Seduction of a Highland Lass (McCabe Trilogy #2)(24)

She made little humming noises, and he closed his eyes as he imagined her picking up one leg at a time and running a washing cloth down the length and back up again.

Jesu. He couldn’t finish this.

The hell he couldn’t. He’d take her leftover bath water. He needed to scrub the blood from his side anyway. She’d done an excellent job of keeping him clean. Even his hair. He remembered every minute of her washing his hair. Never before had a woman tended him in such an intimate manner.

He’d give anything to be able to slip behind her and return the favor. He’d wash every inch of her delectable body and run his fingers through her silken strands.

He exerted firmer pressure around his shaft, rolling the foreskin over the head, pressing and then sliding down again. His breaths came rapidly. He closed his eyes and imagined her on her knees in front of him, her lips parted to accept him.

His hands delving into her hair, holding her tight as he guided his c**k into the velvet heat of her mouth. Sinking deep. Back and forth, her tongue rubbing erotically over the crown.

Fire gathered in his groin. His sac tightened unbearably and his release boiled like a cauldron low and then rising. Racing up his shaft. Faster and harder he worked his hand. Ignoring the screaming pain in his side, he bowed his back and arched upward, his toes curling as his se**n spurted onto his belly.

It was painful in its intensity. The most violent release of his life. Jesu, and he hadn’t even touched her yet. How much more incredible would it be if he was deep in her body or her mouth surrounded him?

The sound of water raining down alerted him to the fact that she was rising from the tub. He moaned and slowly worked the last vestiges of his release from his shaft before finally allowing his c**k to fall limply to the side. He pulled his trews back over his groin, wincing as the material brushed over his sensitive flesh.

Keeley peeked her head around the side of the wood barrier. “Are you all right? I thought I heard you.”

“I’m well,” he croaked. “If you are finished, I’d like to wash as well. I’ll be careful not to wet my stitches.”

She frowned but didn’t argue. She disappeared behind the wood again and he heard the rustle of material as she finished drying and then dressed. A few minutes later, she reappeared, clad in a fresh dress, her cheeks flushed from the heat of the water. Her long hair lay in a damp trail down her back, resting just above the small of her back.

“While you bathe, I’ll dry my hair by the fire,” she said.

He started to push himself upward but caught his breath and remained still when his side protested.

She rushed forward, reaching for his arm. “Let me help you. Lean into me. Take hold of my waist and let me pull you until you can gain your footing.”

He needed no invitation to curl his arm around her waist and bury his face in the softness of her belly. He inhaled her clean scent, and the lingering smell of roses tantalized his nose. It was Mairin’s soap, but it had never enticed him as it did now on Keeley’s skin.

“Come now,” she urged in her sweet, husky voice.

He allowed her to pull him forward, but he held her so she didn’t stumble. His weight was far too much for her to bear on her own. When he turned so that his feet grazed the floor, he paused for a moment, gathering his strength to rise.

As soon as he stood, the room swam in circles and his knees threatened to buckle. It took everything he had not to go down in a heap. He also became aware of a most pressing need.

With a grimace he wrapped an arm around Keeley’s shoulders to steady himself.

“I have need of the chamber pot,” he said gruffly. “Perhaps ’twould be best if you stepped from the room a moment.” He had no desire to horrify her with his personal needs.

Her expression softened and she smiled up at him. “Who do you think has helped you accomplish your needs for the past days, warrior?”

Heat crept up his neck until he was sure he was blushing like a maiden.

“I’ll forget you said that.”

She laughed and slipped from underneath his arm. “Are you certain you’ll be all right? I’ll just be right outside. If you have need of me just holler. I’ll give you a moment to get into the tub and then I’ll return.”

Alaric nodded and watched as she walked to the door. Once there, she turned and gifted him with a shy smile that sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. Then she exited and closed the door behind her.

Feeling like an old, decrepit man, Alaric completed his business and then went about the task of easing into the tub. He found it easier to kneel on one knee instead of sitting all the way down. He never understood the pleasures of a bath. He much preferred a swim in the loch with his brothers. The basin seemed much too small for a man his size and it was awkward as hell to maneuver in.

Still, he managed to wash himself the best he could. When he was satisfied that he’d done an adequate job, he braced his palms on the sides of the tub and pushed upward with a grunt.


Keeley’s voice drifted through the wood barrier and he went still, a drying cloth in his hand.


“Are you well? Do you need help?”

He was sorely tempted to tell her aye, but he couldn’t bring himself to be that underhanded.

“Look in my chest at the foot of the bed and bring me a clean pair of trews.”

Maya Banks's Books