Paradise Valley (Virgin River #7)(4)

“No kidding?” Jack said. “I had no idea.”

“It was pretty sudden.”

“Must’ve been sudden.”

“Oh-ho,” Walt said, sipping his beer. “One minute she was considering a script she described as having possibilities for her if the right people were involved. The next minute I was driving her to the airport.”


“My exact reaction,” Walt said. “I’ve spoken with her a couple of times. She’s hard at work. And the animals are fine.”

Jack smiled. “Gives you some time on your hands, then.”

Walt just nodded. It was hard after all these years to regress. He’d forced himself to get used to living a single man’s life after his wife died. In fact, he had never expected to find another woman to fill that space. But once Muriel had, it astonished him how quickly he got used to female companionship. And not just any companion, but a woman who seemed perfect for him. While she was here, riding, shooting, hunting, refurbishing her house, he realized they were made for each other. But the minute the call came from Hollywood he began to think he’d been ridiculous to imagine they had anything in common. It was so easy for her to pack up her cosmetics and dainties, board a fancy Lear and take off for another kind of life.

“I saw Shelby and Luke the other night. They came by for a beer and a take-out dinner. Looks like things are back on track there,” Jack said.

“I guess so,” Walt said. “Do they look content?”

Jack leaned toward him. “In every sense of the word,” he said. Then he laughed. “Took Luke lots longer to bite the dust than I gave him credit for.”

“I just want Shelby to be in good hands,” Walt said.

“Oh, General, there’s no question about that. Luke gave up the fight.” And he grinned. “He’s all hers.”

“Better be,” Walt growled. “I wouldn’t mind shooting him.”

Jack laughed at him. Walt put the fear of God in a lot of men, but there was no evidence he’d actually done any physical harm. However, he had enough hot air in him to float a balloon.

Only a moment later, Mike V came in the back door and sat up next to Walt. Then came Paul, whose approach was always signaled by the banging of his muddy boots on the porch before coming inside. Walt remembered why this place soothed him; a few men enjoying a beer at the end of the day, Jack with his coffee cup—male camaraderie. And then Mel came in, the baby tucked under her coat.

After she said hello to everyone, she asked Mike, “Brie coming out to dinner?”

“Not tonight. She’s going to get the baby settled early, if possible. Little Ness likes to burn the midnight oil.”

Mel looked at Paul. “Vanni?”

He shook his head. “Vanni’s cooking tonight.”

“And Abby?” Mel asked, speaking of their houseguest.

Paul shook his head. “Cameron’s taking her over to Grace Valley for an ultrasound, and he offered to take her to Fortuna for something to eat afterward, just to get her out of the house.”

“Ah,” Mel said. “I knew he had an errand and I’m on call till he gets back. That’s nice of him to do for Abby.”

Paul nodded. Then with a semitortured look he tried to conceal, he turned to Walt. “Vanni mentioned Muriel’s out of town, sir. Would you like some dinner?”

Walt looked him up and down shrewdly. Paul had his wife all to himself for a change and was going to begrudgingly invite her father to join them? “I don’t think so, son. Though the deep sincerity of your offer touches me.”

Everyone laughed but for an indignant Paul. “Aw, come on, I was really nice about that! Sir.”

“You were a peach,” Walt said, knowing he was getting a little grumpy. “I’ll just sit here and have dinner with Jack.”

“Where’s Muriel, Walt?” Mel asked.

He was tired of explaining about this, and it hadn’t been all that long. “Making a movie,” he said unhappily.

“Really? How exciting! Since she was looking forward to a long break from that, it must be quite an important film.”

“Yeah, so she says. Jack Whatshisname is the star.”

“Jack What’s… Jack who?”

“You know. Big star. Cuckoo’s Nest guy…”

“Nicholson? Holy shit,” Mel said.

“Melinda, we were going to stop saying shit in front of the kids,” Jack patiently reminded her, glancing over his shoulder toward David in the backpack.

“Oh shit, I forgot. But, Walt, that’s really something, isn’t it? I mean, he’s huge. This must be a thrill for her.”

Walt got a fairly dangerous gleam in his eye. “I suppose she’s thrilled to the heart of her bottom.”

“Well, no wonder you’re so pissy,” Mel said with a laugh. “Jack, since everyone’s clearing out, I’m going to get some dinner from Preacher to take home. I’ll get the kids fed and settled. Can you sneak away quickly if I get a call? Since Cameron’s headed for Grace Valley, I need to be on call for medical emergencies.”

“Don’t worry about it, Mel,” Mike said. “I’m going home, I’ll back you up. If you get a call before Jack locks up, just holler. I’ll walk over and sit with the kids.”

Robyn Carr's Books