No Limit (Armed & Dangerous #1)(63)

After an hour of waiting, I couldn’t do it anymore. There was only one person she was close to in Vegas. I didn’t care if it was stalkerish, I had to know where she was. After almost losing her once, I didn’t want to imagine anything happening to her. I dialed Diane’s number and she picked up on the second ring.

“Hello, Jason.”

“Good morning, Diane. Have you seen or talked to Aylee this morning?”

“No, why? I wasn’t planning on seeing her until the surprise party tonight. Is everything okay?”

Running a hand through my hair, I sighed. “I don’t know. She’s not here and she’s not answering her phone.”

“Hmm, that’s strange. How did things go last night?” she asked curiously.

“Great, or at least, I thought they did. What all did you two talk about yesterday?”

“Lots of things. She’s worried about you not wanting to be with her because of the distance thing. I told her to be patient with you. I figured you’d tell her how you felt last night.”

“I was saving it for after the party. You know what I have planned.”

“I do, but she doesn’t. I wasn’t about to tell her.”

“Fuck me. I should’ve known it was a mistake to wait.”

She snorted. “I swear men have the worst possible timing. Aylee is an impatient woman. Making her wait to hear how you feel probably wasn’t the smartest move. Are her things still there?”

I charged toward the other bedroom and slammed open the door. “Goddammit, she’s f*cking gone. None of her stuff is here.”

“This isn’t good,” she added.

“No shit. I need to find her.”

“Do you need her address? She gave it to me yesterday.”

Rushing to my room, I threw my suitcase onto the bed, cramming my clothes into it. When I grabbed my laptop, I knew exactly what to do. “No, I know just how to find her.”

One call and one text. I’d been gone for almost a full day and Jason had only called me one f*cking time. I almost broke down and called him back after listening to his message, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Not after I left him in the middle of the night. I thought it’d be easier not having to deal with the awkward goodbye. By now, he most likely realized I’d left to spare us both the heartache. It was obvious he didn’t mind. Luckily, I had my uncle and Regis to keep me occupied.

“Come here, Regis Finn!” I called. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed the giant blanket until the moment I pulled into the driveway and he ran over the hill to greet me with his tongue lolling out to the side. He was a tri-colored, Cavalier King Charles Cocker Spaniel. Adrian had given him to me as a Christmas present one year and ever since then he had been our dog.

“What all did Adrian say when he dropped off Regis?” I asked.

My uncle put his arm around me and kissed my head. “He thought you’d want the little rascal back. From what I hear, he loves New York. Have you talked to him?”

Closing my eyes, I breathed in the cool, crisp air and then opened them. “No, but I’m glad he’s happy.”

We walked up to the top of a small hill over-looking the grounds, and took in the view. The white plantation style home had been transformed into a bed and breakfast back in the seventies when my uncle bought it. We had our own pond, walking trails, and wide open fields that you could get lost in for hours.

Regis hopped up on my legs. I sat down on the ground so he could tackle me. I giggled as he licked my face and lied down beside me.

“When you called in the middle of the night, I thought something was wrong.”

I looked up at him, his expression troubled. “Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to come home.”

He sat down beside me and rubbed Regis’ head. “You can’t lie to me, peanut. Is it that cop you were with? Did he do something to hurt you?”

Shaking my head, I looked away, trying desperately to keep the tears at bay. “He didn’t hurt me, Uncle G. I just thought after everything we’d been through . . . it wouldn’t just end. He never said he wanted to make things work between us once we moved home.”

“Did you?”

I closed my eyes. “No.”

“Then you can only blame yourself, sweetheart. You weren’t raised to be scared of a fight. You fight for your country and for the good of man, maybe you should start learning how to fight for love.” He squeezed my chin and then got to his feet.

“Gary!” Mitchell shouted, his voice echoing from the house. Mitchell was my uncle’s significant other; they both ran the B&B together.

Gary turned around and I squinted against the sun so I could look up at him. “Yeah?” he called.

“Tell peanut she has a visitor!”

I stood up quickly, pulse racing. Regis jumped to attention and barked as I got to my feet. Was it Jason? Surely, it couldn’t be him. “Who do you think it could be?”

Uncle G and I walked down the hill together, followed by Regis. “Don’t know. It could be the news. I bet they want to interview you for the local paper. You’re a hero now; all the people in town are proud of you.”

I didn’t want to be on the news again. Jason and I had more time in the spotlight in the past week than I’d care to have in my entire lifetime. When we got down to the house, I didn’t see a news van anywhere, but I did see . . .

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