Once Bitten (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #1)(84)

“Thanks a lot, you bitch.” The hate in Raoul’s deep voice struck me to the core. “After everything I’ve done for you, after I save you from being raped and used like a piece of meat, this is how you repay me?”

My face flamed with the sudden heat of embarrassment. My wolf wanted to throw off this skin and make the short work of him that he so richly deserved. So, he wanted to air our dirty laundry, did he?

“You saved me Raoul? My ass you did. What kind of knight in shining armor do you mistake yourself for? You turned around and took me to your bed. I was seventeen, damn you. You took my innocence, all I had left!”

Overcome with long repressed emotions, I took a step toward Arys and Raoul. I launched my ready energy so that it blasted a hole the size of my fist in the floor between Raoul’s trembling knees.

“And don’t you dare start with that shit about how I was willing. I was a new werewolf, and you took advantage of that. You’re seventeen years my senior, yet you claim no responsibility.”

I stood before him shaking as I stared down into his dark eyes. Aware of my bloody desires, Arys released his hold, but Raoul didn’t attempt to get up. The power in my eyes had him wary.

My mind was a mass of confusion as my senses were overwhelmed by the lovely sources of energy to consume. I wanted to taste all three.

“What the hell are you?” Raoul murmured. An entranced expression smoothed his face into a look of wonder.

My eyes focused on the pulse in his throat. It leapt so very fast beneath his skin. I moved to brush his hair away and bent to breathe in his familiar scent, the perfect mix of cologne, man and wolf. Desire reared its head inside me, and I almost gagged on it. The urge to taste his hot blood dripping on my tongue was so powerful, accompanied by the need to have him writhing naked beneath me. My mind was swimming as I fought Arys’s hunger.

I sensed a sudden motion behind me; in the same moment, Arys sprang into action. I gave Raoul a shove that sent him reeling. The heavy thud of bodies colliding sent a sick chill through me as I whirled around. Arys pinned Zoey successfully to the floor, but a new rage surged through me when I saw the glint of the silver knife handle lodged in his side.

“Arys?” Adrenaline hit me hard, and I dropped to my knees beside him. “Are you ok?”

Zoey was squirming like a junkie on Cops, but he held firm with one forearm tight across her airway. “Yeah, just get it out.”

As my fingers touched the handle, the jolt of pain in my side was instant, and I nearly lost my grip. The phantom of his pain felt so very real. With one solid pull, I drew the blade from his body. Bright vampire blood shone wet on the knife. The energy within his blood was as delectable as the scent of fresh roses. A crimson stain grew on Arys’s t-shirt.

Across the room, Raoul was on his feet, but stiffness limited his movements. I worried that he would shift in order to compensate.

“Get the f**k off of me.” Zoey growled. Four sharp canines distorted her words. Arys gave her a backhand that even made me flinch, yet she didn’t cease her struggle.

Before Raoul could even consider intervening, I threw an energy wall between him and us. The clear sheet of immoveable power wouldn’t last long if I didn’t feed it continuously, but it would keep him occupied for a moment or two.

Voices reached me from beyond the broken front door. “Wait,” I heard Jez say in her no nonsense, ringleader tone. “Something’s not right.”

I’d say. The half-breed wolf from hell was a real pain in the ass. With our backup in place, I took a moment to lift Arys’s shirt. The wound was already healing.

“It’s cool, Jez,” I called. “Come on in.”

“What in the f**k?” Raoul slammed his large fists against my barrier, causing a faint ripple. The wall held, though. “What do you think you’re doing, Alexa? Damn you. Let me out of this damn thing.”

“I’m fine,” Arys admonished as I studied the healing stab wound. “Trust me, I’ve had worse.” When I raised an eyebrow in response, he added, “Seeing you with my eyes is absolutely heart stopping.”

Crap. That’s why Raoul had reacted the way he did to me. I was suddenly very afraid to turn and look at Shaz.

“Alexa? Are you guys ok?” Jez’s head poked into the kitchen from the front room. She took in the scene before her with little surprise. “My, isn’t this interesting?”

Shaz was barely a step behind her, and he faltered when he saw me on the floor next to Arys with my matching blue eyes. Slowly, I got to my feet, brushing non-existent dust from my knees.

“Kill her,” I said to Arys, unable to take my eyes from my white wolf. His presence alone was creating the balance that I didn’t know I’d been missing.

“No!” Raoul’s voice thundered through the house, and my energy wall dropped.

With no hesitation, the vampire forced Zoey’s head to the side and bared her beautiful throat. God help me, but I eagerly anticipated the moment her blood would flow. As Arys sunk fangs into her tender flesh, Raoul growled and leapt.

Both Jez and I reacted, but she was faster. Raoul’s weight was at least twice that of hers, and they rolled in a ball of flailing limbs. The angry yowl of a pissed off cat filled the silence as they grappled tooth and nail to gain the advantage.

I hung back and waited for an opening. To use metaphysical power would risk injury to Jez. I feared Raoul would overpower her simply because of his desperation to save his daughter.

Trina M. Lee's Books