Once Bitten (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #1)(92)

He took a moment before answering, and I knew he was weighing his answers. “Alexa, there is much that I must keep quiet for a reason. I’m sure you understand. However, in this case, I worried about your well-being.”

The wheels turned in my brain as I tried to put it all together. “My well-being? How long have you known about me? I’m guessing it’s been much longer than the last five years I’ve worked for you.”

“Of course. Raoul atoned for what he’d done by taking you into his small town pack. He was to keep you safe as you developed into womanhood.”

And, as my abilities developed. I could almost hear the unspoken words that he wasn’t saying.

“You knew I could work energy.”

“Everyone can work with energy if they choose, Alexa. You were born conducting it, natural. That ability in a werewolf is priceless, of course I was interested in you.” His firm tone held no placation. He remained the practical businessman.

I felt burned that he had kept me in the dark, ultimately for his own purpose. Though Raoul hadn’t been the ideal role model, Veryl had ensured that I’d been safe through my first difficult years as a Were. None of this was really Veryl’s fault. It was Raoul’s.

“Can I ask you why you didn’t just kill him after he murdered my family?” My hands were sweaty as I tightened my grip on the phone.

“Those decisions are never the same for each situation. It was an isolated incident. And like I said, he and I struck a deal.”

Business, like everything, my fate was just business with Veryl. Did that vampire ever make decisions based on emotion or instinct? Was he always straight practicality?

“A deal? He killed my family in a fit of rage and almost killed me as well.” Bitterness was hard in my voice, but I knew he wouldn’t react to it.

“He didn’t… and now, he’s dead.” A short pause as he spoke quickly to someone in the background. “What do you want to hear, Alexa? I am sorry for the loss of your family, but I made the choice that I felt best at the time.”

I sighed. There was no point in taking out my undying resentment for Raoul on Veryl. That wouldn’t earn me anything. I couldn’t blame Veryl for treating it like he would any other situation. He wasn’t personally involved.

“Nothing. I’m just having a hard time handling this.” There, I was honest. I couldn’t see any reason not to be. “I think I need a few days to myself before I’ll be any good to you.”

“Take as much time as you need. And please, let me help with any expenses involved with this whole situation.”

I thanked him for his offer and said that I’d see him next week. After hanging up the phone, I sat on the edge of my bed and hung my head in my hands. I probably would have cried if I’d had the tears left to do so.

As it was, all I wanted to do was spend time alone in my room. I couldn’t recall the last time I’d been all alone with nothing but my thoughts and quiet contemplation. Unfortunately, life altering news had brought me to this moment of solitude.

How in the world was I going to come out the other side of this? I felt trapped in the middle of a problem with no solution. My solution had died with Raoul.


Life passed one day at a time. I struggled to accept the truth about my past. It was hard to move on. I’d gone from a delusional teenager with hearts in my eyes to a mid-twenties power hungry wolf with a new appreciation for the dangers of love.

Arys and I continued to discover the delicate balance of our bond. As trying as it may be, it isn’t without benefits. After more than three centuries, he sees the sun through my eyes. While we have managed to control our conjoined power, the effort remained a challenge, to say the least.

Compared to Arys and me, Shaz hadn’t adjusted any better to the link, but he accepted that it isn’t going away. My heart belonged to Shaz like all of me that is wolf, but the root of my own personal power longed for Arys as if we’d always been a part of the same flame. It was complicated. The frequent dreams about Raoul didn’t help the confusion.

After postponing our date night for almost two weeks, Shaz and I went out for the classic dinner and a movie. It was amazing how something as mundane as a real date could mean so much to me.

We asked Kylarai to join us for a run, but she just smiled and said that she’d agreed to help Kale nail a target. I’d asked her if “nail a target” was code for anything and received a nice open handed slap on the arm. A blade between the ribs hadn’t been so bad for Kylarai.

Outside, in the dark of night, I saw a black wolf framed by trees in the field. A sliver of moonlight cast a soothing glow, and I was sure my keen eyes were not playing tricks on me. When I blinked, the ghostly wolf was gone.

I sensed Shaz’s welcome approach and turned to admire his form as he stripped. Upon reading the letter from Raoul, he had responded with a fury to match my own. I felt amused that he, too, wished Raoul was still alive to take the beating that he deserved. Slowly I would learn to live with Raoul’s confession. It was a betrayal I never expected to get over.

I gently scraped my fingernails along Shaz’s firm shoulders, down his chest to his navel. He shivered in response, and I licked my lips invitingly.

With the most delicate touch, he traced the line of my jaw before nibbling ever so softly on my lower lip. His white blond hair fell across my nose, and I giggled in that girlish way that I so despise. Naked with him felt so right.

Trina M. Lee's Books