No Denying You (Danvers #5)(26)

Chapter Nine

Her whole pep talk was in danger of going up in flames simply from looking at Brant sitting on the deck with her father reading the morning paper. Oh yum! Why does casual have to look so good on him? Emma wanted to turn around, run upstairs and jump back in the shower . . . this time for a cold one. He was in another pair of cargo shorts paired with a black T-shirt. The thin cotton of the shirt showed clearly defined muscles, and she knew from experience that his stomach was a perfect V-shape. He had mentioned previously that he liked to run every morning. Since finding out by accident that he lived on the beach, she now knew where those runs took place.

Her father looked up with a smile. “Good morning, sleepyhead. We all slept in, but I think you and your mother took it a bit too far. Brant here had already been running on the beach and made a pot of coffee when I wandered down.” It was obvious from her father’s warm tone that Brant had been accepted into the family fold. They were going to be disappointed when she pretend broke up with him.

Brant held up the coffeepot and motioned her to the seat beside him. “Morning, baby, coffee?” When she nodded, he poured her a cup and leaned down to give her a hard kiss on the mouth before putting the pot back. She was momentarily surprised at how natural it felt to be greeted by him in that manner. While Brant had a lively discussion with her father on who was going to win the Florida–South Carolina game that evening, he absently ran a hand up and down her back. It felt too good for her to pull away.

“So, you two ready for the big event tonight?” Emma looked at her father blankly before it registered that he was referring to the reunion.

“Er . . . yeah, I guess.” Emma had never felt less enthusiastic about anything—except maybe for her recent root canal. The thought of having to make small talk with people she hadn’t seen for years held little appeal now. She would much rather be somewhere alone with Brant and that, she thought dejectedly, was the problem. Just last week, she would have rather been anywhere in the world than with her insufferable boss. Now she couldn’t think of anyone else that she would rather spend time with. She knew in her heart that as soon as they returned home, this strange new thing would be over.

But it shocked her to realize that she could hardly stand to think of him going cold on her again. Did he feel anything at all toward her or was he just a good actor? She could have sworn she saw real affection in his gaze this morning. It was probably just for her father’s benefit, but it had made her heart beat madly.

“Penny for your thoughts . . .” She looked up flushing as she realized that her father had left the table and Brant was looking at her curiously. “You looked like you were a million miles away.”

“I . . . sorry. I think I’m still tired.”

He gave her what she could only call a wicked grin. “Something wore you out last night, huh? Maybe a shower would help wake you.”

Giving an unladylike snort, she said, “I’ve already had a shower.”

Brant lowered his voice and let his hand slide against the curve of her ass. “I didn’t mean alone.”

Oh my God, the sexy Brant from the previous night was still very much front and center this morning. He moved her hair aside and nibbled her ear. Shivers raced up her spine and her body caught fire. “Mmmm,” she moaned quietly before she could stop herself. Her hand tangled in his hair without conscious thought and next thing she knew she was out of her chair and on his lap. She felt him hard against her bottom as she wrapped her legs around his waist. His eyes blazed into hers for a moment before their mouths met, tongue to tongue, all-consuming. “Brant . . .”

His tongue took control and dominated hers. She was helpless to deny him anything as he plundered her mouth. The voice in her head was screaming loudly, What are you doing? It was going to have to come up with something better than that if there was any hope of making her back away from the amazing mouth devouring hers.

“Good morning, kids!”

Yeah, that would do it, Emma thought as she jerked away from Brant. Her mother’s loud, chipper greeting was enough to douse the flames that had been consuming her.

To his credit, Brant continued to hold her loosely in his lap as he smiled a greeting at her mother. “Good morning, Kat.” Emma was relieved to note that her mother had her purse and keys in her hand. Thank God for small miracles. She wasn’t up to a grilling session over her relationship with Brant.

“I have to take Sandra for her laser eye surgery. Her daughter was supposed to take her, but she canceled at the last minute. What time are you leaving tonight? I wanted to be here to take pictures.”

“Mom,” Emma groaned, “it’s a reunion, not the prom. We’ll probably leave early so we can have dinner first.”

“Honey, I need to capture you and this hunk beside you on film. I have the picture I took of you two last night with my phone, but I need a better one for Facebook.”

Emma felt Brant’s body shaking as he laughed. She couldn’t believe Mr. Conservative wasn’t freaking out at the thought of having his image plastered all over Facebook.

“You’re no help,” she grumbled to him. Then turning back to her mother, she added, “If we don’t see you before we leave, I’m sure we will when we get home. Now you’d better hurry so Sandra isn’t late to her appointment.”

Her mother gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead and then surprised her by repeating the gesture on Brant. “Enjoy the beach today. Your father is working for a while, but Robyn said she would stop by sometime.”

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