Player's Princess (A Royal Sports Romance)(43)
I sit up when that hits me. That must be a hell of a thing, being told from a young age all the things you have to do when your parents die. No wonder she's so… her.
I drag myself back to the house. I should have been studying. I have a lot coming up. Thanks to Anastasia's help, I'm ahead of the math again. The way she described the process just made it click in my head, like magic.
The brothers are in the front room, playing some car-racing game on the TV. I watch them for a while, remembering what it was like to have a brother.
Friday is a blur. Practice takes up most of the day. I have to drop my assignments off and spend most of the first half of the day on the field before I'm let go. I couldn't have gone to Grandolf's class anyway, not after what happened. I'm going to have to ask to switch classes, maybe see about getting a new advisor. All I really need her for now is to sign my schedules, but even that would be awkward.
Ugh, that woman has to sign off before I can graduate. What the hell have I done to myself?
As I walk through campus on Friday afternoon, I feel a weird kind of pride. Sleeping with her didn't even cross my mind.
When I get back to the house, the brothers clap me on both shoulders and march me to the living room. Pizza has been ordered, Izzy and Twitch and the rest of the offensive line are on their way, and it's time to hang out before we go get on the bus tomorrow morning.
Ours is the strangest football team ever. Akele draws the short straw and chooses the movie, and they end up watching the first of those Hobbit movies. I've already seen it. Repeatedly.
While they share pizza, soda, and snacks, I head out to the back porch and sit there, staring up at the stars. Somewhere Anastasia looks up at the same stars.
Actually, about three blocks away. She's not on Mars, Jason. Calm down.
When I see her vault the fence and stride into the backyard, I think I must be dreaming. She's dressed simply, in black leggings and a long, threadbare, gray sweatshirt. It takes me a moment to realize it's mine.
"Hi," she says.
"Hi. Are you coming tomorrow?"
"I haven't decided yet. I want to talk."
"Talk, I'm listening."
She sighs. God, she's so beautiful. In the moonlight she looks like some kind of nymph, like she walked out of her glade and I'm the first man to lay eyes on her. If I was just seeing her for the first time now, I'd fall instantly in love.
"I don't want to hurt you. I think if we… dated, you would fall for me."
"I've already fallen for you."
"I mean for real. I do not know what I'm doing, Jason. I have never done this before, felt this way before. No one has ever spoken to me like you have spoken to me, touched me like you have touched me. I have been royalty all my life, but only you have ever made me feel like a princess."
"Then come to the game tomorrow."
"I don't know if I can. I can't keep you."
"What does it matter who you marry? Can't you change the law? What the hell good does it do you to be a princess if you can't do what you want?"
"I have asked myself that question all my life," she says sadly.
She walks closer, and I know I shouldn't stand. I stay on the stoop and wait for her. She draws something out of her pocket and holds it out. A strip of cloth.
"I made this for you. I embroidered it."
I take it gently, my fingers brushing hers. I hold the fabric out and let it unfold, moving lightly in the breeze. Embroidered in the center is a knight in blue armor, against the yellow of the cloth itself.
"What is this? It's very, uh, nice. You did a great job."
"It's a favor," she says, then turns.
She climbs up over the fence and disappears.
"Okay," I ask no one in particular, "what the hell is a favor?"
I walk back into the house, still holding the gift and staring at it.
Akele looks up and sees me, then mutes the television.
"Why don't they just throw the ring in the ocean?" Izzy says.
"Not now," Akele booms, rising. "Do you see what he has?"
I look at it. "What do I have? She said it was a favor."
The others all look at me, then at Akele. He walks around the couches and stands in front of me, gazing reverently at the piece of cloth I hold spread between my hands.
"When knights of old would enter the lists in deadly contest, they would ask their ladies for a favor to wear into battle as a token of their esteem, and for good luck. Tomorrow we ride into battle, and our captain has been granted a favor. This is an auspicious sign for our victory."
The others continue to stare at him.
"Dude, are you high?" Izzy asks.
The ride is too damn long. We leave at six in the morning to arrive in time and get suited up before the game. Before I put on my pads, I tightly tie the cloth Anastasia embroidered around my arm, to make sure she can see it. I don't know if she's here or not. I didn't dare ask. I haven't even talked to Dee, who will almost certainly be with her.
If she's here.
I've never been so nervous in my life. After much fanfare as the Honey Badgers emerge onto their home field, my team runs out to boos and jeers. I let them bounce off my helmet like rain.
"The hour is at hand," Akele booms behind me.