Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack #2)(12)

". . . better be glad I'm not making a phone call," one of the men said coldly. He was average in height and looks, brown hair. Outside of this place, nobody would give him a second glance.

"Do it, Bowman," Beryl retorted with a self-satisfied smirk. "And see who he blames. You're the employee, not me. You'll face his wrath for letting a test subject get away."

Dr. Gene Bowman of NewLife Technology. The former supervisor of Jaxon Law's new mate, Kira Locke. Sweat rolled down Aric's face.

Bowman remained unmoved. "If you honestly think spreading your legs for some demon is going to protect you from any fallout from what you've done, you're sadly deluded. This project is much bigger and more significant than your petty games. What we're on the verge of accomplishing is huge, and he'll let nothing get in the way-especially not a slutty, mediocre witch who's easily replaced in his bed."

Aric missed Beryl's pissed-off retort. His brain was too busy reeling at the overload of information. Demon? Was that a slur against Orson Chappell, or had Bowman meant "demon" in the literal sense? Anything was possible-including the idea that Chappell was not the head of the snake, something Nick and the team had feared. Whoever the head slimeball might be, Beryl was sleeping with him.

Bowman turned to the muscleman and the other guy in the lab coat. "Get him down from there and take him to the lab for prep."

Before that moment, he'd only thought he'd known fear.

The taller doctor and the meathead released his wrists, allowing him to drop. Arms dead from little circulation, limp as cooked noodles, he face-planted on the dirty concrete floor with his legs still attached to the wall, spread-eagle.

It was the single most degrading moment of his life.

Then the doc and the muscle guy hauled him up, easy as pie considering all the weight he'd lost, one taking him under the arms, one getting his ankles. Carried faceup, naked body on display and nobody caring, his carcass no better than a number to write down in their sordid files.

After an ascent in an elevator, he tried to keep track of the twists and turns they made, but he was simply too exhausted. Disheartened. Several minutes later, he found himself in a stark space that distinctly resembled an operating room.

It was then he noticed the drain in the tiled floor.

When they placed him on his back on a steel table, he began to struggle, attempted to call his fire or his wolf. Anything. But the "gifts" he usually cursed had deserted him when they counted most, and his rebellion was short-lived. A needle slid into the crook of his right arm and a cold burn seeped through the limb, stretched icy fingers across his chest. Suddenly he had trouble breathing, whether from the medication or sheer panic he didn't know.

The freeze slowly crept across his stomach, to his groin and legs. With the cold was the realization that he couldn't move at all-though his mind remained aware.

Bowman's hated, innocuous face appeared over him, smiling faintly. "Console yourself with the thought that this is for the greater triumph of mankind. Now relax." To the other doctor, he said, "Note that the experimentation on number five fifty-two has commenced."

"Wh-what're you doin' to me?" he slurred. His tongue felt heavy as a wet blanket, his thoughts growing sluggish. He peered at a bright light overhead and it quadrupled, as did the faces above him.

No one answered his question. His legs were spread and fastened with restraints, and so were his wrists at his sides.

A scalpel appeared in Bowman's hand as he continued to dictate the procedure and findings to someone Aric couldn't see. "Subject is malnourished and dehydrated, with cuts and lesions in the late stages of infection over forty percent of his body. Taking samples of the subject's DNA and se**n to determine their viability to our cause."

Semen? What the f**k?

"Percentage of probability of scheduling subject five fifty-two for termination?" a robotlike voice intoned.

"Will advise."

"Thank you, doctor."

Yeah? Fuck you very much, doc.

Focused on his task, Bowman answered with only a grunt as he lowered the scalpel to the center of Aric's chest, just a millimeter south of his sternum. Aric's instinct was to struggle, try to yank on his bonds, get his hands free and torch them all, but again, absolutely nothing happened. He could only watch as the small blade sliced gradually into his skin, parting the surface like hot butter. There was pressure but no pain, an odd and frightening thing when a maniac had total access to his body and he couldn't do a damned thing to stop the ass**le.

The pressure increased, the knife digging deeper. So deep he swore the doc was cutting straight to his heart. Maybe he was. Apparently satisfied with this cut, the doc removed the now-bloodied knife, laid it on a nearby tray and held out his hand for a new instrument. A large pair of what Aric thought of as oversized tweezers were slapped into Bowman's palm and he pried apart the sliced flesh, inserting the points. A strange tugging sensation in his chest, now accompanied by some pain, took his breath away.

Bowman lifted the tweezers. Aric's eyes widened to see a piece of his own tissue dangling from the instrument. If he'd been capable, he would've gotten violently sick. As it was, the procedure was repeated twice more while Aric tried desperately to think of anything but what they were doing to him. The medication didn't prevent him from closing his eyes, but he couldn't stop watching.

J.D. Tyler's Books