“Mr. Sullivan,” said Abby coolly, keeping a firm hold on Brian’s hands, “whether or not Brian is listed as the owner of this property, this is his legal domicile and he has every right to ask you to leave. If you do not vacate the premises in the next ten seconds, we will call the police. Seeing as how you’re attempting to build this false image of a perfect father for the judge, I’m sure you wouldn’t want that.” Abby met his gaze steadily and simply said, “Ten…nine…”
Marcus gave her a repugnant glare and pivoted without a word, back to his Mercedes in the driveway.
Brian felt Abby place her hands on his face again, felt her eyes on him as she waited patiently for him to stop tracking Marcus’ car while it rolled leisurely down the street.
He knew without a doubt the * was doing that intentionally.
“Brian, I think you should call your mother and tell her what your father has planned,” said Abby calmly. “We don’t want Connor to get blindsided by all this in court.”
Brian blinked and focused on Abby’s face, torn up inside over the twinge of jealousy he was feeling over the level of Abby’s concern for Connor.
No. He wouldn’t let Marcus poison anything more in his life or Connor’s. “Abby, what he said about you—”
“I told you, I don’t care what that sorry excuse for a man says about me.” She gave him a quiet look. “Do you? Care about what he said?”
“No, definitely not.” As he said it he knew how true a statement that was. Jealous or not, he could get past Abby’s feelings for Connor as long as he knew one thing for sure.
“Do you love me, Abby?”
She slid her hand over his chest, over his heart. “Yes.”
“Then that’s all that matters. The rest will work itself out. I’ll wait however long it takes.”
“SO HAVE YOU AND BECKY’S FOLKS finalized a schedule around Jean going back to college? Her first classes are in second session aren’t they?” Abby navigated the shopping cart over to the fruits while Brian got a few more veggies for the casserole they were going to make the girls tomorrow night.
Brian nodded. “For the most part. Wednesday is the only night they absolutely need Becky to have dinner with us since George has the late shift and Jean’s class doesn’t get out till eight. Mondays and Thursdays will strictly be an afterschool thing since she’ll be home by six. And we’ll trade off full weekend sleepovers based on Jean’s papers and projects. Luckily, her professors already emailed her the syllabus so we could plan—”
“Brian? Abby?”
Abby turned just in time to catch the gushing, runaway train hug that came crashing into her.
She laughed at the very familiar hug. Nurse Jen had always been extremely perky.
“Ohmigosh, what’s it been, like a year now?”
Brian stepped forward and gave her a warm hug as well. “Almost a year and a half, actually. How’ve you been, Jen? Are you still over at the center?”
The bright, cheerful woman they’d gotten to know so well over the years proudly showed them her new hospital badge clipped onto her scrubs. “Actually, no. After I got married, we found a great apartment in Tempe so I applied for a nursing position closer to home.” She smiled. “It’s an adjustment but so far, I’m really enjoying the challenge.”
“I’m so happy for you. And belated congrats on your wedding,” added Abby. “You’d just gotten engaged when we saw you last, right?” She remembered noticing the engagement ring for the first time at Beth’s funeral.
“Thanks! Yeah, we had a pretty quick engagement and a super small wedding.” Jen bounced up and down excitedly. “But enough about me, tell me all about you two!”
Abby and Brian looked at each other. “What do you mean?”
“You two are obviously together now. I think that’s so great.”
Abby shifted uncomfortably and faded back a bit, hoping Brian would take the reins on this one. Jen, being one of Beth’s nurses back at the care center, was one of the few people outside of family that had been in close contact with Beth in the final years of her life. For some reason, Abby just felt awkward talking to her about her new relationship with Brian.
“So have you two been dating long?”
“No, just under a month now,” replied Brian, giving Abby a quizzical look.
Clearly, she wasn’t doing a good job masking her discomfort.
Jen gave Abby another half hug. “I’m just so glad it worked out for you two. I’d always hoped it would.”
Really? That was…odd.
Jen turned back to Brian. “And it’s so wonderful that you’re getting to now fulfill your promise to Beth. I used to hear all the stories you’d tell her about how you and Abby fell in love—”
Abby stiffened and she felt the room spin. One look at Brian’s horrified, guilt-filled expression was enough to numb her senses, render her limbs useless. The carton of eggs she’d been holding slipped through her fingers and splattered all over the floor.
“Oh goodness!” Jen rushed forward. “Are you okay? Are you feeling faint?”
Woodenly, Abby just shook her head.
Brian stepped in then, alarm etched in every worried line on his face. “I think we better cut this shopping trip short and head home. Jen, do you mind letting the manager know about this spill?”
Violet Duke's Books
- Violet Duke
- Resisting the Bad Boy - Nice Girl to Love, Vol 1 (Can't Resist #1)
- Love, Tussles, and Takedowns (Cactus Creek #3)
- Love, Exes, and Ohs (Cactus Creek #4)
- Love, Diamonds, and Spades (Cactus Creek #2)
- Love, Chocolate, and Beer (Cactus Creek #1)
- Falling for the Good Guy (Can't Resist #2)
- Choosing the Right Man - Nice Girl to Love, Vol 3 (Can't Resist #3)
- A Little Combustible Chemistry (Cactus Creek 0.5)