Portrait in Death (In Death #16)(88)

She stood back as the sweepers arrived and got to work. "It fits him. You don't steal a vehicle. That's makes the vehicle a target. Borrow a friend's? What if the friend mentions it to another friend? What if you run into trouble, have a fender bender? Friend's going to be pissed. But something happens to this, you just ditch it, and leave Billy holding the bag."

"But Billy knows him."

"Unlikely. Just another side customer. If he used it, he used it twice, and made certain he didn't do anything to make him memorable. He's smart," Eve continued. "And he plans. He'd scoped out Ernestine, this place, the van, Billy, well in advance. He lives or works in this sector."

She tucked her hands in her back pockets and looked toward the garage entrance, toward the street. "But he didn't kill them here. Don't piss in your own pool."

"Should I run imaging and photographic businesses in this sector?"

"Yeah." Eve replied. "We're closing in."

One of the sweepers popped out. "Getting a lot of human and feline hair, Lieutenant. And some synthetic. Plenty of prints."

"I want everything you get taken directly to Berenski at the lab. I'll clear it."

"Shouldn't take long. Vehicle's pretty clean."

"Appreciate it. Peabody." She headed back to her own vehicle, pulling out her pocket-link as she walked. "Berenski."

"Yeah, yeah, busy. Go away."

"Dickie. I've got a sweeper haul heading your way within the hour. Sucked up from what I believe is the van used to transport the vics in the two college homicides."

"Tell them to take their time. Won't get to it till tomorrow, maybe the day after."

"You get to them before end of shift, give me verification, I've got two seats, owner's box, for the Yankees. You pick the game."

He rubbed his chin with his long, long fingers. "You're not even going to argue and threaten me first. Just the bribe?"

"I'm kind of pressed for time myself, so let's just cut to it."

"Four seats."

"For four, I want the results wrapped in a pink ribbon and delivered to me within two hours-from now."

"Done. Go away."

"Dickhead," she spewed as she stuffed the 'link back in her pocket.

"How come you never offer me seats in the owner's box?" Peabody complained.

"How come my ass has only managed to plop down in one twice this season? Life's a bitch, Peabody."


Billy probably thought so as he sat in an Interview room with his prune-faced public defender and waited for Eve to question him.

She'd put him on ice for an hour, and was stalling a bit longer, waiting for Dickie to come through. While she waited, she watched Billy through the one-way glass.

"No priors," she said to Peabody. "Not on his adult record. A couple of minor brushes as a juvenile. He's careful. Slick operator."

"You don't think he's involved."

"Not directly. He's a scam artist with a nice, easy scam. His uncle probably taught it to him. I'm going to go get started on him. When Dickhead sends the lab results, bring them in."


Billy glowered at her. The PD pursed her thin lips.

"Lieutenant Dallas, you've held my client for more than an hour. Unless you're prepared to charge him-"

"Don't tempt me. I'm well under the legal time frame, so don't pull the 'poor schmoe' routine on me. Record on. Dallas, Lieutenant Eve, conducting a formal interview with Billy Johnson regarding case files H-23987 and H-23992. Your client, Billy Johnson, has been advised of his rights and obligations, and has opted to take advantage of his rights and avail himself of the services of a public defender. Correct?"

"That is correct. At this point, neither my client nor I are clear on why he was forcibly brought in for questioning in-"

"Forcibly? Anyone use force on you, Billy? Did you sustain any injuries during your transport to this facility?"

"Took me off my job. Didn't give me much choice."

"Let it be on record that the subject was remanded into police custody and transported to Interview at Central, without force. He has been read the Revised Miranda. He has availed himself of counsel. You want to muddy the waters, sister, I'll muddy them right back. Now you and I can continue to play pushy-shovey, or I can question your client and get this done."

"My client was not given the opportunity to voluntarily-"

"Oh, zip it," Billy snapped and rubbed the crop of corn-rows covering his head. "What the hell do you want?" he demanded of Eve. "I don't know anything about anybody getting dead. What the hell do you want?"

"We've swept Ernestine MacNamara's van, Billy. Lots of prints, lots of trace evidence. We both know we're going to find some of that trace evidence doesn't go back to Ernestine or her faithful Sunday group."

"I park the car for her, so my prints-"

"We're going to find more than yours, too. And that puts you in the wringer." She kept her focus on him. "Rachel Howard. Kenby Sulu."

She watched his mouth tremble. "Oh my Jesus. Those college kids. Oh my God. I watched the reports on the news. Those are the dead college kids."

J.D. Robb's Books