Remember When (In Death #17.5)(125)
"You're the detective. But a girl that size, hit like that, she'd go down hard. So yeah, it could happen. We got our trace, so it did happen. It left a mess behind, too."
"Yeah." And that was a factor. "Shoot all of this to my office. Not half bad, Dickie."
"Hey, Dallas!" He called after her as she started out. "Take me out to the ball game."
"They're on their way. Peabody." She scooped at her hair as she lined up new data. "Let's do a run on the sealant. See what else we can find out. He could've used his own place for it. Could have. But he doesn't seem like the type to soil his own nest. Professional-grade," she mumbled. "He could have a place being rehabbed. Or access to a building under construction or being remodeled. Let's start on construction sites near the dump site. He didn't pick that empty lot out of a hat. He doesn't pick anything out of a hat."
Following that line, she called Roarke. By the time he came on, she was already in her car and headed back to Central. "Lieutenant. You have a gleam in your eye."
"Might've caught a break. Do you have anything going up or getting a face-lift in Alphabet City?"
"Rehabbing a mid-sized apartment complex. And... There are a couple of small businesses being changed over. I'd have to check to get you specifics."
"Do that. Shoot them to my office. Know of anything else? A competitor, associate, whatever?"
"Why don't I find out?"
"Appreciate it."
"Wait, wait." He held up a hand, well aware she'd have cut him off without another word. "There's a bit of progress on the search. Not enough to dance about, and Feeney and I are both tied up with other matters for the next part of the day. We've agreed to put in some time this evening, at our place."
"Good." She turned into Central's underground garage. "See you."
"I gotta ask." Peabody braced as Eve shot into her narrow parking slot, then let out a breath when there was no impact. "When you see his face come on screen, all sexy and gorgeous with that, you know, mouth, do you ever just want to pant like a dog?"
"Jesus, Peabody."
"Just wondering."
"Stomp out the hormones and keep your mind in the game. I've got Whitney." She looked at the time. "Shit. Now. I wanted to see if we've had any luck with the artist rendering."
"I can do that. If there's anything, I'll bring it up."
"That works."
"See how handy it is to have a detective for a partner?"
"I should've known you'd find a way to work it in."
They separated, and Eve rode the miserably crowded elevator another three floors before she bailed and switched to the glide for the rest of the trip to Commander Whitney's office.
Whitney suited his rank. He was a commanding man with a powerful build and a steely mind. The lines dug around his eyes and mouth only added to the image of leadership, and the toll it took on the man.
His skin was dark, and his hair had sprinkles of gray, like dashes of salt. He sat at his desk, surrounded by his com unit, his data center, disk files and the framed holos of his wife and family.
Eve respected the man, the rank and what he'd accomplished. And secretly marveled he'd kept his sanity between the job and a wife who lived to socialize.
"Commander, I apologize for being late. I was detained at the lab."
He brushed that away with one of his huge hands. "Progress?"
"Sir. My case and Detective Baxter's connect through Samantha Gannon."
"So I see from the files."
"Further information has come to light after a follow-up interview with Gannon this morning: We're pursuing the possibility that Alex Crew's son or another connection or descendant may be involved in the current cases."
She sat only because he pointed to a chair. She preferred giving her orals standing. She relayed the details of the morning interview.
"Captain Feeney is handling the search personally," she continued. "I haven't yet spoken with him this afternoon, but have word there's been some progress in that area."
"The son would be in his sixties. A bit old to have interested a girl of Cobb's age."
"Some are attracted to older men for their experience, their stability. And he may have passed as younger." Though she doubted it. "More likely, he has a partner he used to get to Cobb. If this link holds, Commander, there are numerous possibilities. Judith Crew may have remarried, had another child, and that child may have learned of the diamonds and Gannon. Westley Crew may have children, and have passed his father's story to them, much as Gannon was passed the family legend. But it's someone with a proprietary interest. I feel certain of it, and Mira's profile concurs. I hope to have an artist rendering shortly.
"We got a break through the lab. There was trace of a fire-retardant substance on Cobb. A sealant, professional-grade. We'll run it down and concentrate on buildings near the dump site. He's been very careful, Commander, and this was a big mistake. One I don't believe he would have made if he had applied the sealant himself. Why kill her on or around flame-retardant material when you plan to light her up? It's too basic a mistake for this guy. Once we find the crime scene, we're a big step closer to finding him."
J.D. Robb's Books
- Indulgence in Death (In Death #31)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Leverage in Death: An Eve Dallas Novel (In Death #47)
- Apprentice in Death (In Death #43)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Echoes in Death (In Death #44)
- J.D. Robb
- Obsession in Death (In Death #40)
- Devoted in Death (In Death #41)
- Festive in Death (In Death #39)