Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1)(92)

"Baby?" His voice shook. Trembled as he fought the knowledge. "Kira? Open your eyes, angel. Please, please . . ."

No heartbeat. No life. Her body was broken, their souls no longer connected.

The bond was severed. His mate was dead.

Clutching her to his chest, he threw back his head and screamed.

And screamed.

Chapter Seventeen

Jax, buddy, you have to let her go.

Oh, God, somebody do something!

Leave him alone, ass**le! Can't you see he's grieving?

Their voices came to him from far away. Grieving?

Yes. He was grieving his mate. Murdered by his former lover and her evil partners. Nothing would ever be all right again.

All along, it was Kira who was meant to die. Not me.

Nick had known. There was nothing to do now except follow her into death and hope she'd be waiting for him. Except . . .

If you could go back and relive any perfect moment in your life, which one would it be?

He'd told her none. That they'd go on to live their lives and make more perfect moments. And now there was only one way to do that.

Use his gift. The one he'd failed to use that night six months ago, and as a result, had failed his team. He had the power to make this right. For him and Kira.

Lovingly, he kissed his mate's cooling brow and laid her carefully upon the ground. Time was literally of the essence.

Oh, God, please let my gift return.

He was hardly aware of his team surrounding him as he stood, held his arms out from his sides, palms up. Ignored their calls as he let the rage consume him, fuel his power, and they realized what he was doing.

It can't be gone. Because if it's gone, so is she. Forever.

Reaching out with his senses, he found nothing at first. Only blank silence where his gift used to be. No, please!


And then, just as he was about to give in to despair, a glimmer of something . . . There! The threads. The very fabric of time. Desperately, he snagged them one by one, gathered them, bent them to his will. Spun them, running the reel backward.

The scene before him fell away and he watched the film outside of himself, an observer waiting for exactly the right moment. He'd only get one chance, and if he failed, he'd not have the strength to do it again.

He was on the roof again, going for the helicopter as Kira helped Ryon dispatch his assailant. Now!

Jax let go of the threads and prepared himself for impact. With brutal force, he was slammed back inside his wolf's body, the shock taking his breath away. But he had only precious seconds to recover. The helicopter was about to lift off with Aric inside, and a lance of agony went through Jax at the decision he'd already made.

His mate's life, or Aric's.

There was no choice.

This time, instead of going for the helicopter, he spun and intercepted his mate as she tried to streak past him. He tackled her, pinning her smaller wolf's body with his much larger one. Even with his injury, she had no hope of dislodging him. She was no match for the strength of his desperation.

And of his love.

The helicopter lifted, engines throttling. He raised his head to see the men inside, holding a struggling Aric. Beryl's expression was catlike, satisfied. God only knows what they would do to his friend.

But it was the look of hurt and betrayal on Aric's face that Jax would never forget.

He'd saved his mate, but the cost had been great. Not just for him, but the entire team. Nick would probably fire him for what he'd done. But the memory of holding Kira's broken body shook him, and he knew he wouldn't change what he'd done.

Underneath him, she shifted, and he did, too. Big blue eyes gazed up at him, confused and worried. "Why did you stop me? I could've saved him," she whispered.

Tears escaped to stream down his face. He couldn't have stopped them if he tried. "I know you could have. You did."


"You saved Aric, but Beryl pushed you from the helicopter," he choked. "You fell to your death."

Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. "Are you kidding?"

"I wish I were. I'll never forget it as long as I live." Scooping her into his arms, he crushed her against his chest. He was barely aware of himself, Kira, and Ryon being joined on the roof by the rest of his team.

"I think I remember falling," his mate said after a few moments. "It's like a dream."

"A bad one."

He wasn't sure how long he'd held her when suddenly clothing appeared on him and Kira. Looking up, he saw Kalen standing nearby with a faint smile on his lips.

"You guys were blinding me," he said.

He gave a hollow laugh. "Thanks, Sorcerer."

"Don't mention it."

"I don't suppose you could flash that helicopter back here?"

Regret etched his face. "I'm sorry, man. I tried to perform a grounding spell, but it got away before I could get a good grip on it."

Jax stood and helped his mate up, limping a bit on his bad leg. He'd have to get the wound checked out. Later. "That's all right. It's my fault those sons of bitches got away with Aric. I take full responsibility."

He drew her into his side, unable to let go. Not now, maybe never. How was it possible for a man to be so elated, yet completely consumed with guilt? Whatever happened to Aric was on his head.

J.D. Tyler's Books