Rome (Marked Men #3)(92)

You could’ve heard a pin drop. I felt Cora gasp and let go of her because I was actually worried I was going to have to physically restrain my brother’s best friend.

“You knew? You knew how sick he was?” Nash’s voice blasted across the hospital walls like a gunshot. The man that had followed his mom in—her husband, I assumed—went to take a step toward Nash, but I reached out a hand and shook my head.

“Wouldn’t do that, friend.”

He sneered at me and looked at my hand like it was covered in shit.

“And who are you?”

I lifted my eyebrow.

“I’m nobody, but if you think you’re going to get in the middle of that, I’m the guy that’ll be happy to stop you.”

His eyes slid over the top of my head, across my shoulders, and looked at where my pixie was shooting him the death glare from my side, where she was safely tucked away. Apparently he saw that I meant business because he huffed and crossed his arms over his chest like a sulking child.

“Nash.” The woman was pleading but he wasn’t having any of it.

“How long, Mom? How long has he been sick? How bad is it?”

She looked away and bit her lower lip. Nash put his hands on her slight shoulders and gave her a little shake. I thought for a second the hospital security might show up or the rest of the crew, but so far it was just us and Nash’s life unfolding in front of him.

“He got sick at the end of last year. They had to remove part of his lung. He didn’t want anyone to know. The doctors thought it was contained but it metastasized and spread. He’s in stage three. It’s possibly moved to his lymph nodes. He was waiting on the test results. He didn’t want you to worry, Nash.”

Nash swore long and loud, and Cora pulled away from me to go and soothe him.

“Worry! You don’t think a heads-up would’ve been nice before I stumbled across what I thought was his corpse? Jesus Christ, Mom!”

“You need to calm down.”

“The last thing I need to do is calm down. Why would he tell you all this and not me? I’m his family. Hell, I’m more his son than his nephew.”

I saw the woman flinch and the suit made a strangled noise in his throat. Cora narrowed her eyes at the woman, and at the exact same time as Rule and Shaw came racing into our little party from hell, the pretty nurse came back around the corner followed by Cora’s dad.

“Mom?” Nash’s voice was downright scary, and for being a typically mellow guy, he looked like he could take the hospital apart brick by brick if he wanted to right now. Rule took a step toward his buddy but I shook my head. The nurse walked up to Nash’s other side and put a hand on his shoulder. His gaze snapped to her and something in the lilac depths shifted fractionally.

“He’s awake and asking for you.”

“For me?”

She tilted her fiery head to one side and blinked up at him.

“He asked for his son. That has to be you, right? I mean you guys look identical.”

Nash’s mom gasped and looked like she was going to faint.

“Holy shit.” Rule’s outburst got him an elbow in the gut from Shaw and a dirty look from the suit.

“Nash.” Cora’s tone was stern and no-nonsense. “Now isn’t the time. We can work out all the details later. They don’t matter. You have to appreciate that he’s still here and focus on the now.” Her bright eyes danced over to me and then slid back to him. “Plus you can’t hit her and get away with it. I can.”

Saint—I still thought the nurse’s name suited her perfectly—hooked her arm through his and started to guide him away from the mess that particular bomb had left in the waiting room.

“I got you, Nash.” Her tone was kind, and instead of being brisk and businesslike, there was something else lurking in those dove-gray eyes.

“Do you?”

“I do.”

They went around the nurses’ station, and we all collectively turned and stared at Nash’s mom. I saw Cora cross her arms over her chest and stamp her foot. If this prissy lady thought this was over, she had another thing coming.

“Phil is Nash’s father, the father that supposedly took off when he was a baby?”

The woman looked at her husband and then around at all of us. Rule growled something under his breath and stalked toward her until he was right in her face. I saw her cower but I wasn’t going to intervene.

“How could you let him believe that lie? It tore him up, it made him feel lost. He loved Phil like a father all this time; hell, we all did, and neither of you could bother to share! Fuck you and f**k that piece of shit you picked over your son. You better hope to God Phil has a fighting chance to beat this, Ruby, or I will make sure your dirty laundry is spread all across the Front Range.”

The small woman bristled in that way only someone who thought they were inherently better than you could do.

“I don’t owe you an explanation, Rule. I don’t owe any of you anything.” Her husband shoved past me and went to stand by her side. They both glared at us like we had something to do with this life-changing secret coming to light.

Cora came back over to me and curled back into my side.

“You’re wrong. Nash is ours, not yours. We love him, we take care of him, and we’re going to be the ones that help him through this. You didn’t want him, we do. I think you need to go. You are not wanted, or needed, here.”

Jay Crownover's Books