Seduce Me at Sunrise (The Hathaways #2)(87)
"I always thought my mother died having me," Kev said softly. "I never knew about a younger brother."
"It was after the second son that she went to God." Noah looked pensive. "I was old enough to remember the day Cole brought the two of you to our grandmother. He told Mami it had been a misery trying to live in both worlds, and he wanted to go back where he belonged. So he left his children with the tribe and never returned."
"Why did you separate us?" Cam asked, still looking exhausted but far more like his usual self.
Noah stood in an easy movement and went to the corner near the stove. As he replied, he made tea with deft assurance, measuring out dried leaves into a little pot of steaming water. "After a few years, your father remarried. And then other vitsas told us that some gadjos had come looking for the boys, offering money for information and doing violence when the Rom wouldn't tell them anything. We realized your father wanted to get rid of his half-breed sons, who were the legitimate heirs to the title. He had a new wife, who would bear him white children."
"And we were in the way," Kev said grimly.
"It would seem so." Noah strained the tea into a pot. He poured a cup, added sugar, and brought it to Cam. "Have some, Camlo. You need to wash the poison out."
Cam sat up and leaned his back against the wall. He took the cup in a wobbling grip and sipped the hot brew carefully. "So to reduce the chances of both of us being found," he said, "you kept me and gave Kev to our uncle."
"Yes, to Uncle Pov." Noah frowned and averted his gaze from Kev. "Sonya was his favorite sister. We thought he would be a good protector. No one expected that he would blame her children for her death."
"He hated the gadje" Kev said in a low voice. "That was something else he held against me."
Noah made an effort to look at him. "After we heard that you had died, we thought it too dangerous to keep Cam. So I brought him to London, and helped him find work."
"In a gaming club?" Cam said, a note of questioning skepticism in his voice.
"Sometimes the best hiding places are in plain sight," came Noah's prosaic reply.
Cam was shaking his head ruefully. "I'll bet half of London has seen my tattoo. It's a wonder Lord Cavan never caught wind of it."
Noah frowned. "I told you to keep it covered."
"No, you didn't."
"I did," Noah insisted, and put his hand on his forehead. "Ah, Moshto, you were never good at listening."
Win sat quietly beside Merripen. She listened as the men talked, but she was also busy taking in her surroundings. The vardo was old but scrupulously maintained, the interior clean and tidy. A faint, crisp scent of smoke seemed to emanate from the walls, the boards seasoned by thousands of meals that had been prepared in the vehicle. Children played outside, laughing and quarreling. It was odd to think that this caravan was a family's only refuge from the outside world. The lack of sheltered space compelled the tribe to live mostly out-of-doors. As foreign as that idea was, there was a kind of freedom in it.
It was possible to imagine Cam taking to this way of life, adapting to it, but not Kev. There would always be something in him that would drive him to control and master his surroundings. To build, to organize. Having lived with her kind for so long, he had come to understand them. And in understanding them, he had become more like them.
She wondered how he felt at having his Romany past finally uncovered, the mysteries explained. He seemed perfectly calm and controlled, but it would be unsettling for anyone to experience this.
"… with all the time that has passed," Cam was saying, "I wonder if there's still danger to us? And is our father still alive?"
"It would be easy enough to find out," Merripen replied, and added darkly, "He probably wouldn't be happy to find out that we were still alive."
"You're more or less safe as long as you remain Roma," Noah said. "But if Kev reveals himself as the Cavan heir and tries to claim the title, there could be trouble."
Merripen looked scornful. "Why would I do that?"
Noah shrugged. "No Rom would. But you are half gadjo."
"I don't want the title or what comes with it," Merripen said firmly. "And I want nothing to do with the Coles, Lord Cavan, or anything Irish."
"And ignore half of yourself?" Cam asked.
"I've spent most of life not knowing about my Irish half. It will be no problem to ignore it now."
A Romany boy came to the vardo to let them know that the sling had been finished.
"Good," Merripen said decisively. "I'll help him outside, and he-"
"Oh no," Cam said, scowling. "There is no possible way I'm going to let myself be carried in a sling to Ramsay House."
Merripen gave him a sardonic glance. "How are you planning to get there?"
"I'll ride."
Merripen's brows lowered. "You're in no condition to ride. You'll fall and break your neck."
"I can do it," Cam insisted stubbornly. "It's not far." "You'll fall off the horse!"
"I'm not going in the bloody sling. It would frighten Amelia."
"You're not worried about Amelia nearly so much as your own pride. You'll be carried, and that's final."
Lisa Kleypas's Books
- Devil's Daughter (The Ravenels #5)
- Hello Stranger (The Ravenels #4)
- Hello Stranger (The Ravenels #4)
- Hello Stranger (The Ravenels #4)
- Devil in Spring (The Ravenels #3)
- Lisa Kleypas
- Where Dreams Begin
- A Wallflower Christmas (Wallflowers #5)
- Scandal in Spring (Wallflowers #4)
- Devil in Winter (Wallflowers #3)