My Last Resolution(32)

I turn around and walk away from him, but I stop and look over my shoulder.

He looks absolutely confused—torn, but he’s hiding it behind a smile.

I sigh and walk over to him again, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him like he’s kissed me so many times before. “Thank you for everything.”

“You’ve already told me that.” He pulls away and threads his fingers through my hair.


“So, if you still plan on leaving me, I suggest you do it now because if you don’t, I’ll be dragging you back home within the next twenty seconds.”

“Goodbye, Blake.” I slowly let go of him and head towards the desk, looking back every few seconds—making sure he’s still watching me. Until he isn’t anymore.

For some reason my chest is tightening, and I can’t help but feel like I’m making a huge mistake.

“Welcome back, Miss Weston,” the desk agent says as she hands me my boarding pass. “Have a safe flight.”

I look over my shoulder again, telling myself that if Blake is still there it must be some type of hopeless romantic sign, but he isn’t. No one is.

Sighing, I make my way through security without incident. There are no random alarms, no TSA agents emptying and re-emptying my bag, and unfortunately no one I’m in a rush to get away from this time.

By the time I make it to my gate, almost everyone has boarded.

“Enjoy first class, Miss Weston.” A woman scans my ticket, and I smile.

I’d told Blake that my ticket home was coach-class and that I didn’t need an upgrade, but he’s done it anyway. I want to send him a text, to playfully berate him for going against what I said, but I can’t.

I don’t want him to get the wrong impression.

We’ve already said goodbye.

As I buckle my seatbelt, I look outside my window. I’m halfway expecting Blake to come on board at any second, to say, “I’ve decided I want to f**k you in Nashville too,” but no one takes the seat next to me.

“Ladies and gentlemen aboard flight number 318, the main cabin doors will be closing in two minutes...”

I tap my foot in anticipation, still holding on to the same hope.

“The main cabin doors have officially been closed. Please stow away all personal electronic devices until we reach the proper altitude.”

Sighing, I shut my eyes and lean back in my seat. The second Blake’s face crosses my mind, I know for a fact that I’ve made a big ass mistake.

I could’ve stayed for four more days...


I bypass baggage claim and make my way to the exit escalators.

As the steps descend, I see David standing in line with the other sign holders. He’s written “Pear Pear” in red marker and drawn what appears to be a tongue and a vagina underneath it.

“Seriously?” I snatch the sign away from him and hit his arm. “Why are we friends?”

“I have no idea.” He laughs and takes my bag. “How were the last few days of your trip? Please withhold all sex stories until I put on my headphones.”

“They were okay.”

“Okay? That’s it?”


“What happened to all the ‘OMG-his dick actually fits into my mouth’ excitement?”

“Really, David?” I shake my head. “I enjoyed it. We pretty much had sex over and over again. Oh and we watched a few terrible movies in between him cooking for me.”

He suddenly stops walking and puts his hands on my shoulders. “You like him, don’t you?”

“Do not. I barely know him. The sex was just really good and we understood each other’s sarcasm.”

A little too well...

“Call him and ask if he can come visit you sometime. It’s not like you have anything else to do on the weekends. Plus, you’re practically homeless and unemployed right now.”

“Am I not staying at your place anymore? We’re not going to hang out on the weekends?”

“Not at night.” He scoffs. “You’ll need to stay on your side of the house whenever I have company. As a matter of fact, I amended one of my resolutions just for you.”

“Your number eleven?”

“You’re not that special. I can’t remember what number, but it said, “Help Paris find female friends to discuss dicks with.” If I don’t make any of the other ones, I‘m definitely going to make that one happen.” He rolls his eyes and leads me to the parking garage.

Today he’s driving his black Mercedes and I can’t help but think about Blake...

“What are the benefits of having a boyfriend?” Blake kisses my lips.

“I’m the worst person to ask right now. Don’t you think?”

“You said things were great in the beginning. How so?”

I smile as he moves on top of me. “Um...Well, you can talk to that person about any and everything, and he won’t judge you. He’s your shoulder to cry on whenever you need it...He remembers all the little things that make you happy on your worst days and vice versa. You’re completely comfortable with him and...You know, there’s unlimited physical stuff...”


“Kisses.” I roll my eyes. “Yes, sex.”

Whitney G Williams's Books