Since I Saw You (Because You Are Mine #4)(72)

She fingered one of the restraints, holding his gaze. He was telling her that for whatever reason, the thought of her in the leather restraints did it for him. “One for each of my ankles and wrists?” she asked.

He shrugged slightly. “We can just use the wrist cuffs until you’re ready for the others—”

“I’m ready now,” she whispered.

His mouth snapped closed. She saw his throat convulse as he swallowed.

She set down the cuffs and reached into the bag again. “You really went to town, didn’t you?” she teased, lifting out another tissue-wrapped package.

“It was sort of one-stop shopping, especially for a visitor like me who wasn’t planning for something like . . .”

She glanced over at him as she unwrapped what felt like a small box.

“. . . you,” Kam finished.

She tore her gaze off his face to look at what rested in the palm of her hand. This, she recognized. A small bullet vibrator. She owned a similar one. The thought of Kam using it on her, of watching what had formerly been a solitary, autoerotic experience, caused both her cheeks and sex to flush with heat. “You really were stocking up on the essentials, weren’t you?” she said to hide her embarrassed excitement.

If her cheeks had warmed when she saw the vibrator, they flamed when she unwrapped a flogger with dozens of supple suede tails and a tightly wrapped leather handle.

“Don’t be nervous,” Kam said, his voice a quiet, arousing rasp near her ear. She hadn’t realized he’d moved. He smoothed her hair behind her ears, his fingertips lowering to brush against her neck. She shivered. “I’m not ever going to hurt you. I’ll awaken your nerves. I’ll make you sting at worst, and the pleasure will trump it, every time. But anytime you tell me to stop, I will. Do you understand?”

She nodded and his lips brushed against her cheeks as if to absorb the heat.

“There’s wine in the kitchen. Ian and Francesca sent some over,” he said. “Why don’t you go and pour yourself a glass while I take Angus out? That way, she won’t bother us all night.”

“Okay,” she said, turning her face toward him. He leaned down and kissed her mouth.

She remained frozen to the spot for several seconds after the door closed with Kam and Angus on the other side of it. Finally she roused herself. In the kitchen, she decided against the wine and instead chose a bottle of water. She chugged down a third of it in seconds. Something about opening those intimate gifts in front of Kam, and then his melting kiss, had left her parched and . . .

. . . thirsty for sensation.

•   •   •

When Kam returned to the condo with Angus in tow, Lin was nowhere to be seen. A ripple of anxiety went through him. Had he scared her off with his purchase? He certainly hadn’t thought so as he closely watched her reaction as she opened the packages, but maybe he’d been kidding himself.

“Lin?” he called.

“I’m back here,” came her clear voice from the direction of the master bedroom suite.

He exhaled in relief. “I’ll be there in a second.”

Anticipation started to build in him as he finally loosened the restraining bow tie. He washed up in the bathroom. When he walked into the bedroom, he froze in the act of unfastening the second button on his shirt. Lin stood by the side of the four-poster bed. She wore not only the lace and silk black gown he’d bought her, but also a thick leather cuff on both wrists and ankles. His cock swelled tight in automatic appreciation.

She’d brushed her lustrous hair so that it fell in loose waves down her back and one shoulder. The gown fit her like it’d been made for her; the lace clinging tightly to her slender rib cage and emphasizing her thrusting breasts. The top curves of her breasts were left exposed, the firm, feminine flesh looking like a delectable, erotic feast. He’d been right. The vision of her lithesome, graceful limbs and pale, smooth skin contrasting with the thick leather cuffs acted like a shock to his system, tensing his muscles, making his blood flow fast and hot, readying him in an instant.

He walked toward her, his gaze unwavering. He whipped off his bow tie and tossed it in the direction of an armchair. She wore that sober, watchful expression that always killed him a little, her large, lustrous eyes drawing him in like magnets.

“You look like something out of a dream,” he said.

A small smile curved her lips. “A good one, I hope.”

“The best.” He stepped forward and reached for one of her hands. He drew it out into an extended position. The skin on her inner arms was especially pale and vulnerable looking next to the thick cuff. He placed his hand beneath her elbow, lifting her arm, and lowered his head. He pressed her lips to the satiny patch of warm skin on the underside of her elbow, moving his head slightly, absorbing the exquisite softness of her skin. She gasped softly when he pressed the tip of his tongue to her fluttering pulse, tasting her.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said, straightening. “I’ve never told you, but I think it every time I look at you.”

Her small smile faded. It suddenly struck him how intense he’d sounded. He gave a small shrug and gently placed her hand back by her side. “I just thought you should know,” he said, removing his tux jacket and hanging it on the corner of the chair.

“Thank you,” she said somberly, watching him. He sat briefly, removing his shoes and socks. The skin of his chest, belly, and arms prickled beneath her stare a moment later when he hastily removed his dress shirt. He started to walk to her, but she met him halfway, her arms encircling his neck. He brought her against him, his hands opening at the small of her silk-covered back. She lifted her face, her lush mouth calling to him. Earlier when they’d talked and made love in front of the mirror, he’d never kissed her. That deprivation cut at him now, swelling his desire. He nipped at her pink lips briefly before he fell on her, kissing her deeply and thoroughly, drowning in her. God, he loved her mouth. She moaned and kissed him back with equal fervor, her supple body molding tight against him, the sensation of her firm breasts and hard, lace-covered nipples pressing against his bare chest, fevering him.

Beth Kery's Books