Notorious Pleasures (Maiden Lane #2)(30)

The dancers and the clown were followed by a play, Love for Love, which was admirably acted, though Griffin hardly noticed. He was too busy watching Lady Hero from out of the corner of his eye.

As the actors were bowing, Thomas stood. “Shall we stroll the gardens?”

The suggestion was obvious, and Thomas never glanced at the box opposite. Still, Griffin was unsurprised when the red-haired lady stood as well. Grimly, he offered his arm to Lady Phoebe.

The pleasure gardens were cunningly laid out. Tall hedges trimmed into fantastic beasts lined the walkways, obscuring narrower paths leading off it, as well as nooks and grottos tailor-made for sophisticated amusements. As he guided Lady Phoebe, Griffin wondered cynically how many of the other ladies they passed were there professionally.

“Oh, look!” Lady Phoebe tugged at his arm as one of the many set pieces came into sight. “How is it done?”

Before them was a pretty outcropping of rock, decorated with a falls. But the falls in this case was of multicolored lights.

“How clever,” Megs murmured. “I can’t tell how it’s devised. Perhaps one of the gentlemen can educate us?”

“Haven’t a clue,” Bollinger admitted immediately with honest good humor.

Megs laughed. “Huff?”

“Must be mechanical,” Huff said.

“Well, of course it’s mechanical,” Caro said. “But how does it work?”

Thomas frowned. “A pulley system of some sort, I’d wager.”

For a moment they all gazed, transfixed, at the moving lights as they seemed to flow over the barren rock.

Griffin stirred. “I think we’re overlooking the most obvious explanation.”

“Which is, my lord?” Lady Hero raised her left eyebrow.

“Fairies,” he replied gravely.

“Oh, for goodness’ sake!” grumped Caro, and immediately dragged her husband off, despite Huff’s protests.

“Fairies,” Lady Hero repeated. Her lips definitely twitched.

“Fairies.” Griffin stuck his free hand between the buttons of his waistcoat and struck a learned pose, head tilted back, brow furrowed solemnly, foot thrust forward. “In my opinion—which, by the way, is considered an authority on rainbow light falls—each individual light in this falls is in actuality a fairy running quickly over the rocks.”

Megs was grinning, Lady Phoebe was giggling, but Lady Hero nodded as if his nonsense was perfectly possible. “But if they are fairies as you say, why exactly should they run down instead of up?”

“My dearest lady,” Griffin replied with sad pity. “Do you not know that falls only run down and not up?”

Her mouth had widened, her delicate, pale pink lips trembling with laughter, and his heart suddenly sang. Just like that. With no preliminaries or warning, without reason or goal, he was happy. And looking into her clear gray eyes, he had an idea she was happy as well. How odd that such a thing, such a moment, should compound and redouble until the very fact that she was glad made him the most joyful man in the world.

For just a moment in time.

Then Thomas, who if anything should’ve been suspicious of their banter, said rather absentmindedly, “Shall we try this path, my dear?”

And he pulled her away.

“Come on,” Lady Phoebe urged, and they and Megs and Bollinger chose another path.

Griffin strolled along, listening with only one ear to their banter and exclamations. He must’ve interjected enough comments to maintain a normal front, for no one stared at him oddly or pulled him aside to ask just what the devil he thought he was doing flirting with his soon-to-be sister-in-law.

But he knew. Oh, yes, he knew—he was in over his head and sinking fast. He might be irritated by Lady Hero’s calm acceptance of her own perfection, of her condemnation of him without even a trial, even of her fondness for Thomas, but that didn’t change his own body’s inclinations. He was attracted to the lady—and what was worse, the lady was attracted to him. This was exactly what he had vowed to never let happen. He couldn’t let it go further. He must make a firm pledge to stay away from the lady.

Yet, here, tonight, he couldn’t stop himself from peering down alleys and grottos, searching for a glimpse of scarlet and ruby skirts, a gingery head, the elegant turn of a neck. Where had Thomas taken her?

Damnation! Were they embracing even now?

They’d almost made a complete circumference of the gardens when the first pop! exploded overhead.

“The fireworks!” Lady Phoebe pointed.

A glowing red star shot into the night and burst above them, sending green and blue sparks showering down. Their group had stopped in a small clearing, and a crowd of the other guests began gathering about them. Caro and Huff soon joined them. Griffin glanced around but could see neither Lady Hero nor Thomas.

“I say, is that a turtle?” Huff asked beside him.

“No,” came Caro’s exasperated tones. “It’s a spider.”

“Looks like a turtle to me,” Huff said, unperturbed by his mate’s correction.

A flash of scarlet caught Griffin’s eye. He turned and saw Lady Hero disappear down a path. Good God, was she alone? Surely she knew better than to wander a dark path at night by herself?

He excused himself from the small group, making sure Lady Phoebe was with Megs and Caro and their escorts, then strode rapidly to where he’d seen Lady Hero. The popping and cracking continued overhead, and suddenly the path ahead of him was lit in bright orange. There at the far end stood Lady Hero looking around.

Elizabeth Hoyt's Books