Once Bitten (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #1)(63)

Even amid the death and destruction, my eyes closed of their own accord. The overpowering smells that crowded my sensitive nose seemed to dissipate as I saw the world through an aural haze. I opened my eyes, and Arys’s midnight blue aura shone faintly around him. My own yellow gold surrounded me. I gave a small gasp. The two energies reached for one another. They formed a small arc between us like a rainbow of swirling golden blue.

I shook off the fascination of our entwined auras and concentrated. I was able to clearly isolate the remnants of energy left behind by both Belle and her killer. I felt Arys. He shielded me from the trauma that danced among the energy shadows. I could see nothing, but I didn’t need to see her because I could feel her. The killer I sought was female and neither human nor wolf but both. The energy was new to me, but with Arys’s touch, I found the idea: Hybrid.

I must have said the word aloud because Arys nodded and repeated it. I blinked a few times, and my link began to fade. I lost sight of our auras.

“Did you see that?” I asked with a giddy excitement in my tone. “Our auras joined together like some twisted, poison vine? I mean I’ve seen it in the color of my psi balls but that was crazy.”

I felt a little silly. The metaphysical high hit me on a physical level. Arys’s serious expression only enhanced my self-consciousness.

“See it? No. I can see it when we work energy, but just now? No.” Ever so slowly, he ran his hands over my aura, scant inches from my body. He didn’t touch me, but I felt his touch inside me, like a tickle. “I can always feel your aura drawing mine, like magnets.”

Arys’s eyebrows drew together. I could see the wheels in his brain turning. He was intrigued. Why could I visibly see it, and he could not?

“You never saw the colors just now? Blue and gold? Nothing?” I’d so easily slipped into third eye view, and my nerves buzzed, as if needles poked every inch of my body. I squirmed.

“What? No, nothing.” He paused, glanced down at Belle and then back at me. “I think it’s because I am undead, on the other side of the plane from the living.”

Nodding, I turned to the bed to draw the dirty sheet up over her head. I would have closed her eyes, but the shock in her frozen expression made me reluctant to touch her.

“Ok, let’s go talk to Raoul. See what he knows about a wolf hybrid.” I’d seen enough.

“What does it look like?” The vampire’s cool touch on my arm caused a small spark. “Our auras, I mean.”

In his jaded gaze, I clearly saw his envy. I had an ability that he did not. I hid the smile that caused my lips to twitch as we descended the stairs side by side.

“They arc like electricity between us, connecting us in the center.” I vaguely indicated the lower chakra region on my body and didn’t miss his sly grin and nod.

“Of course,” he purred low in my ear. “That’s only fitting.”

“Get off,” I growled playfully with an elbow in his side.

We followed the short hall to the kitchen where Raoul and Julian spoke in hushed tones. Zak stood on the front deck with his cell phone pressed to his ear.

They all turned to look at us expectantly, and I hated that I got sucked into this crap. Raoul offered me a cup of coffee, which I took out of obligation, not because I wanted any. Surprisingly, he remembered my three creams, two sugars.

I glanced at Arys who met my gaze with an intensity that I didn’t like. Not here, not now. Sure, that wasn’t what I’d been saying before.

“Would you mind running some security while I talk with Raoul?” I asked with a look said this wasn’t the time or place for energy games.

With a wink and a slight nod of his head, he replied, “Of course. Anything for you, my love.”

My face turned ten different shades of red. What was it with men? Why was it necessary to make it so obvious?

“Raoul, if you and I could have a moment of privacy?” I carefully ignored the other Weres’ appraising glances. So, Arys was willing to share with Shaz but no one else? How thoughtful.

“Sure, let’s go in the den.”

I followed him into his cozy office. Small and windowless, it held only a sofa, desk and bookshelf, but we could sit and shut everything else out. When he closed the door, I took a deep breath and spoke with my voice low.

“A hybrid killed Belle, and Julie and Sheridan, too.” I shuffled from foot to foot, nervous of his reaction.

Raoul’s face drained of all color, and he sat heavily on the edge of the desk. His wide shoulders slumped, and I read in his coal black eyes what I’d suspected all along.

“You know who it is,” I declared. “If you expect me to put myself on the line, then you’d better start talking. Now.”

I crossed my arms and fixed him with my best “take no shit” expression. He stared at my feet for what felt like an eternity.

I was ready to hurl a tirade of irritated curses, when he forced his eyes to mine. I could feel his anguish and shame like a worn cloak of bitterness settling about my shoulders.

“God, Alexa, don’t hate me. I’ve made some really big mistakes in my past. Bigger than you’d ever imagine.” He ran a hand through his damp hair, which trailed water droplets along the shoulders of his grey t-shirt. I said nothing, waiting for him to go on.

“I was so afraid that she was behind this. After all this time. I should have known better.” His eyes took on a haze that indicated he was reliving a memory, and I was keenly aware of the way his bottom lip trembled ever so slightly. The wolf in me was curious what he would do if I bit it.

Trina M. Lee's Books