Seduction of a Highland Lass (McCabe Trilogy #2)(61)

The prospect of soaking in a tub of steaming water made her moan in anticipation. She struggled up the stairs, so exhausted she could barely make her legs work.

When she entered her chamber, she was so grateful that the women had already started filling the tub, she was weepy.

Maddie bustled in a moment later, hands on her hips as she surveyed the progress. Then she turned to Keeley and plopped onto the bed beside her.

“Do you need help getting into the tub, lass?”

Keeley smiled. “Thank you but nay. You’re wonderful to do this for me, Maddie. I know ’tis a burden to bring the water up the stairs.”

Maddie patted her knee. “ ’Tis the least we can do for our healer. If we don’t take care of you and keep you hale and hearty, there’ll be no one to care for our sick!”

The two watched as the last pail was brought up and the tub brimmed with water. Steam rose in rapid puffs, and Keeley’s eyes rolled back in her head as she imagined getting in.

“Well, I’ll leave you to it, lass. Gannon will be outside, so call if you need anything.”

Keeley’s cheeks burned. “Gannon! I can’t have him barging in here. Besides, ’tis his duty to see to Alaric’s needs.”

Maddie chuckled. “He won’t barge in, not unless he fears for your life, then it won’t matter if you’ve not a stitch on. But if you call out to him, he’ll summon me or Christina for you.”

“Whew,” Keeley breathed.

Maddie laughed and left the chamber. Keeley wasted no time ripping her dress over her head. She sent it sailing across the room and hastened to the tub.

Every movement caused considerable ache, but she inched down into the water until it lapped over her body and finally to her chin as she settled back against the side.

This was heaven.

She closed her eyes and relaxed her tired, sore muscles. She let go of everything but the wondrous sensation of so much hot water. If someone would but dump a fresh pail of hot water into the tub every so often, she’d be content to remain here for days. She wasn’t entirely certain she’d be able to get back out anyway.

She sighed and settled her arms along the sides of the tub then tipped her chin skyward so that her head rested against the back. The heat from the fire just a few paces away toasted her skin and relaxed her even more.

She was nearly asleep, her head tilting to the side, when her door opened. Startled, she looked up to see Alaric standing across the room, shrouded in darkness. The few candles ablaze in her chamber were all situated around her tub and dressing area. The rest of the light was cast from the fire in the hearth and it didn’t quite reach to where Alaric stood.

For a long moment he stood watching and she returned his gaze, waiting, and absorbing the hunger in his eyes. There was something decidedly different about his demeanor this night.

Typically he was lighthearted and teasing. They’d laugh softly before making love and often talk about the events of the day.

Tonight his expression was fierce and his eyes glittered dangerously. She swallowed nervously as he advanced toward the tub, his gaze never leaving her.

She was struck by sudden vulnerability, and it excited her. Power rippled through his body and swelled through the room until it was a living, breathing thing.

He stood over the tub, looking down at her naked body, his gaze stroking possessively over her. When she went to cover her br**sts with her arms, he knelt beside the tub and gently pried her arms away.

“Nay, do not shield yourself from me. This night you are mine. Solely mine. You belong to me and only me. Tonight I take what is mine. I cherish what is mine.”

Her chin trembled and she pressed her lips together to curb her nervousness. It wasn’t that she was afraid. Far from it. She was excited. More so than she’d ever been, and she was about to fidget right out of the tub.

He took the cloth where it hung limply over the edge of the tub and touched it to her neck. Despite the warmth of the water and from the fire just a short distance away, chill bumps instantly dotted her upper torso.

They rushed over her chest to her br**sts and beaded her ni**les into tight nubs as he gently pulled the cloth over her shoulder.

The scent of roses wafted through her nostrils. Alaric took the bar of soap from its nook and massaged the cloth around it until suds formed.

“Lean forward,” he commanded.

His quiet, sensual tone made her insides quiver. There was a dark promise in his voice that had her wound so tightly, she felt near to bursting.

When she was positioned as he wanted her, he began rubbing the cloth in lazy circles over her back.

“Oh that feels wondrous,” she moaned.

He covered every inch, coming up to knead her shoulders before retreating to caress the line of her back down to the dimple just over the crease of her bu**ocks.

Her eyes were closed, her head bobbing forward as sweet lethargy—and pleasure—flooded her veins. But when he reached around to brush the cloth across her ni**les, her eyes flew open and her breathing sped up and bounced erratically from her nostrils.

He paused then cupped both mounds in his palms. Slowly, his thumbs brushed over the peaks. Up and then down until each touch sent shards of exquisite pleasure bolting through her womb.

She flinched, not from pain but from the overwhelming shock of ecstasy when his mouth touched her nape. Just a simple, gentle kiss, but his mouth was like a bolt of lightning.

Maya Banks's Books