See Me (See Me #1)(12)

They nodded in agreement when they saw McKale. I started in his direction before I could lose my nerve. Cassidy caught up and walked by my side. McKale glanced up once and his eyes widened, but he looked back down again. I think the mini man was asking him something because he kept giving his head little shakes and nods. McKale had something sticking out of his mouth, like a large toothpick.

I weaved through the crowd and stopped, standing between his feet. He stared at my legs for a moment before timidly lifting his greenish-brown eyes to mine.

“I’m sorry I brought up your height,” I told him, opting for openness. “To be honest, I meant it as a compliment. I’m glad you’re taller than me. Really glad.” Okay, shut up now, Robyn. I clasped my fingers together behind my back.

His face softened and he appeared embarrassed, eyes flickering around me. I became a little distracted by the man on his shoulder who hadn’t stopped moving, trying to get my attention. At the moment I could have sworn he was pretending to do something naughty to McKale’s ear. Cassidy’s giggling confirmed it. McKale pulled his head to the side and his red eyebrows drew together. He pulled the little stick out of his mouth.

“Cut that out, cheeky bugger.”

The little man gestured to us girls, then pointed at his self. McKale sighed and tossed the stick in the grass.

“He wants to meet ye.”

“Oh,” I said, squatting a little to see him better. Being so close to McKale’s face, I caught the flavorful scent again and recognized it this time. Licorice.

The Clourichaun looked no older than McKale, with a head full of curly brown hair. I smiled at him and said, “I’m Robyn.”

He extended his arm and I put my fingertip in his hand, which he shook up and down, then to my amusement he kissed my finger. I heard him holler in a squeaky little voice.

“The name’s Rock! Yer quite a looker, there, Robyn!”

“Wow,” I laughed. “Thanks… Rock.” I moved to the side. Cassidy shot me a nervous look when I beckoned her toward him. She leaned down, putting her hands on her knees and examined Rock with wonder.

“My name’s Cassidy. I’m Robyn’s sister.”

He waved her closer, using his whole arm for the gesture. She leaned in, but he waved her closer still.

“Careful now,” McKale warned.

“He won’t bite, will he?” I asked.

“Somethin’ akin to that,” he mused.

When Cassidy got close enough, Rock grabbed her cheeks with his outstretched palms and pulled, pressing his whole face into her lips. I’d never seen her eyes so big before. I snorted out a laugh, and to my surprise Cassidy did not try to stand up or move away. She waited until Rock released her and then she beamed him a pretty smile. He pretended to grab his heart and tumble off McKale’s shoulder to the table, dying of love sickness. Cass laughed like it was the funniest thing she’d ever seen. She had the sweetest, bubbly laugh. Unfortunately I’d inherited my mother’s strange, mostly-silent chortle.

McKale scratched his cheek. “Sorry ‘bout that. He’s a bit forward.”

“He’s so cute,” Cassidy said. She sat down on the bench and Rock walked to her, putting his elbows on her shoulders and resting his head in his hands to gaze up at her, starstruck.

“Don’t encourage ‘im. Trust me. Ye won’t think he’s as cute full grown.”

“That’s right!” Rock yelled. “I’m even cuter!”

“You mean he won’t stay this size?” I asked.

“Nah. All Chaun can shrink and grow.”

“Even you?” Cassidy sounded as surprised as I felt. McKale nodded like it was no big deal. I pointed at Rock.

“You mean you can get that small?”

“Well, I suppose a tad bigger since I’m larger than ‘im in actuality, but aye.”

It took a second for me to comprehend all of his heavily accented words.

I sat down on the other side of McKale. I felt like I was making him nervous or something. He wouldn’t meet my eyes for more than a brief second, and then he would find excuses to look elsewhere. He kept rubbing his hands on his pants and crossing his arms, then uncrossing them. I wanted to take his hand or touch him somehow to reassure him, but it was too soon for that. So instead I climbed up and sat on the table top, resting my feet on the bench next to where McKale sat.

He looked down at my feet, examining them so long I began to feel self-conscious about how big they were. At least my brown sandals were new and cute, bejeweled with cream flowers along the straps. He surprised me by reaching down and running a fingertip across my big toenail, then looking at his finger.

“How’d ye do that?” he asked, sounding fascinated. “Make it red, like?”

“Oh, um, it’s called nail polish. It’s a special type of paint. I can show you later, if you want.” He nodded and looked back down at my feet while I gazed at his full head of red hair. I’d always pictured him as a brunette like me, but I liked this better. Only a guy would be lucky enough to have such natural color variations: shades of red with nutmeg brown undertones. Autumn colors. The world was so unfair.

Cassidy and Rock were watching us. Rock said something that made her stifle a laugh, but I couldn’t make it out.

“May I?” McKale’s imploring eyes were looking up at me and I realized he was motioning to my shoe.

Wendy Higgins's Books