Origin in Death (In Death #21)(71)

"Next image, Peabody," Eve said before Quincy could interrupt. ''This is a student ID image, from Brookhollow. Age twelve."

"We've established the woman known as Deena Flavia attended the Academy," Quincy began.

"Yes, we have. But this isn't Deena Flavia. This is Diana Rodriguez, currently age twelve, currently a student at Brookhollow Academy, and identified through computer verification of image matching and aging programs as Deena Flavia."

"Could be her kid," Quincy murmured.

"Computer puts them as the same person. But if this is her offspring, it still leaves the question of false identification and data records on this minor female. It still leaves the question of how a minor was allowed to become impregnated and give birth-off the records-at a respected institution. There are no records of adoption or guardianship. There are fifty-five more matches, just like this, of former students of Brook-hollow and current minor females attending same. What do you figure the odds might be for fifty-six students giving birth to fifty-six female offsprings who so perfectly replicate their physical appearance?"

Eve waited a beat, and was met with silence. "All one hundred and twelve of them educated or being educated at the same institution, none of the data on the offspring indicating adoption, guardianship, or fostering that included their true biological parents."

"I wouldn't put money on it," Tibble murmured. "You've bottled some lightning here, Lieutenant. We're going to have to figure out how to keep it from frying our asses. Quincy."

He was rubbing his fingers down the bridge of his nose. "We need to see them all." He lifted his hand up before Eve could speak. "We have to verify every one if we're going to the wall on this."

"All right." She felt time dribbling away from her. "Next images, Peabody."

Chapter Twelve

AT THE CENTER, ROARKE ALLOWED THE EFFICIENT Carla Poole to guide them through elaborate imaging and simulations labs, into state-of-the-art examination and procedure areas.

He noted the cameras, particularly the ones that were prominently displayed. And the security at every egress. He made comments, asked the occasional question, but let Louise take the lead.

"Your patient analysis facilities are superb." Louise stood, looking around a large room equipped with a contour exam chair, medical and imaging computers, body and face scanners.

"We have twelve rooms for this purpose, each of which is individually controlled and can be adjusted to meet patient or client needs or demands. The subject's vital signs, brain wave patterns, and so on are monitored, analyzed, and documented throughout the examination or consult."

"And the VR options?"

"As you know, Doctor, any procedure, however minor, causes stress in the client or patient. We find offering a selection of VR programs helps the client relax during the examination. We can also personalize a program to allow the client to see and feel how he or she will appear post-treatment."

"You're also associated with the adjoining hospital and emergency facilities."

"Yes. In case of injury, if reconstruction is necessary or desired, the patient might be brought here after stabilization in our emergency sector. A full medical and technical team is assigned to each patient, chosen by an analysis of that patient's needs. The same is provided for clients."

"But a patient or client can certainly select his or her primary doctor."

"Of course," Poole said smoothly. "If, after our recommendation, the subject wishes alternate medical personnel, we bow to their wishes."

"Observation privileges?"

"Limited due to our privacy policies. But we do permit, with the subject's consent, some observation for teaching purposes."

"But the procedures are recorded."

"As the law demands," Poole said smoothly. "Those records are then sealed, to be opened only at patient request or due to litigation. Now I believe you'd be very interested in seeing one of our surgical rooms."

"I would," Louise agreed. "But I'm so interested in your research areas. What the Icoves and this center accomplished, well, it's legendary. I'd love to have a look at the labs."

"Of course." She didn't miss a beat. "Some of those areas are restricted, due to the sensitivity of the research, contamination or security. But there are several levels I believe you'll find interesting."

She did, and found the sheer volume of space, personnel, equipment astonishing. The lab area they were shown was fashioned like a sunburst, with individual rays spreading out from a hub where six people worked at screens, facing out along their channel. High walls framed each ray, and counters, workstations, screens. The walls in each sector were color coded, and the techs within wore lab coats of the same hue.

There was no access, Roarke noted, between rays.

She led them to a clear door at the wide end of the blue ray, and used her security card and palm print for access.

"Each section here is specific to its own research area and team. I'm not able to explain all the work being done, but we have clearance for this. As you see, several medical droids are undergoing treatment or analysis. The droids here have been programmed not only to feed data into the core center, headed by each section's chief, but to internally access response and reaction on human patients. It was through this process that the technology for what is commonly called derma was developed. Its use on burn victims, as you know, Dr. Dimatto, was revolutionary."

J.D. Robb's Books