Reborn (Shadow Falls: After Dark #1)(105)

“Let’s take a walk.” Burnett’s tone came with an abundance of grump.

Della waited for Chris to reply, when all of a sudden she realized Burnett wasn’t talking to Chris. Friggin’ hell. What now?

Before they got out of earshot of the other vampires, Della had a good idea of what it was all about. Chase.

“Did you see Chase after you left the office last night?”

Sometimes being right wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

“Yeah.” It was decision time. To tell or not to tell. She wasn’t sure why she felt an ounce of loyalty to the panty perv, but she did. It hung in her chest like an unwanted emotion.

“Did he mention he was leaving Shadow Falls?”

“Sort of,” she said.

“And you didn’t think you should inform me about that?”

“I wasn’t sure if I believed him. I thought I’d find him here this morning.”

The worry line between Burnett’s brows deepened. “Did he say where he was going?”


“What did he say?”

It was a direct question and one she felt obligated to answer. “He told me where we met. He was part of the Blades gang when Steve and I went undercover.” When Burnett didn’t say anything, she decided it was time to drop the bomb. “He said he works for the Vampire Council.”

“I already knew that,” Burnett said.

Della stared up at him and threw his words right back at him. “And you didn’t think you should’ve informed me about that?”

“That’s different,” he said.

“Yeah. The difference being, you expect me to be completely forthcoming with you, while you do just the opposite.”

His scowl deepened. “But since you weren’t forthcoming with me, your argument doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.” He ran a hand over his face.

“If he was gone, I’d planned on telling you.”

“Which was too late to do anything,” he seethed.

Della couldn’t argue with that. “How did he leave without setting off the alarm?”

“He didn’t. He called in the middle of the night and said he had to go see an old friend who was in trouble. I believed him. But … considering my suspicions, I had someone follow him.”

“So you didn’t lose him. What’s the issue?” Della asked.

“He got away.”

“He’s fast,” Della said.

Burnett nodded. “When I went to his cabin this morning, his stuff was all gone.” Burnett hesitated. “Did he say anything else?”

“Only that he was looking for someone,” she told him.


“He wouldn’t say,” Della exhaled. “But considering he left, I’m assuming he didn’t find him or her here.”

“Then why stay as long as he did? And why agree to help work this case?”

“I asked that. He said you’re the one who suggested it. And since he was good at what he did, he thought he’d help find a killer. So maybe that was why he stayed.”

“Do you believe him, or do you think he had some ulterior motive for being here?”

She mentally chewed on the question for a couple of seconds. “I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I think I believe him.” She rubbed her temple, which still throbbed. Not sharp shooting pains, but just enough of a dull ache to make her take notice.

When she looked up, Burnett stared at her. “What?” she asked.

“Chris is right, you don’t look well. Are you feeling okay?”

She grinned. “Chris said I looked like shit.”

Burnett arched an eyebrow. “Holiday is on to me about my language. She said too many of the students are cursing, especially the vampires. She says I’m a bad influence on them.” He cut her a direct look as if accusing her of having a potty mouth.

“Well, damn!” Della grinned, finding it funny that the badass vampire got called out for his language. When he didn’t respond to her humor, she sobered. “I’ll watch what I say when I’m around her so you won’t get in trouble.” She paused. “How is she doing?”

“Like you. She looks tired, worn out. But she has a reason. You … I’m not so sure.”

“I’m not pregnant, if that’s what you’re asking.”

He looked appalled. “I wasn’t asking.”

“It was a late night,” Della said. “I’ll be fine.” She dropped her hand from her temple. Out of the blue, an image of Billy filled her head. “I’d bet I’m doing better than Billy.”

“I’d have to agree with you on that. The DNA came back on the hair.”

“And?” Della asked, wanting to rub it in a little that she’d been right. She deserved that. Then she’d tell him about Phillip Lance.

“It’s a match,” Burnett said. “They’ve officially arrested him about five this morning.”

“No!” Doubt reared its head in her chest. “He didn’t … I still don’t—”

“He’s guilty, Della. I know you didn’t want to believe that.” He rested his hand on her shoulder. “And if it makes you feel any better, we’ll go easy on him because … fresh turns don’t always have control. But he’ll spend some time in jail, and hopefully in the next few years we’ll have him rehabilitated.”

C.C. Hunter's Books