Spin (Songs of Corruption #1)(59)

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“San Pedro.”

“We going to the beach?” I asked facetiously. San Pedro did indeed have a beach. It was also home to the loading docks and a notorious organized crime stronghold.

“We have an office down there.”

“Of course you do.”

With that, he drove into the traffic of Wilshire Boulevard.

“Where are you from, Paulie? You sound American.”

“Here. Born and raised. Pure-blooded Angelino dego.”

“Have you always been, um, in the life?”

He flung his hand back, as if indicating everything behind him. “Few generations. I’m as in it as Spin.”

“And you guys partnered? I mean, were you here first? Did he just muscle in or what?”

“He told me you were full of questions.”

“Did he tell you how frustrating it is to not ask any?”

He swung south onto LaCienega. “Doesn’t occur to me. I stay inside the lines. Safer that way. No questions because everyone already knows the answers.”

I didn’t say anything all the way down to the 10 freeway. He went east, and the wind drowned us out.

Paulie started talking as if he’d been working on his answer the whole time. “Spin came here with a bloodline, which is important. Gives him credibility, you know? He came right to me and asked for my permission to do some business. Did it exactly right, too.”

“I can’t imagine him asking permission to do anything.”

“Wasn’t like I couldn’t tell right away he could run a crew. And I’ll tell you, it would have been stupid for me not to partner up.”


“Because I like money, that’s why,” he said.

“He knows how to get it, I presume?”

When he didn’t answer, I thought I’d said too much, pushed him past his comfort level. He rubbed his lip as he changed lanes.

“How did your family get their money?” he asked.

“Generations of stealing followed by a few generations of legalized thievery. Now it’s all compounded interest.”

He laughed. “You’re honest.”


“I’m going to be honest with you then.”

“Oh, this is already so much better than that meeting I cancelled.”

“My partner, he likes you.”

I was going to joke about being relieved but decided against it. This seemed very serious to him, so I shut up.

“He introduced you. That doesn’t happen every day. He’s got girls who are in the life. Like family.” He turned to me briefly then looked back at the road. “Do you know what I mean by that?”

“I think so.”

“Okay, so none of them are anything. But you? He’s lost his shit. He’s pissing himself. After today, shit’s gonna change, and I don’t know if you can handle it.”

“Are you sure he’d want you telling me this?”

“I’m not telling you anything you can use. Reason is, and I’m being honest here, I don’t trust you.”

I watched the train stops in the center of the 110. The road was relatively clear. Paulie kept left, and everyone got out of the way.

“I guess I don’t blame you,” I said.

The paper bag-brown sky of San Pedro crept over the horizon. Giant chair-shaped cranes loomed over the portal to the sea.

“Thanks for helping with my sister that night,” I said.

“No problem.”

“You were very level-headed.”

“Thanks. You too.”


aulie pulled into the docking area with a wave. Yellow and black striped barriers went up everywhere, allowing a right, then a left, to an alcove inside a parking lot that housed two trailers and a couple of cars.

“You really know how to schmooze a girl, Paulie.”

He winked at me, and we got out. I followed him to two red shipping containers fifty feet from a sheer concrete drop to the fouled water of the harbor.

“Okay, kid, here’s the deal,” Paulie said. “You’re not going to care for this, but you’re going in there with me. I am not going to hurt you. I’m not going to hurt anyone you care about. I’m telling the truth when I say you need to see something.”

I hadn’t been nervous. I knew Antonio was at the end of this journey, so I’d felt safe. As Paulie spoke, I became unsure and my heart pounded. The container had no windows or doors. Once I went in, I could be easily trapped.

“Let’s go then,” I said.

He grabbed the silver pole and yanked it down with a clack. He swung the door open, and it creaked so loudly I was reminded of a horror movie. When the triangle of light cut the dark tunnel, I had second thoughts.

“I’ll leave the door open a crack,” Paulie said.

“You coming in with me?”

“Right behind you.”

I didn’t feel safe. I didn’t feel threatened, but I didn’t delude myself into thinking Paulie would jump a pack of wolves for me, double kiss or not. I stepped up to the entrance anyway. Maybe curiosity drove me. Maybe a quest for self-destruction. Maybe I wanted to grab a little badass cred and put it in my Prada bag or walk in riskier shoes.

C.D. Reiss's Books