Not Safe for Work(106)

Mitchell drew back. Color drained from his face.

“I would never presume to tell someone how to run their business,” Rick snarled. “But, if you want to continue this business relationship, I would suggest that you and your partners make some substantial changes to how you treat your employees. All of them. We came to Mitchell & Forsythe because this firm is the best. No small part of that is because of them.” He made a sweeping gesture at the rest of my crew. “And if you expect them to kiss your ass, then you can kiss mine while I walk out the f*cking door.”

Everyone in the room inhaled sharply.

He didn’t seem to notice and stepped closer to Mitchell, pointing sharply at the center of the man’s chest. “My company will not be dropping our contracts with your firm, but only because I will not be the reason all these people find themselves without a job. But if I don’t see any changes, or I hear so much as a rumor of something like this again, you will never see another Horizon Developing dime again, and their livelihoods”—he gestured at us again—“will be on your conscience, not mine. Am I clear?”

Mitchell’s eyes could not possibly have gotten any wider, but they sure tried. Wordlessly, he nodded.

“Good. Now let’s go sort out those contracts while these nice people get back to work.” He turned to me, and his expression softened a little. “I’ll see you this evening?”

Relief rushed through me so quickly, it shook me right to the core. “Yeah.” I cleared my throat. “Absolutely.” I had no idea when or where or what he had in mind, but that could be settled later.

He smiled, winked and headed out into the hall.

Marie followed without so much as a glance at anyone.

Mitchell looked around, eyeing the group of us warily as if he thought one of us might come at him. His gaze landed on me.

My stomach knotted. He’d be well within his rights to fire me for that, or at least to rip me a new one now that Rick was out of earshot.

“Well.” He muffled a cough and gestured at my model. “Keep…keep up the good work.”

And then he was gone.

As the door banged shut behind him, my chest tightened. I could feel everyone staring at me. The silence held on, as if no one knew quite what to say after something like that.

It was—surprise, surprise—Cal who spoke first. “So, wait. You’re gay?”

Teagan burst out laughing. “Really, Cal? That’s what you took away from all of that?”

“Hey, I’m still processing all of it! But, I mean… Since when are you into dudes, McNeill?”

I laughed. “What can I say, Cal?” I faced him, showing my palms. “I just couldn’t give my heart to another woman after your mom—”

“Oh for f*ck’s sake.” He dropped back into his chair. “Asshole.”

“As always,” Teagan said, “you walked into that.”

“Can we get back to the important subject here?” Bianca gestured at me. “How the hell did you hook up with him?”

“And when did you really switch to dudes?” Scott asked. “You were banging—”

“Shut up,” Cal muttered.

“Not your mom.” Scott rolled his eyes. “You brought that redhead to the Christmas party last year.”

“And what about all the bullshit you were preaching about the G-spot?” Bianca asked.

I put up my hands again. “Okay, first of all, the G-spot is not bullshit, and the redhead I brought to the Christmas party would happily testify to that. And second, if you look up the word ‘bisexual’ in the dictionary, it might explain a few things.”

“Okay, but…” Silent Dave said. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“Yeah.” Cal eyed me over his monitor. “You’ve really been into dudes and chicks all this time, but you never said anything to us?”

I swallowed. “I… It wasn’t really something I advertised. I mean, you guys, you’re from a different generation. Mine…wasn’t quite so open about stuff like that.”

Bianca shook her head. “Wow. I can’t imagine being closeted for that long.”

“No kidding,” Scott said. “Being in the closet all the way through the Ice Age must’ve been—”

“Fuck you.” I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

Cal leaned back in his chair, lacing his hands behind his head. “I don’t know what you were so worried about. I mean, I’m cool with it. In fact, I think you should bring him next time we all hang out.”

“You… Really?”

“Well, yeah.” Cal shrugged. “Dude’s loaded—he can buy the booze!”

Everyone burst out laughing.

“All right, all right,” I said. “Get back to work, you guys.”

As Silent Dave put his headphones back on, and everyone else resumed chattering and working, Teagan came around her table. She hugged me gently. “That took some serious balls. What you said to Rick, I mean.”

“No, it didn’t. It just needed to be done.” As she released me, I added, “I was going crazy without him.”

“I know you were. I could tell. But you also stood up for all of us by doing that.”

“I wish I could say that was why I did it.”

L. A. Witt's Books