Not Safe for Work(18)

Patience, Rick. Patience.

I unzipped my pants and pulled out my very erect cock, and just to f*ck with him, I took my sweet time opening the lube bottle. He shifted his weight from one hand to the other. One knee to the other. One hand to the other.

“Comfortable?” I asked.

He nodded. “Just…want…”

“Want what?”

He took a few breaths—was he panting already? “Anything you want.”

“Good answer.” I poured some lube on my first and middle fingers. “As it happens, I want to f*ck you.”

He inhaled like he was about to speak, but when I pressed my lubed fingers to his ass, he tensed, and then exhaled and didn’t say anything. Carefully, slowly, I slipped two fingers inside him. He arched his back, nearly dislodging the box of condoms, and whispered something I didn’t understand. I’d f*cked him just last night, but I was excited and aroused as if I’d never touched him before. There was so much potential here. So much smooth, exposed skin to cover in sweat and welts.

Just imagining it made me dizzy. Knowing it was a possibility—that any number of those fantasies could come true if I told him it was what I wanted—was overwhelmingly erotic. As I f*cked him with one hand, I stroked myself with the other, keeping both motions slow so I didn’t make one of us come too soon.

“You said you like being tied up,” I whispered. “Forced to take whatever’s given to you.”

He nodded. “Y-yeah.” A tremor made the condom box slide down toward the middle of his back. He tensed, clenching around my fingers and holding perfectly still, which must’ve been a struggle for him.

“We could do that, you know.” I pushed my fingers apart, stretching him gently. “Right here. In this room. Would you like that?”

Another nod, though subtle this time, as if he thought that slight movement would knock everything off his back.

“Answer me, Rick.”

“Yes, I would.”

“We will. Once we’ve been at this awhile”—I bent my fingers just right to find that sweet spot inside—“I promise you, we will.”

He moaned, damn near whimpered. Whether it was from the promise or the pleasure or both, I couldn’t tell, but it turned me on either way. I slid my fingers out, then in again, and he gasped and bucked just hard enough to send the lube and condoms clattering to the floor.

“Shit,” he breathed. “Sorry.”

“It’s all right this time.” I slipped my fingers free. “Now pick them up and give them to me, because this gorgeous ass needs to be f*cked again.”

He grabbed the fallen box and bottle, and twisted around to hand them to me.

I quickly put on a condom and some more lube. With one hand on his hip, one around the base of my cock, I guided myself to him, and for a moment, the whole room was completely silent. I was holding my breath. He must’ve been holding his. As the head of my cock pushed past the tight ring, he swore softly, and we both exhaled as I worked myself into him. He moaned, the tension melting out of his shoulders as he took me deeper.

I may as well have built this entire room for this specific moment—fully dressed, f*cking a naked, submissive Rick right here in the middle of the floor. My imagination showed me a million other things we could—and hopefully would—do in this room, but it all came down to this—Rick, surrendered, taking whatever I chose to give him. Tonight, my cock. Tomorrow, maybe a flogging, or a few welts from a rope. Eventually…hell, the sky was the limit. Anything he wanted. Anything he was willing to take.

Rocking my hips slowly, sliding in and out of his tight ass, I ran my hands up and down his back. “Your profile had some interesting answers on it.”

He turned his head, lips taut. “What?”

“Oh, you thought I was just going to f*ck you?” I laughed as I drew my fingernails down his sides, making him tighten around me. “No, no, Rick. I’m going to f*ck you, and you’re going to talk. Coherently. Understood?”

I thought he murmured “shit…” but then he nodded. “Okay. Yes.”

“Good.” I dug in my nails and slammed into him. As I started to withdraw, I gritted my teeth, and then slowly pushed back in. “You said on your profile…” I paused, mesmerized for a moment by the sight of my cock disappearing inside him. “You said you like pain sometimes. And there are things you want to try.” I took a few long, slow strokes, enough to most likely make him forget anything I’d just said. “What do you want to try?

“I want…” He released a hiss of breath. “God, I…”

“Answer me. Or else I’ll stop.”

“Hot…” His head fell forward, and a shudder ran up the length of his spine. “Hot wax.”

“Hot wax?”


I bit my lip. Instantly, my mind’s eye was filled with images of hot wax dripping all over his gorgeous torso, thin colored stripes piling one on top of the other while he… Would he moan? Cry out? Lose himself in subspace from the first stinging drop, or would I have to work at it to put him in that space?

“Maybe we’ll have to try that,” I murmured, and f*cked him a little faster. “Right here. In this room.”

Rick groaned. “P-please…”

L. A. Witt's Books