Remember When (In Death #17.5)(67)
To live on like kings, Jack thought, on that pretty beach.
"Never figured Crew would track you down. I'd never have brought that on you, baby. Crew was supposed to be off chasing me."
"And if he'd caught up with you?"
Jack only smiled. "I wasn't going to let him catch up. I still got the moves, Lainie."
"Yeah, you still got the moves."
"Just buying Willy time. He'd get to Mexico, liquidate the first quarter of the take. We'd meet up, take off, and with that much backing, we'd hide out in comfort until the heat was off."
"Then slip back and pick up the rest from me."
"Two, three years down the road maybe. We were working it out as we went."
"You and Willy both had keys to the locker in AC?"
"Nobody on the planet I trusted like Willy. Except you, Lainie," he added, patting her knee. "Cops got it now." He pursed his lips in thought. "Take them a while to trace it, if they ever do."
"Max has it now. I took it off Willy's key ring. I gave it to him."
"How'd you get... ?" The irritation in his tone faded to affection. "You stole it."
"In a manner of speaking. But if you're going to equate that with boosting a car, don't even start. It's entirely different."
"Did it right under their noses, didn't you?"
Her lips twitched. "Maybe."
He gave her a little elbow nudge. "You still got the moves, too."
"Apparently. But I don't want them."
"Don't you want to know how we pulled it off?"
"I've figured out most of it. Your inside man takes the blinds-the dog, the doll, et cetera-into his office. Innocuous things, who pays attention? They sit around in plain sight. The shipment or shipments come in, he replaces them-or some of them-with fakes. Tucks a quarter share of the score in each of the four blinds. And there they sit."
"Myers sweated that part. He was greedy, but he didn't have good nerves."
"Hmm. Couldn't wait long, or he'd crack. Besides, you wouldn't trust him longer. A couple of days at most. He puts out the alarm on the fakes himself, helps cover his ass. Cops swoop in, investigation starts. Blinds go out under their nose."
"We each took one. Fact is, I posed as one of the insurance suits, walked into Myers's office while everybody's swarming around, walked out with my share in my briefcase. It was beautiful."
He shot her a grin. "Me and Willy had lunch a couple blocks away at T.G.I. Friday's after the scoop, with fourteen million warming our pockets. I had the nachos. Not bad."
She shifted in her seat so they were face-to-face. "I'm not going to say it wasn't a great score. I'm not going to pretend I don't understand the rush either. But I'm trusting you, Dad. I'm trusting you to keep your promise. I need this life. I need it even more than you need that rush. Please don't mess it up for me."
"I'm going to fix everything." He leaned over, kissed her cheek. "Just you wait and see."
She watched him saunter to the stolen car. One for every minute, she thought. "Don't make me one of them, Dad," she murmured.
She had Jack drop her off at the park with Henry, and counted on it still being early enough that no one who knew her would be around to comment on the strange man driving off in her car.
She gave Henry a half hour to romp, roll and chase the town squirrels.
Then she took out her cell phone and called Max.
"Hi, baby. What's up?"
"I... you're at the airport?"
"Yeah. Just set down in New York."
"I thought I should tell you, my father came by to see me this morning."
"That so?"
She heard the chill in his tone, and winced. No point in mentioning her father's morning mode of transportation. "We settled some things, Max, straightened some things out. He's on his way to get his share of the diamonds. He's going to give them to me so I can give them to you, and you... well, et cetera."
"Where are they, Laine?"
"Before I get to that, I want you to know he understands he screwed up."
"Oh, which screwup does he understand?"
"Max." She bent to take the branch Henry dumped at her feet. She had to wing it like a javelin, but it had the dog racing off in delight. "They panicked. When they heard about Myers's death, they just panicked. It was a bad plan, no question, but it was impulse. My father didn't realize Crew knew about me, much less that he'd come here. He just thought Willy could get me the figurine, and I'd tuck it away for a few years while they..." She let it go as she realized how the rest would sound.
"While they fenced the remaining share of the stolen gems and lived off the fat."
"More or less. But the point is he's agreed to give them up. He's getting them."
"A locker in Atlantic City. Mail Boxes, Etc. He's driving up now. It'll take him most of the day for the round-trip, but-"
"Driving what?"
She cleared her throat. "I lent him my car. I had to. I know you don't trust him, Max, but he's my father. I've got to trust him."
J.D. Robb's Books
- Indulgence in Death (In Death #31)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Leverage in Death: An Eve Dallas Novel (In Death #47)
- Apprentice in Death (In Death #43)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Echoes in Death (In Death #44)
- J.D. Robb
- Obsession in Death (In Death #40)
- Devoted in Death (In Death #41)
- Festive in Death (In Death #39)