Rock Chick Redemption (Rock Chick #3)(39)

Holy cow.

I held my breath.

For the first time, Uncle Tex smiled and whatever was in the air evaporated. “You’l have to stand in line,” Tex told him.

“I think I’ve earned one of the first cracks,” Vance said.

Holy cow. Holy cow. Holy cow.

“Vance –” I started but stopped when his eyes locked on me.

He wasn’t hiding his reaction again; he looked angry, beyond angry. I realized immediately that he actual y had been control ing his reaction. This was his real reaction and it scared the living daylights out of me.

“A man raises a hand to a woman, he needs a lesson,” Vance said.

I opened my mouth to say something but there was nothing to say. What he said was downright, bottom line true.

Vance got in my space and put his hands on my shoulders and whatever I was going to say flew from my brain. He looked down at me and his eyes changed, the anger was stil there but I watched as whatever was fighting for its place was concealed from me.

“Talk to Eddie,” he said, his voice quiet, his expression now under control and hidden. “Press charges. The kidnapping took place in Colorado at a cop’s house. Bil y Flynn is f**ked.”

He didn’t wait for my response and my heart stopped when he grabbed my chin, pul ed my head to the side and kissed my cheekbone, right where my scabs were. Then he turned, walked around the hood of the Explorer, swung into the driver’s seat, and he was gone.

“Let’s get her inside.” Nancy was there and had her good hand on me. It was stronger than I expected it to be.

She turned me toward the house, her face fil ed with concern.

Uncle Tex’s arm came around my shoulders as I saw lights rounding the corner down the block.

I froze.

It was dark, but I could see, in the streetlamps, it was Hank’s 4Runner.

“No,” I whispered, panic flying through me.

“Roxie?” Uncle Tex asked, he and Nancy stopped with me.

My eyes flew to Tex. “I can’t see Hank.”

Uncle Tex glanced at the oncoming car. “Darlin’ girl…” Tex started and I knew he didn’t agree with me.

“No! No, I can’t see him and… and he can’t see me. Not like this. Please, please, please,” I chanted.

The SUV was close. I had no time. I stopped chanting, shook off Nancy’s hand, Uncle Tex’s arm and I ran.

* * * * *

I went into the house, tearing through it, to the room at the back. I threw the door closed. It was Uncle Tex’s bedroom.

I ran to the windows, cats flying everywhere, sensing my panic, and I pul ed the drapes. Then I went back through the dark room to the door, feeling the knob for a lock but there was none. I put my back to the door and slid down it, sitting with my shoulders pressed against the door.

Then, I heard the voices, Uncle Tex’s a soft boom, Hank’s deep voice control ed and patient, Nancy’s butting in every once in awhile. The boom got louder and then I could tel , even though I couldn’t make out the words, that Hank’s control slipped.

I put my hands over my ears, pul ed my knees up and rested my forehead on them but I could stil hear the voices, I could feel Hank’s impatience and I knew Uncle Tex was trying to protect me.

I started humming.

God, I was so tired. So, f**king, tired.

I couldn’t give into the exhaustion.

I hummed, forcing the voices out of my head, and I planned.

Get my clothes from the hotel.

Get my car.

Go to Chicago.

Go to Annette’s.

Get my money, my stuff and escape.

There came a soft knock at the door and I stil ed.

“Roxie, honey, it’s me. Nancy.”

I got up slowly from the door and opened it a crack. She was alone.

The voices were gone.

“Where’s Hank?”

“Lee and Eddie are here, they’ve got him outside. Let me in, baby dol ,” she said gently. I opened the door enough so she could slide in and I closed it right behind her.

She switched on a light and then turned to me. “Eddie and Jet went to your hotel today. It’s good having a cop in the family.” I watched as she smiled a mother’s satisfied smile and my heart wrenched at the sight. I’d never seen my Mom smile at Bil y and me like that. Never.

Nancy kept talking. “Eddie explained to management and they checked you out. Your car’s outside. Jet and Indy brought in your stuff. They’re making up the second bedroom right now.”

I was leaning against the door, trying to hear what was happening outside at the same time trying not to hear.

“We al think you should go home with Hank,” Nancy said softly. “Even Tex.”

I shook my head, looking at the floor.

“I’m going to sleep for a while, then I’m going to go,” I told her.

Nancy got close to me, leaned against the door with me, more for real support than moral support, I could tel . She reached out and grabbed my hand. “Where are you going to go?”

“I don’t know,” I was stil looking at the floor. “Away.”

“You should know, Hank wanted to look for you. Jet told me. Lee and Eddie talked him out of it. When he got to his house…” she stopped. “Baby dol , look at me.” I looked at her. Her green eyes were kind and I felt my nostrils start to burn and I sucked in deep breaths to control the tears.

Kristen Ashley's Books