Marry Me at Christmas (Fool's Gold #19)(39)

Ted looked at his wife, then back at her. “You’re really with him.”

Madeline shrugged.

“I don’t...” He nodded. “Okay. Well, I hope you’ll be happy together.”

* * *

Madeline shivered slightly in Jonny’s SUV. He had the heat on high and the seat heaters going, but it was well below freezing and snowing. Her light wrap, while pretty, didn’t exactly warm her.

The wine helped. And the lemon drop she’d had as her cocktail. But still—it was winter. She was looking forward to getting into her warmest pajamas and climbing into bed.

“That was the strangest dinner ever,” she said. “I don’t know what to think.”

“You’re not going to hear from Ted again.”

“You don’t think so?”

“No. He had something to prove and now he knows he can’t.”

“Do you think we hurt their feelings?”

Jonny glanced at her. “How long have they been coming here?”

“Three years.”

“And at the end of every dinner, you feel worse about yourself and wish you didn’t have to see them again.”


“And you’re still worried about their feelings?”

“I can’t help it.”

“That makes you a good person.”

She supposed she should just go with that. Not about being a good person, but that for once Ted and Marigold hadn’t been able to beat up on her. Of course, a case could be made that she’d allowed them to do it, which made everything confusing.

She turned to Jonny. “Thank you for tonight. For taking me and being my date and saying such nice things about me.”

He pulled up in front of her house and turned off the engine. “You’re welcome.”

She got out of the car and started toward her front door. He walked with her.

“You’re a really good actor,” she continued. “Poor Marigold. I think she wanted to get you in her to-go box. I almost felt sorry for her.” They reached her front porch and she turned to him.

“You’re a fun date,” she said with a grin. “You can turn on the charm. I know it was just for their sake, by the way. Don’t worry that I’m going to turn into stalker girl or anything.”

“I never thought you would.”

His eyes were so beautiful, she thought as she stared at his face. And while the outside package was darned appealing, she had to admit there was something about the inner man that worked for her, too. The more she was around him, the more she liked him.

She shivered.

“You’re freezing,” he said. “Let’s get you inside.”

She fumbled for her key, only then wondering why he’d walked her to her door instead of waiting in his car. She opened the door and stepped inside. She turned, ready to say good-night. Only Jonny hadn’t waited on the porch. Instead, he’d followed her inside.

He closed the front door, took her bag from her and put it on the small table in her entry alcove. Then he put his arms around her and drew her close.

If she’d been with any other man, she would have thought he was going to kiss her. Only there was no way that he would—

His mouth was firm and warm and brushed against hers in the most delightful way possible. Madeline battled surprise and desire as the kiss went on for two heartbeats, then three. She raised her arms, not quite sure what to do with them. Putting them on his body seemed the most logical thing. That was what you did when you kissed. You hugged back.

So she let her hands settle on him. One rested on his shoulder, the other on his side. She felt the muscles in his body and the warmth. Her shoes made her a little wobbly, but that was okay because he was nice to cling to.

She liked the feel of his lips on hers. She liked how they fit together. Tingles danced all through her, and even with her eyes closed she saw the bolts of lightning all around them.

Actor’s magic, she told herself firmly even as his tongue lightly brushed against her lower lip.

She parted for him, not sure what to expect. He deepened the kiss. His tongue teased hers and, with every stroke, she leaned into him.

Wanting grew, as did heat. Suddenly she wasn’t cold anymore. She was trembling and ready and determined not to act like a fool, even though she wanted to.

He drew back and looked into her eyes. “I wasn’t acting,” he said, just before he released her and walked out the door.


JONNY RAISED THE barbell one last time and held it for a count of ten. He would have gone for twenty, but his arms were shaking and he didn’t have a spotter. No way he wanted to end up pinned. Although the rescue video would make a splash on TMZ, he thought humorously as he set the barbell back in the stand and sucked in a breath.

He knew that some actors took their downtime seriously—getting out of shape and putting on weight—then worked hard to get ripped again when filming started. He preferred a more balanced approached. It was easier to stay fit than get fit. He was willing to eat pasta and the occasional cookie, but for the most part, he stayed with his regular fitness routine. When he was about two months from filming, he got more disciplined, but didn’t have to hit the gym five hours a day to get in fighting condition.

He stood and grabbed his water bottle. After downing half of it, he headed for the treadmill. He would run his second two miles before hitting the shower, then drive into town. He had some more ideas for the wedding to discuss with Madeline.

Susan Mallery's Books