Seduction of a Highland Lass (McCabe Trilogy #2)(48)

Raising his head, he caught her lips, so full and sweet. Soft like the finest silk. He kissed her as he’d never kissed a woman, allowing the full force of his desire and his regret to spill over.

As she pulled away, her eyes dark with all the things he felt most, he smoothed a hand over her cheek, then thrusting his fingers into the thick pelt of her hair. “You have no equal, Keeley. I want you to know that.”

She smiled and lowered down to kiss him one last time. “You have no equal either, warrior.”

He sighed. The time had come. She must return now before the keep came alive with activity and the halls were filled with those attending the needs of the laird and his lady.

“Dress quickly, lass,” he urged. “I’ll give Gannon his instructions.”

As she hurried over to slip her dress back on, Alaric went to the door and cracked it open. Only Gannon was outside in the darkened hallway. Nary a window or a torch illuminated the path.

“Gannon,” Alaric whispered.

Trained to be alerted by the slightest of noises, Gannon roused himself and was on his feet in a mere moment.

“Is something amiss?” Gannon demanded.

“Nay, I have need of something.”

Gannon waited.

“Take the tub from this room into Keeley’s. Have water brought up for a hot bath. Make sure no one knows where she spent her night. While you are belowstairs, I’ll return her to her room.”

Gannon nodded, and Alaric looked back to make sure Keeley was fully dressed. He didn’t want her embarrassed by Gannon’s appearance so he strode across the room, shielding her from view with his large body while Gannon set about dragging the tub from the chamber.

Keeley lay her cheek against his chest and he rested his chin atop her head. When the chamber door closed behind Gannon, Alaric drew away and clasped her shoulders.

“Come. I’ll see you to your chambers. You should be abed when the water is brought up so it appears you have just awoken.”

She bit her bottom lip and then nodded. Before he gave in to the temptation to hold her a moment longer, he guided her toward the door and into the darkened hallway.

They ducked quickly into the chamber just as Gannon was exiting. Alaric held up a finger for him to await him before urging Keeley toward the bed.

She climbed beneath the covers and Alaric sat on the edge, simply watching her for a long moment. Then he bent and pressed his lips to her forehead.

“I’ll treasure last night forever.”

“As will I,” she whispered. “Go now, Alaric. Parting is all the more difficult for the hesitation.”

He swallowed and stood abruptly. She was right in that regard. The longer he tarried, the more tempted he was to say to hell with everyone.

Without a backward glance he left the chamber. Gannon awaited him, and Alaric gave his instructions in a terse voice.

“See to her bath. Make sure she is undisturbed. Pass the word that she is tired and feeling unwell and will remain in her chamber for the day. There is no work for her to be done this day.”

“Aye,” Gannon said with a nod.

Alaric watched him go and then stepped back into his chamber. He closed the door behind him and leaned heavily against it, his heart thudding like an ax to wood.

Being with Keeley had been the sweetest of pleasures, but having her and knowing he was forbidden her was an agony that surpassed any wound of the flesh.

Keeley hunkered lower in the now cooling water and drew her knees to her chin. The heat had soothed the aches in her body, but naught could be done about the ache that still resided in her heart.

She shook her head and turned to lay her cheek on her knees. Last night had been the single most wonderful night of her life. It was a moment to cherish. She’d spend a lifetime reliving every touch. Every touch.

There was no place for sadness now.

And yet she couldn’t shake the heavy feeling in her chest.

A knock sounded at the door, and Keeley closed her eyes, hugging her legs a little closer. If she ignored the summons, they’d go away surely.

To her horror, the door swung open. Just as she was frantically searching for a way to preserve her modesty, Maddie stuck her head around.

Keeley slumped against the back of the wooden tub. “Oh, ’tis you. I nearly had failure of the heart.”

“I heard you were ailing. I wanted to come up and see if there is anything I can do.”

Keeley smiled, or tried to. The result was her eyes stinging and watering. She sniffed but as soon as the first tear trickled down her cheek, she was done for.

Maddie look horrified and then her features crinkled in sympathy. “Oh lass, whatever is the matter? Now, now, let me get you out of that tub. ’Twill be all right.”

Keeley allowed Maddie to help her from the tub, and then wrapped in a drying linen, she sat in front of the fire while Maddie dried and combed out her hair.

“Now tell me what’s prompted your upset,” Maddie said gently.

“Oh Maddie. I fear I’ve made a huge mistake, but ’tis the truth I don’t regret a minute of it.”

“Would this have something to do with Alaric McCabe?”

Keeley turned her tearful gaze to Maddie. “ ’Tis so obvious? Does everyone know of my shame?”

Maddie enfolded her into her arms. “Shh. None of that.” She rocked back and forth, soothing Keeley with motherly noises.

Maya Banks's Books