Rule (Marked Men #1)(54)

I pushed my hair back let my head fall onto his shoulder. “I want to take a hot shower and then I think I want to take a nap. This week has sucked, I’ve been stressed out and burned out from school. I can’t remember the last time I got to just relax.”

His dark eyebrows went up. “You won’t mind if I kick it with them for a bit?”

I shook my head no. “Seriously go bro-out I’m good.”

He watched me for a solid minute, waiting to see if I was just messing with him, to prove that I was fine with him spending time with his boys I pressed a kiss to his jaw. He pressed a kiss to my hair and backed out of the bathroom. “I’ll grab your bag for you.”

He set it on the toilet and gave me a hard kiss before searching my face for signs of something. I laughed and physically shoved him out the door before closing it firmly in his face. “Go, be a guy. I’ll be here when it’s over.” I waited until I heard the outside door shut and then stripped down and climbed in his shower. If I never had to suffer through one of my mother’s functions again it would be too soon. I scrubbed every inch of my body until it was pink and shiny, laughing hysterically because I had to use Rule’s dude soap and I ended up smelling like a seventeen year old boy that just discovered Axe body spray. Even his shampoo and conditioner was designed for male only use so instead of my normal coconut and lime I ended up with hair that smelled like sandalwood and spice. I finger combed my wet hair and put on a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt and fell into his rumbled bed. For the first time in a week I felt like I could take a real breath. I burrowed into his side of the bed and fell asleep within seconds even with the hooting and hollering coming from the living room.


Hot hands were traveling under my clothes in a lazy caress. I woke up already turned on and squirming under Rule’s seductive touch. I blinked to get my eyes used to the darkness but squeezed them shut again when his mouth landed high on my inner thigh. It was like the best dream ever, only now I was awake and wiggling in anticipation as his breath blew across the most sensitive parts of me. I reached for his head and giggled a little as my fingers skimmed over the buzzed surface. The stubble tickled across my sensitive fingertips.

“I really do miss the mohawk.”

“It’ll grow back.” I felt the slide of his lip ring over damp skin and sucked in a gasp so hard that it made my lungs hurt. He laughed against my skin and his hands moved to hold me where he wanted me. “I missed this. Nobody has ever been as sweet as you Shaw.”

I felt the press of the barbell in his tongue as he moved in and around the part of me that had woken ready to take what he had to give. “I think the fact you’re comparing me to the legions of girls that came before me should probably make me furious, but I think I’ll choose to take it as a compliment.” The last faded away on a tight moan as he pulled my hips up and settled his mouth at burning point of my desire. I had heard tales from my coworkers and even from Ayden about how having a guy do this for you was often the best part of sexy, naked time but I had always had my doubts because it seemed invasive and too intimate, and I wasn’t wrong. As he kissed and licked and maneuvered around all my damp folds and aching flesh I went a little crazy. There was nowhere to hide how he was affecting me while he was doing that and man did he know what he was doing. At one point I wanted to scream his name but at the last second remembered his brother was just across the wall and shoved my fist in my mouth to stifle my reaction as the world kaleidoscope into brilliant color in every direction. I didn’t know how it was with other guys, but as with everything else I experienced with Rule, he just made it all so good.

I laid in a pile of worthless goo as he rose up off the bed and began to haphazardly pull his clothes off. The show was a delight in itself so by the time he crawled in the bed beside me I was ready to purr and curl up around him like the satisfied sex kitten he was turning me into.

“That was certainly a nice way to wake up.” I curled my hands up around his shoulders as he rolled over me and put his knee between my legs.

“You were out for most of the afternoon. I kept waiting for you to peek your head out and join us but in never happened.” He dropped his head so that his nose rubbed against the side of my face. “I checked in on you and you just looked so perfect all sleepy and pretty in my bed I couldn’t help myself.” He laid a soft trail of kisses from behind my ear to the sensitive hallow of my throat. His fingers skimmed down my arm and lightly encircled my bruised wrist. Gabe had left a ring of black and blue marks that stood out in stark relief against my pale skin so I couldn’t help the emotion that clogged my throat when Rule lightly stroked the damaged flesh and lifted it up to press butterfly kisses around the circumference.

“This should have never happened, I’m so sorry.”

I trailed a hand down over his flank and let my fingers spread out across the colorful surface of his ribs. “I shouldn’t have gone in the first place. I need to learn to set boundaries with my parents and stick with them. It’s not worth sacrificing things that matter to me in order to try and make them happy.”

He took the hand he was holding and pinned it to the bed above my head, his pale eyes blazed into mine with a mixture of want and compassion. “Shaw I’m the one that feels the need to burn the house down when the faucet springs a leak, I know I tend to go the extreme and I need to back off. However if you think I’m ever going to stand by and watch you purposely put yourself in danger with that ass**le again be prepared for us to do battle.”

Jay Crownover's Books