Reborn (Shadow Falls: After Dark #1)(44)

“No, I’m choosing not to answer any questions at this time.”

“What’s wrong?” Holiday walked out wearing a robe and a sleepy expression.

Della hadn’t minded waking up Burnett, but a pregnant Holiday, looking extra tired, dinged her conscience. “Sorry, but I … ran into Chase and he told me that Burnett had assigned him to work on the new case. The case I told Burnett I wanted to work on. Now he won’t even tell me if it’s true.”

Holiday looked at Burnett as if waiting for him to answer the accusation.

“You were out sick,” Burnett said.

“I got hit in the head. But I was fine, I told you I was fine. I remember the doctor had to come here once to take care of you when you were knocked on your ass by a ghost. Nobody took away your right to work a case.”

“I don’t assign cases just because someone wants to work it. And I was not knocked on my ass.”

“I got a trace of the guy.”

“So did Chase, he was out the night when the vampire set off the alarm.”

“I went with you to the scene and I saw what he did to that couple. I told you I wanted to work it. And besides, you barely know Chase. He hasn’t even been here a week. You trust him more than you trust me?”

“I never said I don’t trust you. He has certain gifts that make him an asset.”

“What, like a penis?” Della crossed her arms.

“Excuse me?” Burnett asked, shock widening his eyes.

“I’ve done everything you’ve told me I had to do to make the FRU. And you’ve sent me only on one case. One!” Della tried to keep her voice from cracking with emotion. “You are constantly bypassing me and sending either Lucas or Derek. And now it’s Chase. Why are you trying to stop me?”

Burnett glanced at Holiday almost as if expecting her to help him.

She didn’t speak up and that reminded Della of what Holiday had said earlier. “Is it because I’m a woman? You think I can’t do this because I’ve got br**sts? Well, let me tell you, my br**sts aren’t that big and what I lack in upper-body strength, I make up for in smarts and spunk.”

“It’s not because you’re a woman.” He glanced at Holiday again, and when she didn’t jump to his defense, he growled. “It’s not!”

Della heard his heart flutter to a slight mistruth. Not a whole lie, but … “Your heart just skipped a few beats, buddy!”

Burnett glanced at Holiday again, as if asking for her to intervene, but she remained silent. She obviously knew Della was right. Burnett wasn’t being fair. He’d been passing her over and choosing guys to do the job.

“Why don’t you think I can do this?” she asked again. “If not because you’re a male chauvinist pig, then tell me what it is. Tell me what I need to do to meet up to your standards!”

“I’m not … It’s because I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“And you think I’ll end up hurt because I’m a woman,” she said.

He raked another hand through his hair. “I care, damn it. I care about everyone here, but you’re … different. You’re special. And maybe, just maybe, there’s a tiny part of it because you are a woman, but that’s not really it. I just care.”

His words went right to her heart. Her chest felt tight. A weak part of her wanted to hug him. But more than his affection, she wanted his respect. “But that’s not right.”

“And you’re stubborn,” he said. “I’m scared that stubbornness can backfire on you. And I know it can backfire because I was just like you when I was young.”

Holiday rocked back on her heels and smiled as if completely content with the way this worked out.

Della had to swallow to keep the emotion from her throat. Everyone had always said Burnett was partial to her, but all she’d seen was him being a hardass. Then again, maybe that was just tough love. But he was still being a hardass and she didn’t like that!

“I’m not nearly as stubborn as you,” she told him. “And caring about me isn’t a good enough reason to stop me from accomplishing my dream. Don’t you think Holiday cares about you? She hasn’t made you stop working for the FRU.”

Burnett laced his hands behind his neck and squeezed. And without a shirt, the motion showcased a fine set of muscles and chest. Holiday was a lucky gal to have him. Of course, Della also knew he was lucky to snag Holiday.

“Let’s compromise,” he said. “You work on your stubbornness and I’ll work on my issues. How’s that?”

She nodded. “But I want to be on this case. I keep seeing her, the victim, in my head. Dead. I need to find who did this to her.”

He frowned. “Victims, there were two of them.”

“I know,” Della said. “But for some reason I keep seeing her. Let me help work this case, please.”

“I’ll consider it.”

She wanted to say that wasn’t good enough, but a warning look from Holiday changed her mind. Della turned to leave and then she swung back around. “Thank you for” … caring … “compromising.”

Holiday rubbed her hands together, a smile shining from her green eyes. “Why don’t you two just hug and get it over with? The moment’s begging for it. The emotion is right.”

C.C. Hunter's Books