One Week Girlfriend (Drew + Fable #1)(17)

I love coming out of the dressing room and showing him what I have on next. He sits there slouching in his chair, his big body sprawled all over the place, legs spread wide and a bored look on his too handsome face. I’m torturing him, I know it, but his gaze lights up every time he sees me, even if the dress is awful.

And he’s honest too. I can appreciate that. The few that really were awful, he point blank said they were bad. So far he likes the first one I tried on best, and I know it’s a good choice but this one…the one I have on right now, is so beautiful it almost makes me want to cry.

It’s also, at almost four hundred bucks, the most expensive one of them all. Guilt eats at me. I shouldn’t want it. It’s too much money. But oh my God, it looks soo good on me and I don’t like to brag but…yeah. As I told that stupid girl who knows Drew, my tits look great in it and they’re not all hanging out and too obvious either. Everything about this dress is understated, classy…

Yet sexy.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door and step out into the waiting area of the dressing room. There sits Drew in slouch mode, his gaze locked unseeingly on me. He blinks slowly and sits up straight, his eyes going wide as he drinks me in.

“Damn,” he breathes and clears his throat.

The smile that teases the corners of my mouth can’t be contained. I do a little twirl, imagining the super high heels I’d like to buy to go with this dress. I really don’t want to spend too much money on shoes, though. Maybe there’s a Payless Shoe Source close by or something.

Yeah, right.

“Do you like it?” I ask when I face him once more. The dress is black and silky, sleeveless, with a lacy bodice that covers me to my collarbone. It fits close, nipping in at the waist, stopping about mid-thigh, revealing lots of leg. The best part is the back. It does a deep vee, trimmed in black velvety lace and exposes a lot of skin. No way can I wear a bra with it.

“Get it,” he says without hesitation. “You look…”

“Okay? Really? It’s kind of short.” I glance down at myself. “And I’ll need shoes.”

“Whatever you need, cool. That dress is it.” His gaze drops to my legs, lingering appreciatively. “And it’s definitely not too short.”

Excitement courses through me. He likes it. He’s looking at me like he wants me and I know it’s crazy, but I love it. I want to see him look at me like that again. All night.

“There’s a problem though.” I shift on my feet, trying to ignore the worry coursing through me. I don’t want to hear him say no.

“What could be the problem?” He stands and approaches me. My knees threaten to buckle and I lock them, hoping like crazy I don’t fall over like an idiot all because he’s coming closer with that dark, intriguing look in his eyes.

Like he wants to gobble me up.

“The dress costs almost four hundred dollars,” I whisper. I could buy a ton of groceries with money like that. Pay most of our rent. Buying a dress I’m going to wear one time for that much money is insane.

Drew doesn’t even flinch. “I’m still getting it for you.” He stops directly in front of me, rests his big hands on my waist. His touch burns through the fabric of the dress, I can feel his every finger press into my flesh and my heart starts to race. “You look beautiful, Fable.”

“I—I like it too.” I sound breathless and I want to kick myself. Guys don’t make me breathless. They don’t make my heart race either.

But somehow this one does.

“Find something that works?” Kaylie is standing just behind Drew, her withering stare directed at me, and I wonder if Drew is putting on this show of touching me for her benefit.

My entire body deflates at the realization and I withdraw from his hands. “I’m going to change. We should probably get going. And I still need to find shoes.”

“What’s the occasion?” Kaylie sounds all perky and sweet but there’s a hint of venom just beneath the surface. This girl looks like she’d love to sink her claws into Drew.

And then scratch my eyes out with them.

“My dad’s dragging us to the dinner tonight at Pebble Beach,” Drew tells her.

“Oh, I’ll be there too. We’ll have to hook up.” She giggles and I sneak back into the dressing room, slamming the door with enough force to rattle the walls.

Hook up. Nice choice of words. If she doesn’t watch it, I’m going to send a right hook straight into her too perfect nose.

~* Chapter Six *~

Day 2, 6:17 p.m.

Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. – Dalai Lama


“My dad is blowing up my phone,” Drew calls from the living room. “Are you ready yet? They’re threatening to leave without us if we’re not ready to go by six thirty.”

Holy crap. My hands are shaking as I finish putting on mascara and I’m afraid I’ll stab my eye out. Drew’s constant reminders that his parents are waiting don’t help. I have never been so nervous about how I look in all my life. Not even when I attended my junior and senior proms and spent hours getting ready. Saving all my money to buy the cheap dress from JC Penney, thinking I looked all hot when I probably looked like a little girl playing dress up.

Now here I stand in a dress, shoes and miscellaneous accessories that almost cost one thousand dollars. Drew didn’t protest when Kaylie rattled off the total after she rang us up. Merely handed over his credit card without a word, though she was quick to give me a shitty little look at the end of the transaction.

Monica Murphy's Books