Night Game (GhostWalkers, #3)(102)

“You look upset, Raoul,” Flame said, rubbing his jaw with her palm. “We’ve got Joy back. They probably would have gotten off if the case had gone to trial. People like that always do. They kill off the witnesses and buy off the jury or the prosecutor and tamper with the evidence. This is much better.”

“I had no idea you were such a pessimist.”

“I’m a realist.”

“Did Vicq put his hands on you?” His tone was low. Ugly. His jaw set.

She leaned closer and kissed the corner of his mouth. “You’re upset because I went into the cabin, aren’t you? That silly macho part of you thinks you should have gone with me.”

“I’m upset over a lot of things, cher.”

“I can take care of myself in a fight, Raoul.”

He glanced at her, then back at the water. The rain was coming down harder, making it more difficult to see any dangers on the water’s surface. He was forced to slow the airboat. All he could think about was that Flame had been in danger and he had allowed her to walk into it. He didn’t care if it was macho of him to think that way or not. And the thought of another man touching her, hurting her, torturing her in the way Joy had been tortured, frankly made him ill. “Damn it, Flame, just answer me. Did he touch you?”

Her breast still hurt and she knew she’d have bruises. She closed her eyes briefly. Why couldn’t she just lie to him? “Yes. And then I killed him.”

He slammed his fist against the box beside the seat, roaring out a string of Cajun curses. “Where?”

Flame put her hand on his arm but remained silent.

“Maudit! Just answer me.”

She leaned against him, stroked his wavy hair, allowed her fingers to run down the side of his face in a soothing caress. “My breast. It hurt like hell.”

He turned his head to catch the sheen of tears in her eyes. “Fils de putain.”

Her heart squeezed tight and the lump forming in her throat threatened to choke her. “It got us Joy back so it was a very small price to pay.”

He circled her waist and dragged her against him. “I feel so much pride in you, I don’ have words to tell you.”

She laughed, relief sweeping through her. “The swearing was good. That said it all. I knew you were praising me.”

Four hours later Gator was cussing up a blue streak again. He stood staring at Flame, his jaw dropping, mouth hanging open, unable to believe his eyes. “Where the hell do you think you’re going dressed like that?” he demanded. His breath squeezed out of his lungs in a burning rush. She wore fishnet stockings and long leather boots with thick high heels. The tops of her garters showed beneath the micro-miniskirt and her top might as well have been nonexistent. She’d slathered on makeup, something she didn’t wear, and her hair was slicked back with some kind of shiny gel. “You look…” He trailed off, his heart pounding.

“Hopefully very slutty.” She examined her transparent top. Beneath it she wore a black push-up bra barely covering her nipples. “What do you think?” She stuck out her hip and put her hand on it. “Do you notice me, or the broken arm?”

“I didn’t even see the arm. What the hell are you doing?” he repeated.

“I’m taking down Saunders. I found out where his men pick up women and I’m certain he’s going to need solace tonight. He relaxes by beating and torturing his playmate of the night. I’ve seen them come out of his gatehouse almost nightly.”

“You think he was the one Joy was so afraid of.”

“I know he was. Joy told me. He’d sit in the corner and watch, sometimes direct the others to do things to her. He likes to see a woman in pain. I think my broken arm is going to be an asset in getting chosen for the dubious honor of having that man torture me.” She smiled brightly at him.

Gator sucked in his breath sharply. She was going to do this. He could tell by the determination on her face. He was going to have to endure the terror of losing her all over again. “I wouldn’t mind doing a little torturing myself, Flame. What are you thinking, going off by yourself for something that dangerous? Do you want to get killed?” He stepped closer aggressively, his fingers curling around her forearms like a vise. He gave her a little shake. Is that what this is all about? You have a death wish?”

“Actually no. I’m still here, aren’t I? I was waiting for you.”

They stood eye to eye. Toe to toe. Gator slowly al lowed his fingers to relax. “Oh. Good. Well then. At least you’re finally showin’ good sense. And just where did this outfit come from? You haven’t been out of my sight long enough to go on a shopping spree.”

She smirked. “Your grandmother.”

Gator raked a hand through his hair, wanting to tug it out by the roots. “Women were designed to drive good men crazy. Why the hell would my grandmother have a hooker outfit? All this time I’ve held out hope it was my brother who bought the toys for us. How the hell am I ever going to look her in the eye?”

Flame burst out laughing. “Men have such double standards. It’s perfectly okay for you to have good healthy lust and want wild, uninhibited sex and you like a woman to look a little slutty for you once in a while, but women better not feel the same way.”

“I certainly don’ want to picture my grandmother looking slutty.” He rubbed his hand over his face, covering his eyes as if that would drown out the picture.

Christine Feehan's Books