Purity in Death (In Death #15)(24)
"Pithy, my butt. Damn it, I didn't get what floor he's on."
"I did. Twelve. Madam." Roarke smiled winningly at their elevator companion. "Your floor?"
"I can get off anywhere." She noticed the weapon peeking out from under Eve's jacket "Anywhere at all."
"It's all right." Smooth and handsome in his business suit, he kept his voice light, friendly. "She's the police. That's a beautiful flower arrangement."
"Yes. Well. My granddaughter just had a baby. A boy."
"Congratulations. You'd like Maternity, I imagine. Ah, six." Once he had their destinations, he turned back to her, careful to keep his body blocking Eve's gun. "I hope mother and son are doing well."
"Yes, thank you. It's my first great-grandchild. They've named him Luke Andrew."
She slid her gaze cautiously toward Eve when the elevator doors opened to six. Holding the flowers like a shield, she scurried out.
"What? Do I look like I stomp on old ladies for recreation?"
Roarke angled his head. "Actually-"
"Just keep that silk tongue of yours still."
"That's not what you said last night."
And because he made her laugh, she was able to head down to McNab's room with less weight on her shoulders. It dropped right back on when she stepped in, saw Peabody sitting by the bed, and McNab in it.
He looked too young, lying there with his eyes closed, face white, so white against white sheets. They'd taken his body adornments, she thought. He looked naked, vulnerable, wrong without his complement of earrings.
Skinny shoulders, Eve thought with a wave of worry. The guy had skinny shoulders and they didn't belong under some drab hospital gown. He needed something bright, bold, silly over that half-assed body of his.
His hair was loose so that all that sunny blond looked too shiny, too healthy against the rest of him.
She hated hospitals. They stripped you down to flesh and bone, left you weak and alone in some narrow bed where machines clocked your every breath.
"Can't we get him out of here?" she heard herself say. "Can't we-"
"I'll arrange it," Roarke whispered in her ear.
Of course he would. He'd arrange everything while she stood here, stuck in the damn doorway. Annoyed with herself, Eve stepped inside. "Peabody."
Peabody's head snapped up. Eve could see she'd been crying. Her hand slid across the sheet, covered McNab's.
"He's out. The doctor says he's doing okay. He took a pretty hard hit, but . . . I appreciate you letting me leave the scene to ride with him."
"I heard he'd come out of it."
"Yeah, he . . ." Peabody stopped, took one long breath, and seemed to draw herself in. "He went in and out a few times. He was vague on what happened, but he was coherent. They didn't find any brain damage. It gave his heart a pretty bad punch, and I think they're a little worried because the beat's still irregular. And his, um, his right side's numb yet. They think that's temporary, but right now he can't move his arm or leg on that side."
"Gonna walk funny." The voice was a bit slurry, but brought everyone's attention to McNab's face. His eyes were still closed, but his mouth curved up, just a little, in an attempt to smile that ripped at Eve's belly.
"You in there, McNab?"
"Yeah." He tried to swallow. "Yeah, Lieutenant, all present and accounted for. She-Body?"
"Right here."
"I could use some water or something. A brew'd be nice."
"You get water." She snatched a covered cup, brought the straw to his lips. After two shallow sips, he turned his head away. "I don't smell any flowers. Guy ends up in the hospital, people are supposed to bring him some damn flowers."
"I got a little distracted on my way to the gift shop." Eve moved over to the right side of the bed. "Had to kick a few reporters."
He opened his eyes. They were green, and they were clouded. From drugs or pain she couldn't be sure, but to Eve's mind one was as bad as the other.
"Did you get the captain out? I can't remember-"
"He'll be coming by to see you as soon as he gets out from under the paperwork. He's fine."
"He didn't make it."
"Jesus. Jesus." McNab closed his eyes again. "What the hell happened?"
"You tell me."
"I . . . I can't get it clear."
"Take it easy for a while, then we'll talk about it."
"You laying off me that fast? I must be in pretty bad shape. Peabody, if I croak, you get my vid collection."
"That's not funny."
"Okay, okay, you can have all the earrings, too. But my cousin Sheila's going to be pretty pissed. Can somebody help me sit up some here?"
"The doctor said you were supposed to rest." But Peabody was already bringing the bed up to a reclined sitting position.
"If I croak-"
"Will you stop saying that."
He managed a grin while Peabody scowled with her face close to his. "How about you lay one on me?"
"I'll lay one on you." She muttered it, then pressed her mouth gently to his.
J.D. Robb's Books
- Indulgence in Death (In Death #31)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Leverage in Death: An Eve Dallas Novel (In Death #47)
- Apprentice in Death (In Death #43)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Echoes in Death (In Death #44)
- J.D. Robb
- Obsession in Death (In Death #40)
- Devoted in Death (In Death #41)
- Festive in Death (In Death #39)