handles the schedule, she handles stock, she handles payroll, personnel and orders. You hate that shit anyway and she’s good at it. Frees your time to be front of bar. She works the floor, only days, shorter shifts, ten to five. Office work before opening, five days a week, every other weekend off,” I stared at Tate in shock because he seemed to have this all thought out and hadn’t mentioned a word to me but Bubba had made it to Krystal and lifted a hand to latch on her arm. Tate’s eyes cut to him and his voice was an angry growl when he warned, “Touch her, Bubba, I won’t f**kin’ like it.”

Bubba glared at Tate then threw up both his hands and shouted, “This is whacked!”

“This is consequences,” Tate shot back. “You live your life not worryin’ about ‘em and everyone else deals with ‘em for you. I’m done with that.” He looked at Krystal and demanded, “Well?”

“Deal,” she replied instantly and turned to Bubba. “Go home, pack your shit, I want you out by tonight.”

“Have you lost your mind?” Bubba was still shouting, now at Krystal.

“Yeah,” she answered. “Ten years ago.”

Bubba scowled at her then sucked in breath, shook his head and his tone was much quieter when he said, “Darlin’ –”

“Gotta hold onto what’s real,” Krystal cut him off. “This bar is real. I lose Tate and Lauren, I won’t be able to hold onto the only thing in my life that’s real.”

“We –” Bubba started.

“There is no we, never was. You fooled me into thinkin’ there was a we then I fooled myself into thinkin’ it. But now I know, there is no we and never was.”

Kristen Ashley's Books