Reckless (Brazen #2)(3)

Lucas turned, his eyes serious. “I meant what I said, man. Look out for her, okay?

Nikki…well, she’s a free spirit. She’ll never fit into a small town like Barley. She never did. People like to give her shit.”

His gaze tracked Nikki across the parking lot. “And guys tend to think she’s an easy mark because she’s so outgoing and…flamboyant. I won’t be around to kick some ass, so I’m counting on you to do it for me.”

Easy mark? J.T. frowned. He knew Lucas and Nikki didn’t have it easy growing up.

Even in a poor small town they’d been on the lower rung of poor, and when no one had much, those who had slightly more liked to lord it over those who had nothing.

“They’ll look at her and see our mother,” Lucas said quietly.

“Don’t sweat it, man. I’ll make sure she stays safe.” Especially from me.

Lucas bumped J.T.’s arm with his fist. “Thanks. I appreciate it.” J.T. closed in on Nikki and reached for her arm. Yeah, keep her safe. Who the hell was going to keep him safe from her?

She stopped when his fingers curled around her wrist. Her eyes glittered in the glow from the street lamps, and that pink streak in her hair sparkled and flashed with the movement of her head. Did she have glitter too? Hell.

“Get in the car, Nikki,” he said as he swung her around and herded her back to his vehicle.

“Well, if you insist,” she murmured.

His eyes narrowed. She was playing him like a fiddle. He heaved an exasperated sigh as he opened the door and all but shoved her inside. When she was seated, he leaned into the car, his hand gripping the top of the window.

“I am not having sex with you, Nikki.” Her lips curled upward in a faint smile. “If you say so, J.T.”

Chapter Two

Nikki watched J.T. flop into the driver’s seat. Tension radiated from him, and he refused to look at her. His fingers gripped the steering wheel until she was sure his knuckles had to be bloodless. He backed out of the parking lot of the police station without a word and headed down Main Street in the direction of her house.

She suppressed a grin. He was pissed. Maybe she’d gone too far this time.


Too far would be showing up naked at his office.

Her eyebrow lifted. That idea certainly had merit. Maybe just a trench coat. She could walk in, crawl onto his lap and let him open her up like a present.

Her ni**les puckered and strained then beaded into tight little knots. J.T. was certainly proving more of a challenge than she’d thought. Not that she ever imagined he’d be easy. But she’d known he was attracted to her when she’d hugged up to him at her graduation. She’d felt his c**k swell against her and heard his swift intake of breath when her br**sts had pressed against his chest. Yeah, he wanted her.

And lord but she wanted him.

She glanced at his profile and narrowed her eyes. War. She’d declared war as soon as she’d stepped back into this shithole town. Like she’d stick around if it weren’t for the fact that J.T. was firmly ensconced in his life and job here?

He was scared of her. She wanted to laugh, but she was afraid he’d be too offended if he knew she was laughing at him. Imagine, little ole Nikki scaring big, bad J.T.

Summers. It was hysterical, really.

She released the seatbelt and scooted over so she was next to him. He stiffened and gripped the steering wheel even tighter.

“Nikki,” he growled.

She stifled her smile and leaned her head on his shoulder. Her arm snaked around his middle as she nestled closer to him.

“I missed you, J.T. It seemed like every time I came home from college, you avoided me.”

“I, uh, missed you too, honey. You always were a fun kid.” She couldn’t control the silent laughter. Her shoulders shook as she heaved against him.

“What’s so damn funny?”

“You are.”

“Glad you think so,” he said darkly.

“Does calling me a kid somehow make it so in your mind, J.T.? Come on, I never took you for a coward.”

He roared into her driveway a little faster than was necessary and slammed on the brakes, skidding to a halt. He extricated himself from her grip and opened his door.

He sat there, chest heaving for a long second as she pulled away.

“You are a kid, Nikki. You’re my best friend’s kid sister. I was twelve years old when you were born, for God’s sake. When I was getting lucky in the backseat with Jane Seaver, you hadn’t even made it to preschool yet. You had just finished kindergarten when I graduated from high school.”

Her nose wrinkled as she stared at him. “Well, yeah, if you’d been interested in me when you were in high school that would have made you a complete perv, but that was ages ago, J.T. No one cares now. I’m over the legal age, and you’re hardly over the hill.

And whether you want to admit it or not, you want me.” She gazed challengingly at him. Let him squirm his way out of that one. If he denied it, she’d call him a big fat liar to his face.

He didn’t deny or confirm. He merely got out and walked around to her side to open her door. She accepted his hand, and when he pulled her up, she leaned into his chest and turned her head up so that their lips were close. Tantalizingly close.

For a moment he didn’t move, and she almost thought he was going to let it happen.

Maya Banks's Books