Second Chance Boyfriend (Drew + Fable #2)(72)

“I’m sorry,” Fable whispers.

I close my eyes, trail my fingers across her shoulder, down her arm. I need to touch her. Having her close anchors me. Reminds me of how far I’ve come in so little time. “So am I. But I can’t remain in the past. I can’t blame her for what she’s done and let it cripple me for the rest of my life. I need to let it go. Let her go, once and for all.”

“Easier said than done.” Fable lifts her head so she can meet my gaze. “It’ll take time, Drew. I’m here, though. Even though I’m getting my own place, and I know you don’t like that, I’ll be here for you. I swear.”

“You don’t have to move—” I start but she cuts me off.

“I need to do it. I can’t be dependent on you. Not like this.”

“I want to take care of you,” I whisper. “I can do it. I have money. You’d never need anything if you and Owen lived here with me.”

She flashes me a quivery smile. “I know. And I love that you want to help and take care of me. But I need to learn how to take care of myself first.” She lifts her head and brushes her mouth against mine. “I need to show Owen I can do this.”

I touch her throat and she shivers. I slip my hand around her nape and bring her in closer to me, our mouths meeting, our tongues tangling. She melts against me, slipping her arms around my neck, the sheet falling away from her so I feel nothing but soft, bare skin.

After everything that happened today, my normal MO would be to run and hide. Pretend I don’t exist. Focus on anything else but living. Feeling.

Now, all I want to do is feel. Feel Fable’s mouth on mine, her hands on my body, her body moving against me. Pressing her into the mattress, exploring her skin with my hands and lips, pushing inside her, finding that connection with the one person who means more to me than anyone or anything in this world.

As I stare into her eyes while buried deep in her welcoming body, I whisper that I love her. The smile she offers me in response, tender and so full of emotion, unravels me completely.

She holds my heart in her hands. And for the first time in my life, I give it over to her completely.


Fable Maguire owns me. And I know I own her.


Yesterday was one of the craziest days of my life. A whirlwind of emotions swept through me from the highs to the lows and everything in between.

I find the apartment of my dreams. I try to beat the shit out of a woman who almost destroyed the man I love. The man I love is nearly brought to his knees when his father discovers his darkest secret.

After the day we had, both of us were emotional wrecks. Somehow I still fell into Drew’s arms, too overcome to fight the powerful pull that tugs within both of us. That pull brings us together as if we can’t resist each other.

It’s a fact. We just…can’t.

We made love slowly, quietly. No teasing, no urgency. Just a fluid, delicious connection of bodies until we were both spent, falling asleep in each other’s arms like the corniest movie you’ve ever seen on cable.

I’m the luckiest damn girl in the world. I know most girls would think I’m crazy. Drew Callahan is definitely not what’s expected. He’s troubled. He has issues, issues that aren’t resolved yet.

I don’t care. He’s mine.

Despite being up half the night, I get up early and force Owen awake. Ply him with a real breakfast before I drive him to school using Drew’s truck. I need a car. More than I need furniture or anything else a freaking car would come in real handy. I can’t depend on Drew or Jen driving forever. Colin mentioned a few days ago he knew someone who manages a local dealership and could get me a deal. I might take him up on that offer.

Smiling, I park Drew’s truck in his assigned spot and shut off the engine. For the first time since I don’t know when, I’ve surrounded myself with people who I can call my friends. Jen, T, Colin…Drew. The list isn’t long but it’s getting there. I know my life isn’t perfect, that I’ll be facing more struggles. The issue with my mom is far from resolved.

But for once in my life, I feel like I’m in a good place.

The weather turned dreary overnight, though the dark clouds heavy with rain don’t spoil my mood. The wind whips up, bending the little trees that dot the apartment complex property, and I climb out of the truck, forcing the door open against an extra-hard gust of air. I hit the keyless remote and start toward the Drew’s apartment building, when I hear a voice straight out of my nightmares.

“Well, look at you. Moving in with him. Driving his truck. Aren’t you all cozy and snug in your seemingly perfect little life?”

I turn to find Adele standing before me, a smirk on her face. She looks odd. Still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, her hair’s a mess, as if she hasn’t brushed it, and her eyes are wide as she stares at me. A huge, expensive-looking dark brown leather purse is slung over her shoulder and she clutches it close.

Weirdly close.

“What are you doing here?” I try to keep my voice casual but she’s freaking me out a little. Something’s not quite right with this picture.

“Looking for you.” She smiles.

A chill trickles down my spine at first sight of that weird smile. “Yeah, right.”

“No, really. I wanted to talk to you. Maybe we should go somewhere and chat.” She waves a hand behind her. “My car is around the corner. Let’s go.”

Monica Murphy's Books