Stranger in My Arms(54)

Why had Hunter come after her himself? Once he wouldn’t have considered her worth the bother. So much of his behavior was puzzling these days… the way he had bargained for her favors instead of simply forcing himself on her… the mix of mockery and endearments that never betrayed his true feelings and now riding to her rescue when there was absolutely no need. As if he were wooing her favor. But why would he court her when he knew for a fact that she would sleep with him in a month’s time?

Lara was so distracted by the unanswered questions that it was almost a surprise to find that they were on the drive leading to Hawksworth Hall.

They stopped before the front entrance, and servants rushed outside with umbrellas. Lara was both sorry and relieved when Hunter released her from his greatcoat and helped her from the horse. A footman held an umbrella overhead and escorted her to the entrance hall. Naomi hurried to divest Lara of the damp pelisse, while Mrs. Gorst dispatched a pair of maids to fill a bath for her. Lara stood shivering in her damp traveling gown, watching as Hunter removed his coat and hat.

He rubbed his dripping face and scrubbed his fingers through his partly wet hair, and slanted her a crooked smile.

Her own feelings confounded her. He was her adversary, but also her protector. He wanted her body, and in the process of pursuing it, he could very possibly break her heart. Heedless of the servants who might have seen them, Lara approached him hesitantly.

“Thank you,” she said. Before he could reply, she stood on her toes, braced her palms on his hard chest, and pressed her lips to his smooth-shaven cheek.

Hunter was very still, his breath catching slightly.

The kiss was chaste by any standards, but when she drew back to look at Hunter, he wore an absorbed, intent look.

Their gazes met, and a wry grin twisted his lips.

“For one of those I’d swim the channel,” he said, and headed in the direction of the library.

Luxuriating in the large copper bath, Lara immersed herself up to her collarbone and closed her eyes in contentment. The heat of the water seemed to penetrate to her bones, while the lavender scent Naomi had sprinkled in the bath caused fragrant steam to rise in the air. A few long wisps of her hair fell from the topknot on her head and dangled in the water.

As she splashed the water over her chest and throat, someone opened the door of the dressing room without knocking.

Lara tensed while Naomi went to intercept the visitor. “Oh, milord,” Lara heard the maid say, “Lady Hawksworth is indisposed-that is-” Hunter entered the dressing room and stopped at the sight of his wife in the bath, only her head and one bare foot visible. Lara’s toes curled tightly over the rim of the copper tub.

“I thought you’d be finished by now,” Hunter said, staring at her without blinking.

“As you can see, I’m in the middle of my bath,” Lara replied, striving to sound dignified. “Naomi, please show Lord Hawksworth out” “That’s all right, Naomi.” Hunter turned to the lady’s maid with a considerate smile. “I’ll attend my wife. Why don’t you go downstairs and have some tea? Rest your feet?. Take the rest of the afternoon off.”

“Wait-” Lara began, frowning, but it was too late.

Giggling, Naomi accepted the invitation and disappeared, leaving the two of them alone together.

The door closed behind her with a swift click of the latch.

Lara directed a reproving stare at her husband.

“Why did you do that?”

He ignored the question. “You have eyes like a mermaid,” he murmured.

“Soft, pale green. Beautiful. “I knew it was only a matter of time before you walked in during my bath,” Lara said, trying to sound calm although her heart was pounding. “Your request to see me in that negligee made it quite evident that you’re a shameless voyeur.”

Hunter grinned. “I’ve been found out, it seems. But you can’t blame me for it.”

“Why not?”

“After more than a year of sexual deprivation, a man has to have some pleasure.”

“You could expend your energy on something more productive,” Lara suggested as he came closer to the bath. “Develop a hobby… collect something … take up chess or pugilism.”

His eyes twinkled at her prim tone. “I do have a hobby, madam.”

“Which is what?”

“Admiring you.”

She shook her head with a reluctant smile. “If you weren’t so annoying, my lord, you would almost be charming.”

“If you weren’t so beautiful, I wouldn’t be annoying.” He gave her an easy masculine grin. “But I plan to annoy you often, madam, and someday you’ll like it.” He took another step toward the tub. “Brace yourself-I’m coming closer.”

Lara went rigid, thinking of covering herself, screaming, splashing him… but she did none of those things. She remained in the tub, stretched before him like a pagan sacrifice. Hunter made no obvious show of staring at her, but she knew that he took in every detail of her body as it shimmered beneath the scented water. “What do you want?” she asked. Her face felt hot, warmed no longer by the steam but by her own inner agitation.

If Hunter reached into the water right now, and pulled her out into his arms and took her to bed…

she wasn’t certain she would fight him. Part of her wanted him. Part of her wanted to be lost in him…

Lisa Kleypas's Books