Origin in Death (In Death #21)(80)

"That's it?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I was looking at the security discs, and it seemed to me that there was more. Both you and Ms. Frost looked back at each other as you walked away."

"Yes, ma'am," Diana said without hesitation, her dark eyes level and clear. "I was a little embarrassed that she caught me looking. It isn't polite. But I thought she was pretty, and I liked her hair."

"Did you know her?"

"I'd never met her before today."

"That's not what I asked. Did you know her, Diana?"

"I don't know Mrs. Frost."

Eve sat back. "You're smart."

"I have an intelligence quotient of one hundred eighty-eight, with a nine point six on the practical application scale and a ten-point comprehension. My problem-solving scale rate is also ten."

"I just bet. If I told you I know this school isn't what it pretends to be, what would you say?"

"What is it pretending to be?"


Something flickered over Diana's face. "When a human trait or emotion is applied to an inanimate object, it poses an interesting query. Is it the human element that expresses that trait or emotion, or can an object itself hold that trait or emotion?"

"Yeah, you're smart. Has anyone hurt you?"

"No, Lieutenant."

"Do you know of anyone else here at Brookhollow who's been hurt:"

There was the slightest sparkle in those careful eyes. "Ms. Samuels. She was killed, and I assume it hurt."

"How do you feel about that? About Ms. Samuels being murdered."

"Murder is illegal and immoral. And I wonder who will run Brookhollow now."

"Where are your parents?"

"They live in Argentina."

"Do you want to call them?"

"No, ma'am. If it's necessary, someone from the school will contact them."

"Do you want to leave Brookhollow?"

For the first time, Diana hesitated. "I think my .. . mother will decide if I'm to stay or go."

"Do you want to leave?"

"I'd like to be with her, when she thinks it's right."

Eve leaned forward. "Do you understand I'm here to help you?"

"I believe you're here to do your sworn duty."

"I'll help you get out."

"Eve," Mira interrupted.

"I will help her get out. Look at me, Diana. Look at me. You're smart, and you know if I say I'll do it, I'll find a way. If you're straight with me, you'll walk out of here with me today, and never have to come back."

There were tears, just a glimmer of them, but they never fell. Then her eyes were dry. "My mother will tell me when it's time for me to leave."

"Do you know Deena Flavia?"

"I don't know anyone by that name."


"Dr. Wilfred B. Icove was one of the founders of Brookhollow. The Icove family is one of our biggest benefactors."

"You know what happened to them?"

"Yes, Lieutenant. We had a small service in our chapel yesterday to honor them. It's a terrible tragedy."

"Do you know why it happened to them?"

"It would be impossible for me to know the reason they were killed."

"I know why. I want to make it stop. The person who killed the Icoves and Ms. Samuels wants to make it stop, too. But her way is wrong. Killing is wrong."

"In wartime killing is necessary and encouraged. In some cases it's considered heroic."

"Don't play games with me," Eve said impatiently. "Even if she considers it a war, she can't get them all. But I can stop it. I can make it stop. Where do they make you?"

"I don't know. Will you destroy us?"

"No. Jesus." Eve reached over, gripped Diana's hands. "No. Do they tell you that? Is that one of the ways to keep you here, keep you in line?"

"No one will believe you. No one will believe me. I'm just a little girl." She smiled when she said it, and looked ageless.

"I believe you. Dr. Mira believes you."

"Others-higher authorities, or smaller minds-if they believe, they'll destroy or lock away. Life's important; I want to keep mine. I want to go now, back with the other girls. Please."

"I'll stop the tests, the training."

"I believe you. But I can't help you. May I be excused?"

"All right. Go on."

Diana rose. "I don't know where I began," she said. "I don't remember anything before the age of five."

"Could it be here?"

"I don't know. I hope she does. Thank you, Lieutenant."

"I'll take her back." Mira got to her feet. "Would you like me to bring in another student?"

"No. I want whoever's next in line of authority. Vice president."

"Ms. Sisler," Diana told Eve. "Or Ms. Montega."

Eve nodded, had gestured Mira to take Diana out, when her communicator beeped. "Dallas, what've you got?"

"You alone?" Feeney asked.

J.D. Robb's Books