Naked in Death (In Death #1)(64)

“Hey, baby. Got something here for you.”

“Tell Commander Whitney I’m on my way,” she told Riley as the desk sergeant rolled his eyes.

Unable to resist, she swung by the bench, leaned close enough to smell sour vomit. “That was a charming invitation,” she murmured, then arched a brow when the man peeled open his fly patch and wagged his personality at her. “Oh, look, kitty. A teeny-tiny little penis.” She smiled, leaned just a bit closer. “Better take care of it, ass**le, or my pu**y here might mistake it for a teeny-tiny little mouse and bite it off.”

It made her feel better to see what there was of his pride and joy shrivel before he closed his flaps. The good humor lasted almost until she stepped into the elevator and ordered Commander Whitney’s floor.

He was waiting, with Feeney, and the report she’d transmitted directly from the crime scene. In the nature of the repetition required in police work, she went over the same ground verbally.

“So that’s the cat,” Feeney said.

“I didn’t have the heart to dump him on the daughter in the state she was in.” Eve shrugged. “And I couldn’t very well just leave him there.” With her free hand, she reached into her bag. “Her discs. Everything’s labeled. I scanned through her appointments. The last one of the day was at six-thirty. John Smith. The weapon.” She laid the bagged weapon on Commander Whitney’s desk. “Looks like Ruger P-ninety.”

Feeney took a look, nodded. “You’re learning, kid.”

“I’ve been boning up.”

“Early twenty-first, probably oh eight, oh nine.” Feeney stated as he turned the sealed weapon in his hands. “Prime condition. Serial number’s intact. Won’t take long to run it,” he added, but moved his shoulders. “But he’s too smart to use a registered.”

“Run it,” Whitney ordered, and gestured to the auxiliary unit across the room. “I’ve got surveillance on your building, Dallas. If he tries to slip you another disc, we’ll spot him.”

“If he stays true to form, it’ll be within twenty-four hours. He’s holding to the pattern so far, though each of his victims has been a distinctly different type: with DeBlass you’ve got the glitz, the sophistication; with Starr you’ve got fresh, childlike; and with this one, we’ve got comfort, still young but mature.

“We’re still interviewing neighbors, and I’m going to hit the family again, look into the divorce. It looks to me like she took this guy spur of the moment. She had a standing date with her daughter for Tuesdays. I’d like Feeney to run her ‘link, see if he called her direct. We’re not going to be able to keep this from the media, commander. And they’re going to hit us hard.”

“I’m already working on media control.”

“It may be hotter than we think.” Feeney looked up from the terminal. His eyes lingered on Eve’s, made her blood chill.

“The murder weapon’s registered. Purchased through silent auction at Sotheby’s last fall. Roarke.”

Eve didn’t speak for a moment. Didn’t care. “It breaks pattern,” she managed. “And it’s stupid. Roarke’s not a stupid man.”

“Lieutenant — “

“It’s a plant, commander. An obvious one. A silent auction. Any second-rate hacker can use someone’s ID and bid. How was it paid for?” she snapped at Feeney.

“I’ll need to access Sotheby’s records after they open tomorrow.”

“My bet’s cash, electronic transfer. The auction house gets the money, why should they question it?” Her voice might have been calm, but her mind was racing. “And the delivery. Odds are electronic pick-up station. You don’t need ID for an EPS; all you do is key in the delivery code.”

“Dallas.” Whitney spoke patiently. “Pick him up for questioning.”

“I can’t.”

His eyes remained level, cool. “That’s a direct order. If you have a personal problem, save it for personal time.”

“I can’t pick him up,” she repeated. “He’s on the FreeStar space station, a fair distance from the murder scene.”

“If he put out that he’d be on FreeStar — “

“He didn’t,” she interrupted. “And that’s where the killer made a mistake. Roarke’s trip is confidential, with only a few key people apprised. As far as it’s generally known, he’s right here in New York.”

Commander Whitney inclined his head. “Then we’d better check his whereabouts. Now.”

Her stomach churned as she engaged Whitney’s ‘link. Within seconds she was listening to Summerset’s prune voice. “Summerset, Lieutenant Dallas. I have to contact Roarke.”

“Roarke is in meetings, lieutenant. He can’t be disturbed.”

“He told you to put me through, goddamn it. This is police business. Give me his access number or I’m coming over there and hauling your bony ass in for obstructing justice.”

Summerset’s face puckered up. “I am not authorized to give out that data. I will, however, transfer you. Please stand by.”

Eve’s palms began to sweat as the screen went to holding blue. She wondered whose idea it was to pipe in the sugary music. Certainly not Roarke’s. He had too much class.

J.D. Robb's Books