“Sweetheart, we don’t have to do this.” His voice was strained tight.

“It’s not phone sex if we don’t do anything with our hands, right? If we just talk?” she asked, not entirely sure she could keep to those constraints at this point.

“I guess not. But honey, any memory of you would inevitably lead to my needing to ‘finish the job.’ You’re so damn sexy I get hard just thinking about you.”

A quick burst of heat shot through her. “Then we’ll stop if it gets that far.”

“No promises,” he hedged.

She’d take it. “I remember that I was wearing a pair of black satin panties.”

“That were held together by bows at your hips,” he finished.

She slipped her hands up above her head and held onto her pillow to keep them from straying. “You lifted me up and put me on top of the dresser with the mirror...and then you let me touch you.”

His breathing picked up over the phone line.

“We both watched in the mirror as I wrapped my hand around you—”

“Abby,” he groaned. “Honey, I’m about two seconds away from not being able to stop at all.”

So she remained silent. But her mind didn’t. Heat sparked over the phone line as she remembered what it felt like to feel his bare skin brushing against her breasts. His large frame bracketing hers as he settled between the vee of her legs and ground himself against her, anchored her mouth to his while he thrust into her slippery heat.

Eyes shut, she arched into the memory, felt his tongue and teeth as he’d latched onto a nipple and took her to the brink with just that stimulation alone. He’d been relentless, driving into her over and over again, harder and deeper, until she’d clamped down on his rigid length to keep from spinning into oblivion as her orgasm began crashing over her.

“Connor,” she gasped too far gone in the memory. “I can’t stop.”

“Then don’t,” he replied hoarsely. “Come for me, Abby.”

The words were straight out of her most private dreams, only infinitely more potent live. She clutched the blankets as shivers of electricity shot down her core. Blinding, white-hot pleasure built to a crest that slammed into her in a wave so intense she cried out. Her body arched as the unexpected release charged through her, whipping all around, throwing her into a vortex of twisting pleasure she’d never felt before. It swept through her, jolting her again and again, a mindless bliss that exploded across her senses, and shattered her into a thousand pieces.

He’d made her come just by his voice alone.

“God, I wish I were there with you, sweetheart,” rumbled Connor into the phone.

“I do too,” she whispered, feeling the truth in that throughout every cell in her body.

CONNOR WAS PROBABLY IN THE BEST MOOD he’d been in months. Sure, he’d used up nearly all the cold water in his house last night—something he didn’t think was possible—but he’d also been privy to one of the sexiest things he’d ever not-witnessed in his entire life.

An extremely fair exchange.

“Hey, Connor. You have a minute?”

Seeing that his firm’s best investigator had one of his magic folders in his hand, he made the time. He pushed the intercom on his phone. “Laura, hold my calls for the next half hour.”

Motioning for Jay to sit, he opened up the folder. “What case is this for?”

“Your father’s.”

Frowning, he tossed the folder back. “I’m not getting involved.”

Jay shoved it over again. “You need to read this, buddy.”

Puzzled at his intensity, Connor flipped the file open and scanned the first document in the pile. His eyes flew up a second later and his hand shot out to grab Jay by the throat. “What the hell are you doing investigating Abby?”

Jay, stand-up guy that he was, sat there without striking back. “Your father insisted.”

“What the hell was he hoping to find?”

“Nothing, frankly. He was just fishing.”

“You could have said no.”

“Dammit, Connor. You know I couldn’t have. The request didn’t just come from your father. It came from everyone. With his ass on the line, the whole firm looks bad. Plus, far be it for me to actually compliment the rabid she-cat but Victoria is in top form with this case. You’d think she had something personal against the guy. I mean on any given day she has ice running in her veins but damn, even I’m afraid to cross her in the street after going through what she has planned next.”

He released his hold on Jay’s throat and took hold of the file again. “Did you find anything?”

“Everything I found that was relevant to the case, I gave to your father. Which was nothing. I kept everything in this file for your eyes only because I can only imagine how your father would hurt that sweet girl with this information.”

A look of sympathy passed over his features. “Read the second page.”

Connor flipped to the next document in the file and felt his stomach drop, his heart clench in pain. This information explained so much.

“I’m sorry, man,” said Jay quietly. “She’s a really nice girl. I met her at the party. I know it means jack shit at this point but tell her I’m sorry for this whole invading her privacy thing.”

Violet Duke's Books